OK before I start. You are excited about getting more views than the SETI thread? Why? People always flock to a fight, and only those interested in helping us with SETI (contributing) go in there. We probably have reached most of the people we ever will. So congrats on your 5000 Views. I am sure I could start a thread about SFC2 vs. SFC 3 and start off by calling Nanner an idiot (which I do not think he is, just an example) and let the flamefest ensue. Now then on to your points.
I know of no one who has gotten a second chance. It appears that their temporary amnesty was a mistake. I also know that the member that was spewing hateful (non-family oreinted bile) anti-semetic language has also been banned. Yes there were even those who protested his banning. I am not one.
This board is offered as a service. It is free, it has no rules besides what Taldren decides it has. I, as an intellgent forum goer, have been able to figure them out.
1. Don't Troll (too much)!
2. Don't make a habit of profanity!
3. If you are going to complain about the people who pay for this board, do so without wishing death upon their children!
4. If you screw up to the point that you are banned. Get over it. Grow up and make a new name or leave.
Now you have no right to criticize Taldren on this. Why? Beacuse you only have the "rights" you have been given by them. THEY OWN THIS PLACE!!!! Now other than obscene amount of rudeness I think supporting this "crusade" to un-ban people that have obviously been banned for something they did. I want to know why these three deserve such a second chance. When (to my knowledge) no one else has been given this chance. I for one fully support Taldren in their efforts to enforce a certain level of civility on their boards. The OT area seems to be given a little more leeway as it is a place that passion runs a little hotter. However, to post in the General forum, and tell the programmers of the company that their product sucks is just plain stupid. What have you accomplished?
Now then... Do I like SFC 3? Not really. I had hoped for something different, but it is nice. Certainly not the worst $50 I have ever spent. I do weight that against SFC 1 and 2 and OP, some of the best software I have ever owned. Was I upset about how it worked (sure) but I was encouraged by the open and honest way Taldren dealt with us (inspite of a dying publisher). They have gone out of their way, time and time again, to make their game enjoyable for as many players as possible. I like Taldren. I find this tantrum being thrown distasteful (being polite) I hope you are sending Taldren a big Valentine thanking them for the ability to question their decisions on a board they are paying for. But, I doubt it.
If you wish to discuss SFC 3s problems their are all sorts of places here to do so. However, I can think of no way that buying a game gives you any sort of "right" to question the running of a private board. I (as most of us will) will look play sfc 3 again after the patch to see if I like it more. If not, ok. I will ask for, and hopefully get a game more like what I want next time. If not that is O.K. too.
Thanks Taldren for all your hard work!