Topic: Favorite fan mod configurations?  (Read 3970 times)

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Re: Favorite fan mod configurations?
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2003, 08:05:57 am »

Information overload, Will Robinson.

Okay, it sounds like OP+ comes highly recommended. I'll give that a try for starters.

I have more questions.

It sounds like a lot of these mod packs do aren't compatible with each other, and I'll have to switch around if I want to experiment. How is it best to accomplish that?

How do you "undo" mods without reinstalling?

I assume that to get a new patch of OP (tremendous job on those, FireSoul), I have to restore to original shape and reinstall all the mods afterwards.

How do you switch from OP+ to the XC pack and back?

Are there any ship model sets that use the original look of the SFB ships, such as the saucer-like Gorns?

Are there big sets of new missions?

Where do I find all this stuff? I got the URLs for FireSoul's stuff and XenoCorps, thanks!! But there seems to be a lot more out there.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Favorite fan mod configurations?
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2003, 10:09:18 am »
Here's the homepage for the Ftrs&PFsOP mod.

Chris Jones' mods
mirror (STDN has other stuff too.)

OP+ and Ftrs&PFsOP both have uninstallers. You won't have to do a reinstall of your game to switch them in and out. If you install custom models for a mod and then uninstall it you'll loose your custom models. The simple (if not too elegant) solution, if you have the hard drive space, is to back-up your models folder before uninstalling the mod.

The Audio/Visual mods should be compatible with both FireSoul's and mine.

If you want new models go to the modeling forum. If you can't find what you want there, then it hasn't been made yet. If it hasn't been made yet, most likely someone will make it for you if you ask them nicely.
Some of the "Old Masters" have returned recently with their creative juices flowing and we're getting a lot of new releases of TOS ships and Desty_Nova, a relative newcomer with plenty of talent, has entered the fray of TOS modelers as well.

For TOS/SFB models start here. These models have been around for a while, but stand the test of time pretty well.

Hope that helps you. Enjoy


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Re: Favorite fan mod configurations?
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2003, 07:58:57 pm »
So here's a question about all these mods.

Which mods will effect D2 play?  I figure if I'm changing models or sounds it should effect the game...or does it?  Is there any way to tell?  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Favorite fan mod configurations?
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2003, 11:42:12 pm »
You can change models,  (As long as you change the name of the model to match the shiplist/ftrlist ie; don't edit the shiplist/ftrlist.) weapons textures, and sound files without effecting online play. Anything that changes the specfiles (shiplist, ftrlist, strings, etc...) will not fly unless your opponent has the same mods installed.