Topic: thanks for the Response.  (Read 1203 times)

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thanks for the Response.
« on: September 18, 2003, 05:21:43 pm »
Well first I want to thank all you guys, gals, and those of undetermined sexual orientation of the forum for all the info.   I'm glad that some of you liked the name I thought of and took the context of my post with the dietary requirement of sodium necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Some have taken it just a little too seriuosly but hey that's what you get sitting nekkid in front of the ol' 'puter and tracking evrybody's ISP.
Now it just comes down to buying the programs needed to start modelling and texturing and finding a lawyer so I can sue all of you for the very last drop of BLOOD(YEAH!! BLOOD!! YOU LIKE THAT DON'T YOU LESTAT!!! YOU LIKE IT WHEN I SAY BLOOD DON'T YOU!!  WANT SOME DO YA!!  WELL WHO'S YOUR DADDY!!!!  WHO'S YOUR DADDY!!!!)you have should you use my ideas without permission and proper credit.
Also how about some feed back on these names I was just kickin' around(LIKE YOUR BLACKENED SHRIVELLED HEART LESTAT!!!!!  IN DYNAVERSE YOU MINE LESTAT!! YOU MINE!!!)just this afternoon.

HMS Kahless Sucks (This name I thought of when I found a really good Hydran captured K'Tinga at DTW's site.  Could
someone possibly do a Hydran BOP??)

USS-Lost Mother F*cker (This is the lesser known sister ship of the USS-Voyager under the command of Cpt.Tom Cruise,
no relation to the actor but a very striking resemblance.)

IKV Kirk Your Lilly White Ass is Mine (This would be an improved C-7 BC under the command of Admiral Kang.)

IKV Federation Girls are Easy (This one would be the "un-official" name of an unknown bird of prey after the commander found out about the relations between J.Dax and Worf.)

IKV Must taste like G'ahg (This one would be the "un-official" name of an unknown bird of prey after the commander found out about the relations between J.Dax and Worf.)

USS-Romulans Suck Dick (This was a police frigate under the command of a  member of the Styles family that had a remarkable resemblace to Tom Cruise that mysteriously disappeared near the neutral zone).

IKV We Know (A KLC that found the wreakage)

RIS We Do (any rom ship)

Well I hope you all enjoyed my post and keep up the really great work.  I have to go now and burn effigies of Tom Cruise.



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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2003, 05:34:10 pm »
ARe you off you meds or somethin?

this is some funny sh*t. Oh well, we haven't had any decent comedy relief around here in a while...


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2003, 06:28:46 pm »
Hmm, [Dr. Evil voice]riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight[/Dr. Evil voice]

K - ur psychotic, and dopped up to the eyeballs on tranquilisers or something. Oh and no one here steals from others coz f they did and we found out the thief in question would be flamed off the board and probabl banned by IP, also us here who are members of other boards would warn those board owners to watch out for any such thieves that we ban incase they try to set up shop elsewhere - we're a loving community really.


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2003, 06:52:59 pm »
he be mackie leveling  
and as for the stealing ,i highly doubt no one dares to do that here.
besides, many among as are old. (old as in old old)


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2003, 07:13:58 pm »
In answer to the question of am I off my medication my answer is no.  I don't take any.
Also in referrence about this forum being one big happy flee...uh, I mean, family.  Here for your entertainment is Betty Sue and Billy Bob (no relation to the actor but a striking resemblance none the less) parked in an astro-turf bedded pick-up truck doing what most do in an astro-turf bedded pick-up truck until the porch light comes on and then Betty Sue lifts here head up and says, "Dang Billy Bob why'd you have to park so close to my maw and paw's  porch?!?"  Billy Bob calmly replies "Aw hush now Betty Sue, they're my maw and paw too."  He then adds "Here," handing her a handkerchief, "You missed a spot."
The Dahmer's were a happy family too until that fateful day in November when uncle Tom Cruise Dahmer (no pun intended but he did bear a striking resemblacne to the actor)  misread the map.  


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2003, 07:32:10 am »

"Word to the Wise" eh,

This Forum,
more specifically the SFC Models Forum,
has had enough of "trolls",

If you are a troll,
get lost ok,

If you are not,
then you are going about it the wrong way, to get to know people here,

The people here are a great lot,
friendly, helpful, accepting,

So just knock-off the [censored],
and everything will work out,
 for yaa here,

Agent Sloan  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2003, 07:55:14 am »
IM SOO OCONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: thanks for the Response.
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2003, 02:25:17 pm »
you do make a valiant attempt at sardonic humor by purposely misspelling certain words, aggrevating other annoying newcomers... the problem with your humor is that this forum is pretty one-track minded, and the only other  humor we get is usually pretty striaghtforward. I see you as pretty funny; try more simplistic humor here though- there's a lot of troll-types out there, and humor such as yours is easily misinterpreted, especially by easily-agitated people like myself, who come to this forum and play SFC because it has no ties to real life whatsoever, and makes for a very nice, cheap, and unusual escape.