Personally, I'm finished with the series... and have been for quite a while.
Dunno how many people here are/were in the con circuit, but I was for a while. And heard over and over again about the Kirk/Spock/McCoy "Starfleet Academy" idea set pre-TOS (think the script and idea were originally put out by Harve Bennett). It was almost universally vilified by everyone in the con circuit. Noone thought that it was a good idea, and that if they were going to do Trek at all.. it be a continuation of the old and just advance down the timeline. You don't go backwards.
Well, you have to know that the "Starfleet Academy" idea had to get recycled when they got low on ideas. Ooooo, look.. it's untouched territory that we can legally go into! Yay! Let's make an uber-cool new idea. Set a series the same distance before Kirk/Spock as TNG was after Kirk/Spock, and we can continue that storyline for another (literally) 80 years until the Roddenberries are all dead and their rights to it lapse to the public domain, then we can steamroller over the original series.
Hmmm, and to bring up ratings, let's find a hot woman and put her in a catsuit. Oh, and what else.. well, Klingons were good for ratings in DS9.. we'll throw them in there. Ferengi make our lawyers happy because they're characters they can identify with.. they have to make a token appearance.. oh, Borg have to make an appearance 'cause they were good ratings in Voyager. (Despite the fact that Borg nanoprobes from TNG-era would be resistant to anything radiation-like pre-TOS civilization could throw at it easily, and would eat any retro-virus for breakfast. Phlox should be a dead drone now, and should've been before the end of the episode easily. "Alas poor Phlox, we hardly knew you, hey Porthos? Good dog..")
I mean, please.. let's just say that my vote in this one should kind of be obvious. Let it die for now, put B&B on the unemployment line. The entire franchise has been in ICU for years thanks to B&B and is just being kept alive by machines at this point. Its kidneys have failed, its brain-death long ago, and the corpse is rotting at the edges. Let's not prop up the corpse with a stick and make its arms twitch and dance with electro-shock just for the tourists at $5/head.
In about 5-7 years or so after there's renewed interest, pick up post-Voyager. Pull a Highlander III (fan-titled, "Highlander III: Highlander II never happened"), and pretend anything past the end of Voyager never happened. ("Insurrection"? What franchise was that? Wasn't Trek was it? Nah, don't believe you.. and our lawyers will sue you for libel if you try and push it pal.) And bring in all new writers, all new designs, and continue.
The only good thing about Season 3 "Enterprise" to date is that it's nice to see the actor who played the telepath first officer Matheson from "Crusade" has gotten himself some new work. There's an excellent actor who has a great sense of humour, and can deliver a line that'll make you grin with a totally straight face and just so smoothly. Being "Enterprise", he'll just sit in the background whenever they need a token minority because the scene is too damn white, and take a shot from a Xindi rifle defending Archer. I predict his final line (and maybe only second spoken line) in the series will be,"Captain, look out! Arrrrgh!" (zot, crisp, sizzle).
And can you be *any* more pointedly trying to say that an alien race are Iraqi's? Let's see.. flip the q upside down, that makes a d.. that r turns into an n nicely.. Inadi.. no, that's a mouthful.. gotta give it zip.. zzz.. hmmm, Znadi, maybe flip things around. Zandi.. too much like candy.. Zindi. Gotta give it a cool look, Xindi. There we go. (gag).
Next thing you know, the leader of the Xindi will be Izimi Din Loodi or Zadin Hisan.
(sorry to Paramount if I just pre-shadowed any actual planned events and created a foreshadowing of things to come).
My two cent ($C) for what it's worth..