Topic: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander  (Read 2926 times)

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Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« on: September 20, 2003, 01:02:43 am »

They are not modded/scripted, you'll hafta do that yourself. But untill then, enjoy the pix anyways. People seem to like the idea of the do-it-yourself ship dump over there.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2003, 01:06:03 am »
This is really cool. Atolms "monster race" in 3D  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2003, 01:15:36 pm »
Righteous, Starforce- good work, and thank you!  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2003, 07:53:38 pm »
Why hasn't GW complained yet? I'm confused now...


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2003, 06:53:04 am »
maybe because i told him to nevermind? jk  
propably because this is good work and its sfc related in a way, these conversions are based on the released sfc2 conversions  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2003, 07:21:40 am »
Hopefulyl atolm will make some more based on the satan and abraxes with the floating sections, they seem to be the leaders in downloads.  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2003, 10:45:11 am »
I was wondering about that... I liked the Beleth and the Belial (Belair) slightly better.... I really think he filled a previously unknown void with those critters- kinda feels more complete with those things around, y' know?

How did you include them in Bridege Commander? What did you replace them with? I have it, but never got around to playing it much... yet.  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2003, 04:38:48 pm »

I was wondering about that... I liked the Beleth and the Belial (Belair) slightly better.... I really think he filled a previously unknown void with those critters- kinda feels more complete with those things around, y' know?

How did you include them in Bridege Commander? What did you replace them with? I have it, but never got around to playing it much... yet.  

I didn't repalce anything. The picutres are off a dummy script I have set up. I have a shortcut to the model directory. I just name something "Sample.nif" and drop it in and start the game. As far as scripting, that's left up to the downloader. The helions are in the do it yourself catagory.

James Formo

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2003, 02:52:59 am »

Hopefulyl atolm will make some more based on the satan and abraxes with the floating sections, they seem to be the leaders in downloads.  

If you want them why don't you just make em yourself? Did you ever convert my Raven to BC cause I never gave permission. I know one time you complained to me that it was not lit. And you wanted it lit for BC. I would just like to say now that all my ships are not to be converted to BC. Not saying that you would want to, but you have a way of demanding stuff gets corrected on meshes and being persitant to the point of being a nusaince. Then when it gets done you never say thankyou. I am being vague because its a ship I bashed.

While your at it you can head over to the BC forums since you pointed out  you don't like my work which is fine. But I don't  like the fact that you have no interest in SFC, Taldren or this forum other then stripping out  the ships you want for conversion.  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2003, 03:51:46 am »


Hopefulyl atolm will make some more based on the satan and abraxes with the floating sections, they seem to be the leaders in downloads.  

If you want them why don't you just make em yourself? Did you ever convert my Raven to BC cause I never gave permission. I know one time you complained to me that it was not lit. And you wanted it lit for BC. I would just like to say now that all my ships are not to be converted to BC. Not saying that you would want to, but you have a way of demanding stuff gets corrected on meshes and being persitant to the point of being a nusaince. Then when it gets done you never say thankyou. I am being vague because its a ship I bashed.

While your at it you can head over to the BC forums since you pointed out  you don't like my work which is fine. But I don't  like the fact that you have no interest in SFC, Taldren or this forum other then stripping out  the ships you want for conversion.  

I don't want them, the fans do. A couple of the people downloading the helions were asking if there was more. I like to look at them cuz I think they're cool looking. Also, what's all this about a Raven? I don't have any raven models here that I know of. I think someone else released one already. And where do you get this crap that I don't thank people for their help? I most certainly do. You may not always see it because it happens over e-mail or instant message, but it happens. And if I have ever forgot someone, well, nobody is perfect. And if you consider a person who is a bridge between to startrek communitys a "forum stripping nussance", well, I guess that's just pretty sad. I've been here enjoying ships from this place alot longer than bridge commander has exsisted. I consider bridge commander my way of giving back to all the people in startrek gamming (that have put up with me ), as it is the first game where I have had the skills to do something that can actualy be called "contributing". I may not make any models, but tons of moddels don't get you jack if you've got nobody putting them in the game. That part is just as important.

James Formo

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2003, 04:18:35 am »
You corresponded with me via email regarding a gorn bash that you insisted had both nacels mapped incorrectly and messaged me 3 times in 2 days with no tact in your typical demanding tone and when I fixed it-you just grabbed it and ran as is your style.

Regarding the Raven. I made one and you came across as mad because it had no lightmaps. Saying that because I maxed emissive and diffuse it would probalby overheat your video card when you ported it over to BC. Which you never even asked me if you could or not. Fortunately I just did a search at BC files and do not see it. AS usually you pretty much demanded that I fix it instead of politely asking. Never mind that it was maybe my 4th ship and had no idea as to how to fix it.

Interestly I was planning on doing a Voyager varient. One of the concepts that was never relesed. But since you have interest in this ship I move on to something else.

The point is us modelers are people with feelings. If your using stuff try being more tactful. Instead of fis this and fix that.


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2003, 06:09:25 am »
I never said anything about you maxing out the diffuse on the raven cuz I have no idea what that even means. The only way to overpower glow is to make it to bright in the lightmap, or to add a light effect  to the texture as well (as commonly found on old cleeve ambassador kitbashes, for example). But since you didn't make a lightmap in the first place I don't see why I'd even be bringing up the issue over overdone glow sicne there wasn't any. As for the gorn model, you shot back an initial reply inisting  there was nothing wrong with it, like I didn't know what I was talking about, despite the fact that I can clearly see it doesn't match the nacelle on the model you took it from, nevermind the fact that the nacelles on your kitbash don't even match eachother, so I just dropped the subject and moved on, that's why you never heard back. I never bothered to do anything with it cuz without lightmaps there's little point. I figured I hear from atolm when that was done and then go back to it.

And when I said someone else released the Raven, I didn't mean yours. I don't know who's it was but it was someones, from aramda I think. I remeber the bussards beging a bit sqaure/low poly-ish, I don't believe it's on BCfiles, somewhere on a 3rd party site. And I don't believe I ever "demended" that you fix it, nor was I mad about no lightmaps. DIssapointed maybe a little, considering how hard it is to get anything from Voyager besides voyager itself. Besides, I don't need to sit here and beg people for lightmaps any more. One of my other buddies has learned to make them cuz he's doing aramda conversions, and best of all he's quick. I'm actualy going to send him a few feds atolm had given me to see how well he does on it.

And I wasn't going to ask you for one of those voyager variants anyways. If I'm going to requst such a complex, high detail design, I cetrainly wont be comming to you.

Captain Ron

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2003, 09:26:28 am »
Guys move this to PMs and E-mails, or other resource.

It doesn't have to be done in Public and should not be done on this forum, keep it between you and private.

James Formo

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2003, 12:56:11 pm »

I never said anything about you maxing out the diffuse on the raven cuz I have no idea what that even means. The only way to overpower glow is to make it to bright in the lightmap, or to add a light effect  to the texture as well (as commonly found on old cleeve ambassador kitbashes, for example). But since you didn't make a lightmap in the first place I don't see why I'd even be bringing up the issue over overdone glow sicne there wasn't any. As for the gorn model, you shot back an initial reply inisting  there was nothing wrong with it, like I didn't know what I was talking about, despite the fact that I can clearly see it doesn't match the nacelle on the model you took it from, nevermind the fact that the nacelles on your kitbash don't even match eachother, so I just dropped the subject and moved on, that's why you never heard back. I never bothered to do anything with it cuz without lightmaps there's little point. I figured I hear from atolm when that was done and then go back to it.

And when I said someone else released the Raven, I didn't mean yours. I don't know who's it was but it was someones, from aramda I think. I remeber the bussards beging a bit sqaure/low poly-ish, I don't believe it's on BCfiles, somewhere on a 3rd party site. And I don't believe I ever "demended" that you fix it, nor was I mad about no lightmaps. DIssapointed maybe a little, considering how hard it is to get anything from Voyager besides voyager itself. Besides, I don't need to sit here and beg people for lightmaps any more. One of my other buddies has learned to make them cuz he's doing aramda conversions, and best of all he's quick. I'm actualy going to send him a few feds atolm had given me to see how well he does on it.

And I wasn't going to ask you for one of those voyager variants anyways. If I'm going to requst such a complex, high detail design, I cetrainly wont be comming to you.  

He made it public when he bashed me over at SFCfiles

Well I did fix the gorn bash and private messgae you about it. If you weren't going to use it anyway cause it had no light maps then why did you bug me about it in the 1st place.

Btw the Voyager varients are not a complex design. Fed ships in general are easier to mesh than other races.  And you are very correct on you will never request the ship ,you never do.  Over at SFC3files you called me out by name saying nobody wants my ships because they are not canon. Then you suggested I try ships such as the voyager varients and other ships people would actually want. Even though these are not canon either. So that is your way of requesting. Most people would just start a thread asking for a ship, but NO 1st you have to bash me by saying I have poor taste in ship design and oh btw why don't you do this instead?  You are tactless, rude and obstinate amongst a few other adjectives. Since you do not do anything to contribute ships to SFC,  but only BC I suggest you post over there. And while you continue to bash my skills why don't you give it a whirl and lets see what you can do.

I always notice that people that do not model are always the most demanding and critical.

James Formo

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2003, 01:37:46 pm »

But if more scratch modelers would listen up and pay attention to what people are requesting atleast 50% of the time there'd be less whiners. So many modlers do only what they want instead of what is actualy needed or wanted by the people that when even an amature quality model of some rare ship comes out, it blows you big boys off the charts. Think about it.

That is a quote from SF2 at SFC3 files. Apparently us modelers are not listening to requests and are doing are own thing. What audacity we have, not being paid, but doing this as a hobby for free and were doing ships we want to do instead of the Ships SF2 needs.    Also interesting comment from someone I never seen request a ship, only insist that items on it be added or changed to his liking.

This from a guy who has never contributed 1 ship or even a texture that I am aware of to SFC. He only comes here to get more ships to port over. I even noticed that some ships he converted are not posted under the name of the ship, but the file is called STARFORCE productions. I just hope you SF2 start modeling from scratch 1 day. Don't dare post it cause I will rip on it.  See how you like it.

Oh and the reason many of us don't do canon ships. Is cause they all been done.
And its pretty pointless to redo ships unless you cn do them better. And again you have an uncanny way of pointing out that my modeling skills just don't measure up to P-81's
. What a revelation-hey. WOW burst my bubble lol

 And you expect me to model for an era other then the one I most like. Most modelers get less time to play with the ships then those that d/l them.




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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2003, 05:22:14 pm »

 I even noticed that some ships he converted are not posted under the name of the ship, but the file is called STARFORCE productions.  

Any modding group does that. Both here and at BC. That's Irrelevant. Ships made by other people are relesed under nightsoft, Cjones mods, and unione/DAP all the time. There's probably some other major mod teams that put their team name on the mod even if they didn't make the model or every model that I don't know because I don't play sfc and thus don't keep tabs on the major projects. What's important is credits being in the readmes.


Oh and the reason many of us don't do canon ships. Is cause they all been done.

Show me a promellian battlecruiser. How bout a krenim patrol ship? A vidiian? Malons? A caretaker array?  How about a cardassian defense turret? The Romulan shuttle from DS9? The Voyager variant with the constitution hull? Where are all the sona? We got the big one for bridge commander. There's a little one and a fighter. How about the argo? The surak (vulcan warpsled), The Bomar, Pralor, Kaatati, Zhal, Nihydron, Mawasi, I haven't even scratched the surface of the list of canon ships not done.  


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2003, 05:29:22 pm »
I did do the Surak warpsled shuttle, and very nicely, for the TMP DVD release 2 years ago. Would you like it?


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2003, 05:41:22 pm »

I did do the Surak warpsled shuttle, and very nicely, for the TMP DVD release 2 years ago. Would you like it?  

Ofcourse!. Thanks dude. I'll watch your site for it.  

James Formo

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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2003, 05:43:34 pm »
SF2 to be honest I don't know what half of those ships are. If you think the forum is lacking for those perhaps make a formal request and offer some schematics or pics.  Myself I am working on a mod for SFC3 TNG era with the stock races. I am finding that just adding ships is more time consuming then I 1st thought, thus I am rarely doing anything other then tweaking some older models I already did.   For me personnaly what I enjoy most about modeling is the designing aspect.  I did 2 canon ships only because the I liked the particilar episodes they were featured in.


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2003, 05:49:07 pm »

SF2 to be honest I don't know what half of those ships are. If you think the forum is lacking for those perhaps make a formal request and offer some schematics or pics.  Myself I am working on a mod for SFC3 TNG era with the stock races. I am finding that just adding ships is more time consuming then I 1st thought, thus I am rarely doing anything other then tweaking some older models I already did.   For me personnaly what I enjoy most about modeling is the designing aspect.  I did 2 canon ships only because the I liked the particilar episodes they were featured in.  

I plan to start gathering them. I have a couple of people interested in moddeling rare ships. I might start a project on my nightsoft site to make it official. I'd be making a research library of various ships (not hard but it would be nice to have them all in one palce). If it works and decent models start showing up, then they can be modded for both BC and SFC. That way everyone gets them.


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Re: Atolms entire Helion fleet now at Bridge Commander
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2003, 05:51:40 pm »

I did do the Surak warpsled shuttle, and very nicely, for the TMP DVD release 2 years ago. Would you like it?  

BTW, since this is similar:
I though I'd ask, did u make T'pau by chance?