I'm kind of in shock ...
Dave, I'm truely sorry to see you go. You have been as fervent an advocate of SFC as anyone ... nay more than anyone here. (including yours truely) The work you did to bring OP back to life and most of it on your own dime is a testament to your dedication and respove to leave nothing behind.
Through good and bad you prevailed. You lost your temper only when pushed to the absolute breaking point and yet even then maintained the respect of most still here. Your's will be a voice of Taldren that I will miss. Heck you ARE the voice of Taldren more than any in the company. This is a sad day of loss for them as well IMHO.
My hopes are that once your settled into your new home that you come here and give us a "hello world" so we know your safe and sound. I also hope that you and your family flurish and you find new things to challange yourself with. And finally I hope that you get a change to play this game that you had such a huge hand in keeping alive.
Good luck and cool breezes my friend.