Topic: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott  (Read 26243 times)

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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #60 on: September 18, 2003, 06:33:15 pm »

It's certainly no worse than a bunch of grown men arguing over which to use:
170 or 180 BPV.



Indeed...only eaters of dog poop would do such a thing.



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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #61 on: September 18, 2003, 07:09:22 pm »

Nor any worse than getting excited over an advertising gimick for a video game:




My, that's an awful big line you just drew into the sand there pa'dner.

I'm not sure that charactizing my--and others in that thread--support for Taldren's upcoming release (you know, that thing you just called a "gimick") of Black9 is on par with what I was pointing out.


Mentat Jon

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #62 on: September 18, 2003, 07:41:27 pm »
you know what my biggest beef with the new BSG?


Starbuck's a guy,a charming rouge,a womenizing hard drinking cigar smoking,cylon killing SOB.

im not the biggest cannon freak in the world,but Starbuck being a guy should be one of them.

thats kinda like remaking Starwars and Darth Vaders a women..  

David Ferrell

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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2003, 08:15:45 pm »
Well Toasty0, accept my apology and let us part as friends.


Agent XXX

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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #64 on: September 18, 2003, 09:20:47 pm »
 How bout a little movie to remind you, of what was, A decent piece of flimage from ours and yours more than likely past

Battlestar Galactica

Quicktime, and its kinda long...  


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #65 on: September 18, 2003, 10:01:49 pm »
now THAT is BSG. SWEETness.. see.. this shows what COULD have been done.. and best of all.. its for a video game. lol.


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2003, 01:34:47 am »
 I'll not watch the show simply because they have targeted the lowest common denominator, they have screwed the premise of the show, and because I hate MTV automatons! Boycott away comrades!  


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2003, 07:38:30 am »
Hello TheShadow,

I completely agree with yaa my friend,
they have screwed the show,

this is NOT a sequel,
like ST: TOS then the sequel ST: TNG,
which had a bumpy start,
 but then came into its own,

This new BSG, is a complete discarding of the Old BSG,
it is a pale-attempt to replace the original,

    "Rise up my brothers!  BOYCOTT the new BSG!"

Take care,


 I'll not watch the show simply because they have targeted the lowest common denominator, they have screwed the premise of the show, and because I hate MTV automatons! Boycott away comrades!  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2003, 06:17:03 pm »

 How bout a little movie to remind you, of what was, A decent piece of flimage from ours and yours more than likely past

Battlestar Galactica

Quicktime, and its kinda long...    

Oh sh**!! A chick was reading the famous BSG intro instead of Lorne Greene.  Boycott!!  Boycott!!!  How dare they replace Lorne Greene!!!  What is the country coming to.  Help, help  conservative movement, save our country from our depravity and our civil rights!!!


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #69 on: September 19, 2003, 08:03:24 pm »
Lepton, I was right.

You are a moron.

Just MHO, but anyone that decides to post like you do is just a "stirrer of thee pot", and that's just plain moronic.

I respect what the original intent was here, and I won't be a Robert about others feelings just because I don't agree with them.

Stop trolling, Lepton.



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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #70 on: September 19, 2003, 09:43:52 pm »
Maybe I'm being a little too simple with my thought process here.  I'll take a look at it and if I like it i'll watch it if I don't I'll turn it off.  I'll do this without calling anyone names.  Maybe I'm just being silly.


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #71 on: September 19, 2003, 10:06:05 pm »
Perhaps it's just a reflection of the times. Current political views are often thrust into art, stirring the pot and actually creating not wanted attention to the offended side's campaign in respect to producing curiostiy drawing in more viewers. Okay. So I had a few beers.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #72 on: September 20, 2003, 05:00:41 am »
Are people so afraid of change that they demand sequels instead of a fresh new interpretation of things? Might I point out that even the Star Wars movies were re-made with a new view of things and people loved them.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #73 on: September 20, 2003, 04:24:34 pm »

The Old BSG was the original,
and was based on half sci-fi/half religion,

The Twelve Colonies of Man,
The Council of the Twelve,
The 1000 Yarheen Cylon War,
The Robotic Cylons that turned on and killed off their Reptilan Cylon Creators,
The Book of Word,
The Star of Kobol,

The Mythical Lost "Mother-Civilsation",
of 13 Tribes,

the Twelve founded the "Colonies",
the Thirteen crossed the stars to colonise,

"the Shining Planet known as Earth",

What do they give us now,

Not what ST: TOS and ST: TNG were,
a sequel honouring the roots of the original,

 this "New Galactica" shreads and discards the original,

How would you feel if ST: TNG discarded and replaced the ST: TOS,
I'd venture to guess that you wouldn't like it Atrahasis,

not one little bit.



Are people so afraid of change that they demand sequels instead of a fresh new interpretation of things? Might I point out that even the Star Wars movies were re-made with a new view of things and people loved them.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #74 on: September 20, 2003, 10:51:07 pm »
Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #75 on: September 20, 2003, 11:37:36 pm »

Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  

Not very enlightened for a person who decided for his own reasons to post here and not in the Off-Topic forum where it clearly belongs. Of course I am now guilty of troll feeding again but so be it, it's not the first time.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #76 on: September 21, 2003, 10:29:31 am »

The Fools.

So they're dumbing down BSG a thousandfold more than they dumbed down Star Trek with TNG.

Battle Star Galactica is cool.

Cylons are cool.

Starbuck is cool.

That show makes an impression on any generation that watches it.  When my kid brother saw the original series for the first time ever in his early teens, (and some 20 years after it first aired) he thought it was excellent.  He found himself surprised and entertained.

Blow away all the spectacular packaging from Star Trek and Star Wars (episodes IV - VI at least) and at their core they convey a deep and meaningful message.  Like it or not, with Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was creating "morality plays".

New Series of BSG?  If the Cylons aren't their cool metallic selves that would be an unpardonable crime in it's self.

The same stories are told time and time again.

It's not the story, but how you tell it.

Thankfully, being a citizen of the UK, I won't have to worry about boycotting anything for donkey's ages.

We used to get everything first, the latest Start Trek and B-5 episodes (though our government saw fit to censor parts of these episodes it deemed improper for UK viewing - I'm not kidding) but not anymore.

The scourge of corporate television has put an end to that.  Pay for Satellite Television or stay in the dark for years.

The second season of Enterprise started for us, on terrestrial television, one week ago today.

Greedy corporate vampires.  I suppose in a way, I'm already actively participating in the boycott, as I refuse to subscribe to the Corporate Organ Grinders and pay for the privilege of watching them screw up some of my favourite shows.

Death to Rupert Murdock!  Hang him, I say! - but flogg him first.



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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #77 on: September 21, 2003, 12:34:48 pm »

Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  

(Not saying this little boycott thing will get the new BSG canceled but IF the actions of a few zealot fans do...) then it is the fan boys who determine what we are watching. If it gets pulled because enough fans convince people not to watch the show what happens to the people that happen to like it. The same as usually happens we lose a show we like becausesomeone else decided it wasn't good. Oh sure people who like could run a campaign to have it re-aired but that would only work if the show first got good ratings and established itself.


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #78 on: September 21, 2003, 06:15:52 pm »
Everything is ART. Even if the new show is bad I'll still probably want to make models of the ships. It's the new ideas that people can come up with that are more important than tradition or even continuity because they inspire the imagination, which is an important part of our psyche. Btw, you can DL this one I made and stick it into your OP game.

Mentat Jon

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #79 on: September 21, 2003, 08:14:35 pm »
no matter what they do with the New BSG I think everyone here who has never agreed with me on anything will agree with this statement:

It will be better than "BattleField Earth"