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Quote:Quote:Quote:It does look a wee bit like the mirak XCA model. The resemblance to the SFB Kzintis can't be an accident. They're too similar. Whoever did the models had to of done it on purpose. Now, possibly the producers didn't realize it. They might never of seen a Kzinti, but the modeler definitely did. Kzinti...Xindi...Im guessing more than a modeler...
Quote:Quote:It does look a wee bit like the mirak XCA model. The resemblance to the SFB Kzintis can't be an accident. They're too similar. Whoever did the models had to of done it on purpose. Now, possibly the producers didn't realize it. They might never of seen a Kzinti, but the modeler definitely did.
Quote:It does look a wee bit like the mirak XCA model.
Quote:I thought of the ISC during that scene too.Though the sea creature struck me of more of an otter-dolphin cross than the Rovillian dolphin-turtle cross