Here's what I've been working on today:

I used the textures from WZ45's SuvwI' Qeh on Captain KoraH's SaHchawI. I wanted to turn it into something of a Klingon version of the Ulysses Class (stock FBCH). I like the C-7 style disruptors too!
I like it.
As an added, but unintentional bonus the same textures I retextured also look good on the carrier and stock KDX.
If I get the OK from Captain Korah and WZ45 I'll post this tonight at STMODDIRECTORY and hopefully, DTW or Rogue will get them hosted as well. I was going to tinker with a Romulanized version based on my retexture work on the Klingon Academy Emperor class that is at STMODDIRECTORY as well:

The Romulan textures are from Atrahasis' D2 RBB King Condor.