This is the one of Redragon's that I have. It *had* a mesh error where it was missing a small section of the station, but that's been repaired now and is complete. Just missing hp/dp's right now, which I'm hoping to fix. But here's a render of it..
Think when Chris Jones initially got it, he hp/dp'ed it,, but my copy of it didn't have those, and when I fixed the mesh, those never made it in. Does anyone have the one that Chris included sitting on their HD somewhere?
(edit: actually, never mind.. what I'll do is download the one from the Staryards, and give DD the credits for HP/DP'ing it.. that'll get it back in the game quicker)..
(ps: for those wondering about scale of it.. here's a shot of it with Redragon's U.S.S. Defiant)
(pps: one more edit... I've put it up for download: