Topic: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!  (Read 2516 times)

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Captain KoraH

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You guys gotta read this. It's a review of the script for the new BSG miniseries. I'll post the links to the petitions to klill the show at the end. What a travesty...

This new miniseries is as closely related to Galactica as the Hunt for Red October would be a remake of Star Trek if you put two engineers aboard the sub in Star Trek costumes and had them stand in the background.

The new show paints an allegory between Terrorism and the United States, that basically says the world should blame America for terrorism.

Worse still, the logical details in the remake badly conflict with each other, from the useless destruction of a meeting place called Armistace Station to the nearby detonation of a nuclear device that should have lethally irradiated everyone on the Galactica. The warship is reduced to a useless transport after destroying its own missiles through a ceremony that utterly defies reason. This Galactica hasn?t used its main engines in 20 years, reviving the rather weak and overused template from Star Trek of always starting out a new vessel as being either incomplete or not quite up to specs in some area.

Even the intended shooting style demonstrates that you?re not watching Battlestar Galactica. The original series suffered from the repeated overuse of the same special effects shots. As cliché as that became, that flaw pales compared to the remake?s plan to use split screens to show space effects shots, providing up to five different views at the same time. Additionally, the space effects will be shown without sound effects, something that will help reduce the spending budget but will badly violate the viewing standards established for space shows. Soundwaves don?t travel through space, but since we live in a world with soundwaves, not hearing sound distances the viewer from the action. Split screens will further change many critical shots from something that draws in the viewer and helps him follow the action, to something little better than a security camera display.

The altered nature of the Colonial military actually illustrates the missing spirit of this miniseries. Where the former Colonials were proud to be warriors, embracing bravery and strength as a way of life to be praised, the new ones are petty and self-absorbed. They are defined by their weaknesses not their strengths. Throughout the first two hours of the miniseries, you actually hope the Cylons get them and kill them all. The storyline and characters do improve through the last half of the miniseries but they don?t become any more ?Galactican?. To some degree, the second half reads better simply because the first two hours has already stomped over the entire Galactica universe and there?s little left to insult or destroy.

Rom Moore  trashed two of the three main characters, Starbuck and Boomer, by making them females. He claims he wanted strong female characters but the new ?Starbuck? (her name is really Kara Thrace) isn?t a strong character. She?s just a bltch. If her actions and dialog were imposed on a male character you?d conclude he was an unrelenting a$$hole. Yet, because she?s female, the viewer is supposed to think she?s a tough and a strong character.

Ron has given us Lee Adama, who actually is the perfect example of an unrelenting a$$hole. This is ?Apollo?, someone who comes off as both hateful and annoying as he drives emotional knives into his father throughout the entire first half of the series.

Superior to both in character is the new female Boomer, called Sharon Valerii. Dereliction of duty is acceptable as long as you are shagging someone cute. There?s no reason for this character to be female. She?s not the strong female type Ron Moore claimed he wanted by changing the character?s sexes. She?s a bit of a goof and reads as the closest thing to Jar-Jar Binks you?ll find in this production, although I doubt you?ll find Jar-Jar bopping some hanger worker in the next Star Wars movie.

Like the missing Adama, you also won?t be seeing Baltar. There is a character by that name but the new Baltar is totally swayed by sex. I have no idea how the actor will actually portray this character. He?s following behind John Colicos who did a marvelous job with what was admittedly a very comic book character in the original series. Where the original Baltar was a man driven purely by greed, the new Baltar is driven by his sexual weaknesses and his own amorality. Like the original character, he shares a deep self-centered view of the universe but that similarity really seems like an accidental parallel rather than a real character trait. I can?t imagine the old Baltar wanting to call a lawyer to save him when the Cylons start to launch their attack. That?s exactly what the new one does. To some, details like this might bring more believability to this character but they also rob him of the charm the viewers enjoyed in seeing the old character on the screen. The new Baltar isn?t a villain you love to hate. Instead, he?s a bit creepy, like a guy who just walked out of an adult video store with a large paper bag and wants to stand a little too close to you while you both wait for the bus..

The nature of space travel has also been altered in this version. Where initially the script seems to be jumping closer to the Star Trek need to introduce warp drive, this new miniseries actually seems to be thieving from the Dune series, demanding a mechanical engine to ?fold space?. Since this is truly an icon of Dune, this alteration hits you square in the face. The original series had faster than light (FTL) drives in the major ships. Maintaining that premise would have been transparent. Diverting the engines to this new purpose doesn?t seem to add anything to the storyline and provides another reminder that the viewer isn?t watching Battlestar Galactica, despite the title he saw in the beginning.

The new Colonial Viper uses machineguns instead of pulsar cannons.

The Colonies, after suffering the Cylon attacks, are nuclear wastelands, wiped completely clean by the Cylon invasion. The plight to find Earth, proves to be nothing more than a lie invented by the new Adama to keep everyone focused. In this lie, both President Roslin and Adama opt to mislead the people ?for their own good?. This is a startling contrast to Lorne Greene?s patriarchal Adama who leads people to the promised land of Earth where they can regroup and then face and defeat the Cylons and regain their home. In the miniseries, ?home? is a smoking nuclear hole. The Colonies aren?t taken over by the Cylons. They?re vaporized by them. Through these two elements, Ron Moore transforms the basic theme of the show from a quest to a group of survivors bumbling around in the dark, occasionally grabbing a feel when they think nobody is looking.

The article in it's entirety:

And the links to kill this horrific monstrosity before it pollutes our society with useless anti-american trash talk: Signed by over 18,000 people and counting...

Captain Ron

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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2003, 01:42:05 am »
Impossible to say what it will be like as as far as we know this is all rumors.

I do know the new Adama (james almos) said the show is knowthing like the orginal.

Either way it goes the more ppl talk about it and fight over it the more ppl will go out of there way to see  at least the first episode. if you really wanted it to die you would not mention it link to it or its protest page. You are helping it out by doing this the more others hear about it the more will watch it.


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2003, 06:08:21 am »
My God ...

Kill this show,
This must die ...


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2003, 11:35:20 am »
I would certainly sign these polls if not for one thing.  They all call for the return of the original cast.  I personally am not against a "restart" of the series with new actors playing the roles.  What I am against is the full on raping of the original series concept, spirit, and style, and creating what is essentially a completely different show, with a few elements (names) plugged in so that they could feel more comfortable stealing the name in order to trick people into watching and thus gaining better ratings for their station.  


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2003, 12:09:04 pm »
i didnt bother to read it all the way but usas acting as a world cop does kinda cause the terrorism. you cant blame other countries / people getting pissed at j00.


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2003, 12:54:06 pm »
I don't want to turn this political, but terrorists aren't killing people all over the globe because they dislike US foreign policy.  They are killing people because their skewed religious views leave no room for people of other faiths.  They are maniacs.  Perhaps the US government's policies are reason enough for the international community to be ticked off, but those policies are not the reason that lunatics are blowing themselves up and taking as many people with them as they can.  You can blame that on Osama Bin Laden and all the other religious zealots out there.  No offense meant to you Mackie( I know you were just speaking your mind), but I have a different perspective on this.



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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2003, 01:12:08 pm »
i know i shoulda said my reasoning was about 'part reason' for it.

us foreign politics + religous nuts = not good


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2003, 06:13:59 pm »
to make a comment on the original thread topic, I seriously doubt they will do the show with now space fx sounds. Firefuly did it, but then that wasn't a classic space battle setting either. They just missled a contaminated vessel. And to save money? I don't think so. The minute I read that I knew this was probably just someones idea of a joke to piss people off, or one of those attention stunts the hollywood types are famouse for. Even some of the really old cheesy sci-fi has space battle sounds. (battle beyond the stars, for example.) I think it's BS. Every sci-fi show from voyager to startrek mvoies and now this one have had that kind of crap said before it starts and it gets everyone in an uproar, only to later find out it was nothing of the sort. Data may not really be dead, the borg in enterprise didn't technicly contaminate the timeline, ect. That's my 2 cents.


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2003, 11:25:40 pm »
its no more than a political statment by the left.. (insert W for adama).. either way, this show is doomed.. then again, if you look at some of the newer shows, they are all about getting back at W and blaming the 9/11 attacks on us.

what would people have thought if people said - hey, yeah, it was america's fault that pearl harbor was attacked.

sorry guys, this is just a poor script written by wanna be political neophytes who fill like they can bastardize the truth and get away with it.


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2003, 04:01:21 am »
This "treatment" of the series was most likely put in motion well before September 11, 2001.  That it should fall into the center of the US's current political divide/crisis is no more than an accident of history.

That said... what the heck is this doing on a model forum for a Star Trek game?!?  Take it to another forum, folks.



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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2003, 07:45:51 am »
My god - deja-vu, quickly we must ban any and all off-topic posts from the forums at once!!! LOL j/k it's got OT in the title and the number of replies clearly show the interest of members of the forum.


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2003, 08:01:22 am »

Its here now,
and as long as it is I'm gonna comment on it,

To clarify,
I'm an Old BSG ultra-fan,
so I'm quite biased in this regard,

I've waited over 20 years for them to bring BSG back in some form,
and they give us this?

I concur with Nannerslug on this one,
its a "pale-immitation",
politically and morally bankcrupt,

I predict this show will boom like a "warp-core" breach,
Sad thing is it takes all hope of any good BSG stuff in future with it, in the "blast-zone"
something I guess just were not meant to be,

I'll definitely buy the Original BSG DVD coming out though,
whatever they charge for it,

I predict that one will sell like hot-cakes,
and the twits in the Studio will go,
"Whats going on?  The Rating for the "New BSG" are in the Toilet, but the Old BSG DVD is sold out",

GeneralWolfe (aka "Captain Apollo")


This "treatment" of the series was most likely put in motion well before September 11, 2001.  That it should fall into the center of the US's current political divide/crisis is no more than an accident of history.

That said... what the heck is this doing on a model forum for a Star Trek game?!?  Take it to another forum, folks.


Captain KoraH

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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2003, 11:06:58 am »

 I predict... the twits in the Studio will go,
"Whats going on? The Rating for the "New BSG" are in the Toilet, but the Old BSG DVD is sold out",

My sentiments exactly. I'll spare no expense to get those DVD's!  


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2003, 01:22:18 pm »
Does there need to be a thread about the new BSG mini-series in every forum in this community?


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2003, 02:02:40 pm »

Does there need to be a thread about the new BSG mini-series in every forum in this community?  

Seems to be the logical deduction...

Captain KoraH

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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2003, 07:09:32 pm »
There isn't.  


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2003, 07:23:34 pm »
But we're well on our way....just give it time.



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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2003, 09:05:35 am »
It wouldn't matter to me if this topic was in every forum.  I only visit this forum.


Clark Kent

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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2003, 12:39:46 pm »
My two cents:
BSG was an outstanding concept, really.  As far as that goes, it's at the top of my lists as concepts for stories go.  I even kinda like the ships that they designed for it.  On the basic levels, it was outstanding.  It's hard for me to watch the original for an extended time, because of the obvious cliches and poor appeals to the viewers emotions- but much of that has to do with the time it was made in.  One scene comes to mind- an episode toward the beginning where Adama brings his trusty black second in command to the fighter bay to talk in private in a couple of fighters cockpits whose comms are networked together.  The second in command (wish i could remember that character's name, but I foget most of their names to be honest) basically served as a yes man, and was only a hair away from saying things like "yes massa," or "sure thing boss."
If the new one is what this article claims, I'll most likely not bother seeing the whole thing.  I don't have time to listen to insinuations that the US is the great evil of the world, and I most certainly am not going to waste my time on a story that offers weak characters driven solely by their emotions and desires- I can get that in real life in spades.
Truth be told, there is much evil in this world- the majority of it coming from those that claim to be saviors or the opposite of their morally bankrupt selves.  As far as the islamic terrorist thing goes, I don't believe that it has anything to do with religion, or even a scewed sense of right and wrong.  The now cliche terrorists come from a region in this world that has been in a constant state of war in some form or another since before the beginning of recorded history.  The US, whether our policies are good or bad, is just an excuse for more hatred, intolerance and bloodshed.  If (I hope when) the US leaves them alone, there will be another excuse before long.
In anyevent, what I really want to know is- has anyone gotten hold of any pics of these new BSG ships, and can we expect any modellers in here to build them in the near future?


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Re: OT: New Battlestar Galactica: Female Lt. Boomer = Jar-Jar Binks!
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2003, 01:30:43 pm »
I believe the character/officer you are referring to is called Colonel Tye.