I have access to 3DMax 4.0 or 4.2.... Photoshop something, 7 I believe... are these the main programs I need to begin modelling and texturing on my own? If so, what add-ons would be helpful to keep polygons down, and so on?
Mainly, can anyone here direct me to the most thorough tutorials concerining this?
I have made my own nine-race map, but am feeling like a pirate, as I am using everyone else's models, and wish I could contribute back a little, even if I only make a few ships. I have watched and listened to you all a lot, and picked up a little here and there, but can barely navigate through either prgram otherwise, but really wish to invest the time to learn how to make some ships myself. Can anyone help, I am pretty serious about it. Thank you any and all.