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Quote:The more people shriek "BOYCOTT!" the more I want to check it out.Sure I watched BSG as a kid. I watched Dukes of Hazzard and Buck Rogers too. Know what? They all SUCK as high art.Know what else? Star Trek with it's winky dink dime-store philosophy and new age preachiness sucks too. If I want philosophy, I'll read James, Nietzsche, Sartre or Kant, not watch some dopey show from the sixtes shoveling around philosophy 101, hoping people will be impressed.What do I want in media entertainment? I want Captain Kirk fistfighting with some latex dinosaur. I want some green chick mudwrestling with some orange chick. I want big explosions and a thrilling soundtrack. I want cheap thrills and cheaper laughs.I like things that offend people, and maybe makes them wonder why they're being offended. It is just a stupid TV show after all. Don't like it? There are about 300 other channels that aren't playing it, but that's not quite good enough is it? You also want to make sure nobody else watches it either! "Oh they changed a bad TV show from the seventies and made it into a bad TV show for today, BOYCOTT!"Some of you guys are SO cute...