Topic: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers  (Read 8060 times)

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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2003, 10:03:40 pm »
 General Wolf

WTF is your damage?!?!?
Get your foot outta your mouth.
Atrahasis made a good point (as did starforce2 and alec, mind you; and personally, to a degree I agree with them both)
Dont start up another flamewar dude, thats the main reason i left, I dont want to have to leave again.

 Starforce , coming from someone who only knows how to kitbash, we dont always get replys as well, in fact quite often my work is blown over, But this is what i figure..."if your happy with it, its their loss that they dont like it"

Rogue NineCH

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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2003, 10:24:45 pm »

This was a tmp I had seen. It had saucer and nacelles textured, but those big lobes on either side of the engeneering hull were still bank as were the rear pylons. I assumed it was a new model.  

i hadn't seen that one, anyway I am starting on too so either way there will be a TMP Andor.  


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2003, 10:26:15 pm »
God bless us all!!

OK, here's how I see things...Modelers do what we do because we all love ST, and SFC. I, as an improving modeler, do ships that interest me. That's not to say that I won't do a request, as the Remora and Azels Challenger attest to. Sometimes a request won't be made or even aknowledged, because, let's face it, there aren't many of us doing this on a regular basis. Also, most of the time we have projects already planned, or RL issues. Or, as is the case with myself, we get burned out. Some of you don't realize how much work it is to make a mesh, then texture, then hp/dp, then scale correctly for the game and then test ingame. Some of my earlier stuff only took a day or two to complete, from meshing to testing and release; those were my ealier stuff. As I get better at this, instead of taking less time, it takes longer. Why? Because if you look at my earlier stuff, the textures are very basic, and with my 1st release completely done by me (the Daedalus was textured by Pataflafla) I copied and pasted parts of pics from sites to my textures. Now, I do it all in PSP7 and PS7, and if you look at my ENT.C you can definitely tell a difference. That ship took about 2 days to mesh (wanted to get it right) and almost 2 weeks to texture. And I still had posts saying change this, don't do this, yada yada yada. I mean c'mon, there are still a few critics around who aren't particularly fond of P81's models and he is by popular consensus one of the best there is. As we go along, we get better. Sometimes a request might be for a ship that the modeler doesn't feel they have progressed to. Right now, I won't even attempt doing a Sovvy until I'm more comfortable with some of the meshing and texturing skills I am still learning.

As for kitbashers, I personally have nothing against them, as long as they follow the rules and common courtesy and give credit. I never really did any bashing until recently, due in most part because I didn't feel right about tearing up someones hard work and doing something else with it. It does get a little annoying when I spend all my free time (wife gets pissed ) doing a model, release it, go to chk comments and it's on page 3 with only a few people responding or even looking while someone who made a bash has 4 pages of responses. But, I just look at it as I'm building up a potfolio in case someone wants to offer me a job.....anyone?

As for people getting bent out of shape about spelling...when it is their name that is misspelled it's understandable. Or, when it is the best band there ever was...IT'S SPELLED BEATLES NOT beetles!!!

Everyone, just take a chill pill and enjoy all this wonderful stuff.



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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2003, 11:41:58 pm »



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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2003, 11:43:19 pm »
*Starts using Sign Language*


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2003, 12:16:20 am »


This was a tmp I had seen. It had saucer and nacelles textured, but those big lobes on either side of the engeneering hull were still bank as were the rear pylons. I assumed it was a new model.  

i hadn't seen that one, anyway I am starting on too so either way there will be a TMP Andor.  

ok, alec has one as well, but that aint the one I saw either, and I've xeached every page of every thread on the last 4 pages. I give up. Oh well.


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2003, 03:17:46 am »
James Formo  this how i see it works

normaly ships that are asked for gets lots of replys or by the top modelers p81,cleeve,andirul,Atrahasis  and few others as these guys are best we got thats why they get lots of replys just works that way they do most of time what people want

to guys like us who do new designs or stuff thats not seen alot. you will not always get  lots of replys just how it goes really but u find few months down the line someone will say anyone go so and so and u like hey i did that i`ll post it now for you
before you know it 20 pepole want it

as far as kitbashing go yes it can take 20mins but also take up to few hrs all down to the kitbash really ask kf on this  few i done for him it take ages some times to do the also i know ducktapewonders takes weeks over his sometimes its not always a 20min job
kitbashing is a art in someways

you find not everyone will like what you do take look at my pre-tos stuff i get few replys to them(thxs to everyone who has replyed its all good in my eyes )
its case not everyone likes tos/pre-tos some are pure tmp or tng if i see other 1701a i`ll cry (j/k)

take it lyran dreadnought i did i had alot of feedback oh her it was great help to me when needed everyone who cared about seeing pre-to lyrans was in the topic helping

just take it easy and mod and model for yourself man its best way at end of day you get great joy out of what u do and it people want it great :d




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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2003, 03:39:53 am »

James Formo  this how i see it works

normaly ships that are asked for gets lots of replys or by the top modelers p81,cleeve,andirul,Atrahasis  and few others as these guys are best we got thats why they get lots of replys just works that way they do most of time what people want

to guys like us who do new designs or stuff thats not seen alot. you will not always get  lots of replys just how it goes really but u find few months down the line someone will say anyone go so and so and u like hey i did that i`ll post it now for you
before you know it 20 pepole want it

as far as kitbashing go yes it can take 20mins but also take up to few hrs all down to the kitbash really ask kf on this  few i done for him it take ages some times to do the also i know ducktapewonders takes weeks over his sometimes its not always a 20min job
kitbashing is a art in someways

you find not everyone will like what you do take look at my pre-tos stuff i get few replys to them(thxs to everyone who has replyed its all good in my eyes )
its case not everyone likes tos/pre-tos some are pure tmp or tng if i see other 1701a i`ll cry (j/k)

take it lyran dreadnought i did i had alot of feedback oh her it was great help to me when needed everyone who cared about seeing pre-to lyrans was in the topic helping

just take it easy and mod and model for yourself man its best way at end of day you get great joy out of what u do and it people want it great :d


Yeah!........What he said


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2003, 05:35:22 am »

Your reasons for leaving before, or now,
are your own,

I've never crossed swords with you,
and I don't intend to now,

Know this,
If you don't like my post,
report it to the Mods and Admins,


 General Wolf

WTF is your damage?!?!?
Get your foot outta your mouth.
Atrahasis made a good point (as did starforce2 and alec, mind you; and personally, to a degree I agree with them both)
Dont start up another flamewar dude, thats the main reason i left, I dont want to have to leave again.

Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2003, 06:55:27 am »
This is a little OT

General Wolfe,
Please don't interpret this as a flame or 'making fun of you'(since you're probably on the defensive), but why are all of your posts written in what appears to be the format of some sort of poem? Just curious.


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2003, 07:03:40 am »
Hello Desty_Nova,

Thank you for your kind question,

I type the way I think,
when I get to the end of a line,
its where I pause, or end my thought,

Its just the way my thoughts come out,
as all,

Take care,
Agent Sloan


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2003, 07:31:29 am »
Hmmm, interesting.


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2003, 07:34:00 am »

Thanks Mr. Spock ...
Dooh!  I mean Desty_Nova,


Hmmm, interesting.  

I've been described by many adjectives,
but this is the first time "interesting" has come up,

Take care,
Agent Sloan


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2003, 07:37:26 am »
You mean you actually think like that? For REAL?!  

I thought it was some kind of act to infuriate certain members of this forum!

I mean, come on! Who actually says "top drawer work"  these days? LOL!

so quirky...


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2003, 07:51:14 am »

you've got one person here that says "TOP-DRAWER",
that would be me ....  Agent Sloan ....

Its one saying that I grew up with, here in Ontario, Canada,
and I like it,

Top-Drawer, means first-choice,
one puts the first-choice stuff in the top drawer,

Its the same thing as top knotch,


You mean you actually think like that? For REAL?!  

I thought it was some kind of act to infuriate certain members of this forum!

I mean, come on! Who actually says "top drawer work"  these days? LOL!

so quirky...  

Now ....
we can all add I_Mudd to the list of trolls that ole' Agent Sloan has spawned,
or is it one person,
with many troll frontnames,

No matter ....

Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2003, 07:54:25 am »

you're the pot.

This is kettle.

You're black.

look up a few post.



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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2003, 08:02:26 am »
Well I_Mudd,

or who ever you really are,
Don't you ever get tired of hiding behind troll names?

its the mark-of-a-coward, when you get down to it,



you're the pot.

This is kettle.

You're black.

look up a few post.



IMHO, you picked a bad troll name to use towards me,
You see I've always favoured highly ole' Harcord Fenton Mudd,

(~Stella Mudd~)
" HARCORD! where have YOU BEEN, what is that on your breath? HAVE YOU BEEN DRINKING! "

(~Harry Mudd, when he realises he can't shut "Stella off"~)
" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah STELLA 300 !!! .... Kirk you can't DO THIS TO ME!"

your, I_Mudd troll name, will be very "ineffective" in this regard,

Amateur .....

Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2003, 08:04:57 am »

It IS true ...

Push a button and watch him go!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by I_Mudd »


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2003, 08:07:49 am »
I might point out that it's not necesarily true that kitbashes are less popular or get blown over. Just look at my Klingon fleet, they are ALL kitbashes of Moon's original Ktinga, at times with signiifcant new parts added by me, but still they are kitbashes. But what decides if a model becomes popular or not is how well it's done and does it fill out a needed spot on the official shiplist, or any shiplist for that matter, official or personal? If the answer to that is Yes, then the model has a greater chance of becoming a "classic", at least until it's bumped off by a better version.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Atrahasis »


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Re: OT Starforce's opinion on modelers
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2003, 08:11:32 am »

Let us dispense with "the formalities",
and just get down to it,

I'm gonna politely ask you,
and then I'm gonna drop it, ok,

Atrahasis, is I_Mudd one of your troll names,
or what eh?


I might point out that it's not necesarily true that kitbashes are less popular or get blown over. Just look at my Klingon fleet, they are ALL kitbashes of Moon's original Ktinga, at times with signiifcant new parts added by me, but still they are kitbashes. But what decides if a model becomes popular or not is how well it's done and does it fill out a needed spot on the official shiplist, or any shiplist for that matter, official or personal? If the answer to that is Yes, then the model has a greater chance of becoming a "classic", at least until it's bumped off by a better version.  


Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »