God bless us all!!
OK, here's how I see things...Modelers do what we do because we all love ST, and SFC. I, as an improving modeler, do ships that interest me. That's not to say that I won't do a request, as the Remora and Azels Challenger attest to. Sometimes a request won't be made or even aknowledged, because, let's face it, there aren't many of us doing this on a regular basis. Also, most of the time we have projects already planned, or RL issues. Or, as is the case with myself, we get burned out. Some of you don't realize how much work it is to make a mesh, then texture, then hp/dp, then scale correctly for the game and then test ingame. Some of my earlier stuff only took a day or two to complete, from meshing to testing and release; those were my ealier stuff. As I get better at this, instead of taking less time, it takes longer. Why? Because if you look at my earlier stuff, the textures are very basic, and with my 1st release completely done by me (the Daedalus was textured by Pataflafla) I copied and pasted parts of pics from sites to my textures. Now, I do it all in PSP7 and PS7, and if you look at my ENT.C you can definitely tell a difference. That ship took about 2 days to mesh (wanted to get it right) and almost 2 weeks to texture. And I still had posts saying change this, don't do this, yada yada yada. I mean c'mon, there are still a few critics around who aren't particularly fond of P81's models and he is by popular consensus one of the best there is. As we go along, we get better. Sometimes a request might be for a ship that the modeler doesn't feel they have progressed to. Right now, I won't even attempt doing a Sovvy until I'm more comfortable with some of the meshing and texturing skills I am still learning.
As for kitbashers, I personally have nothing against them, as long as they follow the rules and common courtesy and give credit. I never really did any bashing until recently, due in most part because I didn't feel right about tearing up someones hard work and doing something else with it. It does get a little annoying when I spend all my free time (wife gets pissed
) doing a model, release it, go to chk comments and it's on page 3 with only a few people responding or even looking while someone who made a bash has 4 pages of responses.
But, I just look at it as I'm building up a potfolio in case someone wants to offer me a job.....anyone?
As for people getting bent out of shape about spelling...when it is their name that is misspelled it's understandable. Or, when it is the best band there ever was...IT'S SPELLED BEATLES NOT beetles!!!
Everyone, just take a chill pill and enjoy all this wonderful stuff.