Topic: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott  (Read 25391 times)

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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #180 on: September 19, 2003, 06:17:03 pm »

 How bout a little movie to remind you, of what was, A decent piece of flimage from ours and yours more than likely past

Battlestar Galactica

Quicktime, and its kinda long...    

Oh sh**!! A chick was reading the famous BSG intro instead of Lorne Greene.  Boycott!!  Boycott!!!  How dare they replace Lorne Greene!!!  What is the country coming to.  Help, help  conservative movement, save our country from our depravity and our civil rights!!!


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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #181 on: September 19, 2003, 08:03:24 pm »
Lepton, I was right.

You are a moron.

Just MHO, but anyone that decides to post like you do is just a "stirrer of thee pot", and that's just plain moronic.

I respect what the original intent was here, and I won't be a Robert about others feelings just because I don't agree with them.

Stop trolling, Lepton.



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Re: The gallery is snickering
« Reply #182 on: September 19, 2003, 09:43:52 pm »
Maybe I'm being a little too simple with my thought process here.  I'll take a look at it and if I like it i'll watch it if I don't I'll turn it off.  I'll do this without calling anyone names.  Maybe I'm just being silly.


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #183 on: September 19, 2003, 10:06:05 pm »
Perhaps it's just a reflection of the times. Current political views are often thrust into art, stirring the pot and actually creating not wanted attention to the offended side's campaign in respect to producing curiostiy drawing in more viewers. Okay. So I had a few beers.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #184 on: September 20, 2003, 05:00:41 am »
Are people so afraid of change that they demand sequels instead of a fresh new interpretation of things? Might I point out that even the Star Wars movies were re-made with a new view of things and people loved them.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #185 on: September 20, 2003, 04:24:34 pm »

The Old BSG was the original,
and was based on half sci-fi/half religion,

The Twelve Colonies of Man,
The Council of the Twelve,
The 1000 Yarheen Cylon War,
The Robotic Cylons that turned on and killed off their Reptilan Cylon Creators,
The Book of Word,
The Star of Kobol,

The Mythical Lost "Mother-Civilsation",
of 13 Tribes,

the Twelve founded the "Colonies",
the Thirteen crossed the stars to colonise,

"the Shining Planet known as Earth",

What do they give us now,

Not what ST: TOS and ST: TNG were,
a sequel honouring the roots of the original,

 this "New Galactica" shreads and discards the original,

How would you feel if ST: TNG discarded and replaced the ST: TOS,
I'd venture to guess that you wouldn't like it Atrahasis,

not one little bit.



Are people so afraid of change that they demand sequels instead of a fresh new interpretation of things? Might I point out that even the Star Wars movies were re-made with a new view of things and people loved them.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #186 on: September 20, 2003, 10:51:07 pm »
Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #187 on: September 20, 2003, 11:37:36 pm »

Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  

Not very enlightened for a person who decided for his own reasons to post here and not in the Off-Topic forum where it clearly belongs. Of course I am now guilty of troll feeding again but so be it, it's not the first time.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Cleaven »


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #188 on: September 21, 2003, 10:29:31 am »

The Fools.

So they're dumbing down BSG a thousandfold more than they dumbed down Star Trek with TNG.

Battle Star Galactica is cool.

Cylons are cool.

Starbuck is cool.

That show makes an impression on any generation that watches it.  When my kid brother saw the original series for the first time ever in his early teens, (and some 20 years after it first aired) he thought it was excellent.  He found himself surprised and entertained.

Blow away all the spectacular packaging from Star Trek and Star Wars (episodes IV - VI at least) and at their core they convey a deep and meaningful message.  Like it or not, with Star Trek, Gene Roddenberry was creating "morality plays".

New Series of BSG?  If the Cylons aren't their cool metallic selves that would be an unpardonable crime in it's self.

The same stories are told time and time again.

It's not the story, but how you tell it.

Thankfully, being a citizen of the UK, I won't have to worry about boycotting anything for donkey's ages.

We used to get everything first, the latest Start Trek and B-5 episodes (though our government saw fit to censor parts of these episodes it deemed improper for UK viewing - I'm not kidding) but not anymore.

The scourge of corporate television has put an end to that.  Pay for Satellite Television or stay in the dark for years.

The second season of Enterprise started for us, on terrestrial television, one week ago today.

Greedy corporate vampires.  I suppose in a way, I'm already actively participating in the boycott, as I refuse to subscribe to the Corporate Organ Grinders and pay for the privilege of watching them screw up some of my favourite shows.

Death to Rupert Murdock!  Hang him, I say! - but flogg him first.



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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #189 on: September 21, 2003, 12:34:48 pm »

Lepton: Lorne Green only did the opening title dialogue in half the episodes. Patrick Macnee did the title narration in some of them too. Obviously you were not aware of this. Consider yourself enlightened.


Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  

(Not saying this little boycott thing will get the new BSG canceled but IF the actions of a few zealot fans do...) then it is the fan boys who determine what we are watching. If it gets pulled because enough fans convince people not to watch the show what happens to the people that happen to like it. The same as usually happens we lose a show we like becausesomeone else decided it wasn't good. Oh sure people who like could run a campaign to have it re-aired but that would only work if the show first got good ratings and established itself.


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #190 on: September 21, 2003, 06:15:52 pm »
Everything is ART. Even if the new show is bad I'll still probably want to make models of the ships. It's the new ideas that people can come up with that are more important than tradition or even continuity because they inspire the imagination, which is an important part of our psyche. Btw, you can DL this one I made and stick it into your OP game.

Mentat Jon

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #191 on: September 21, 2003, 08:14:35 pm »
no matter what they do with the New BSG I think everyone here who has never agreed with me on anything will agree with this statement:

It will be better than "BattleField Earth"



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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #192 on: September 21, 2003, 11:55:39 pm »
It's kinda interesting that someone earlier linked to some game movie trailers for Sierra's upcoming Battlestar Galactica game. As freaky cool as the movies look, I happen to have some serious beefs with the GAME.

First, a little backstory. About a year ago, I received an e-mail from Sierra asking me to participate in a customer survey about some games they had in early development. One of the most promising of these (and the only one I remember) was the new Battlestar Galactica game and I was initially VERY excited (A space combat game set in the Battlestar Galactica universe! Freakin' Awesome! Where do I pre-order?!?!?). Then they started asking some very. . . odd. . . questions. Questions such as:

What do you think about having hybrid gameplay featuring away missions with a younger Commander Adama, FPS style?


What about space combat missions similar to Rebel Assault (ie - a rail shooter)?


Would I buy it if it was NOT available on the PC?

First off, I pretty much think FPS type games suck. They give me nasty headaches and occasional nausea. The only one I actually liked was Unreal Tournament (and then only in LAN play) and I could only play that for about 30 mins at a sitting before I started reaching for the Tylenol. I also happen to find that many game forums catering to FPS players tend to be juvenile and rude in the extreme (as opposed to the overall extremely civilized Taldren forums - I wonder how many ppl are truly aware of how great the community here is?). All in all, I dislike FPS style games.

Second off, I am a HUGE fan of games like Wing Commander (1-4 & Prophecy - I never cared for the Privateer series or Armada, and Academy was interesting but it was really only a random mission generator), FreeSpace & FreeSpace 2 (FreeSpace 2 is STILL one of the best looking computer games ever made IMHO - and Volition got screwed over by Interplay just like Taldren and Bioware), Tie Fighter (I didn't care much for X-Wing, and X-Wing Alliance was OK, but Tie Fighter, FreeSpace 2, Wing Commander 2, Eye of the Beholder 2, and Lands of Lore 1 are my Top 5 favorite games of all time and in about that order, too) and I even really enjoyed StarLancer (I like FreeLancer, but I like StarLancer better). This should serve to let you know that I REALLY enjoy space combat games. They also have the added benefit of NOT making me ill watching or playing them (as opposed to Descents 1 thru 3 - puke-a-rama - and all FPS type games from Wolfenstein 3D on up). I own and have played Rebel Alliance. It is a rail shooter. This means you fly on a pre-determined path and "steer" your targeting reticle and blow stuff up. It sucked and I hated it. It had a sequel, Rebel Assault II - it wasn't any better. I mean, look at Tie Fighter (Alpha 1, Request for Reinforcements Acknowledged - Imperial Fanfare - Star Destroyer Emperor's Fist enters area at 11KM and drops off 2 additional Tie squadrons - Sweet!!!!) and then look at Rebel Assault! This certainly does not bode well.

And third off, I don't own a console game system. I will not now nor any conceivable time in the near future own a game console (unless someone gives me one and then I doubt I'd play it for more than a few mins - I can safely say this because my brother has damn near every console system ever invented by mankind and I have yet to find anything that interests me on one).

I will admit that I thought the game would be much more appealing were it more like FreeSpace 2 (or even StarLancer, a game that while not perfect, was very good and had a great atmosphere, it's downfall being primarily some drastically difficult missions - Warthog, BSG's developer, worked on that one with Digital Anvil, so they HAVE experience in the genre). I told the developers as much in my feedback, even going so far as to outline all the things about FreeSpace 2 that made me love it so much. I would even have enjoyed an RTS game based on Battlestar Galactica (except we already kinda have that - Sierra's own HomeWorld and HomeWorld 2 and they are quite awesome games. I have them both. Any official BSG RTS would have a very hard time beating these two. Pity they AREN'T official BSG RTS games.) It appears it is not to be however.

As far as the Sci-Fi channel remake is concerned, I will watch it. It can't be any worse than the Dune miniseries (I'm your Duke!). Even if it turns out to be bad, even the makers of the Dune miniseries somewhat redeemed themselves with Children of Dune (much MUCH better). There is hope. I will wait and see. If it sucks - I'll eventually give up on it, just like I did with TNG, DS9, Voyager & Enterprise. (SFC: OP rulez!)

On a related note, anyone remember the NBC remake of Dark Shadows with Ben Cross as Barnabus Collins? I thought that was freakin' fantastic. The only show I EVER made sure I was home for EVERY episode. I had seen several episodes of the original series and found it very Soap Opera-Style slow and boring, but the new series had pacing, excellent acting, good scripts, and excellent visual production values. It took the original's storyline and paced it much faster, making for one of the most enjoyable shows of my teenage years. They cancelled it after one season (on a cliff hanger, too!!!). You win some, you lose some.

Thanking God that he has access to electrical power and water and that his house and car don't have trees sprouting from the middle of them (See Isabel thread).


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #193 on: September 22, 2003, 09:54:43 pm »
I'm never too much of a stickler for a remake being all that close to the original.

Anytime a show that old gets remade, it has to be significantly redone. Society has changed drastically.  The old one just can't be that relevant now. Its not enough to remake the special effects. Nobody is going to be impressed with spacefighters and robots these days.

Their concept of giving humans "flaws" and making Cylons look like people may allow them to humanize the show more and present some relevant social issues. Who knows. I'm not going to pan the show without seeing it. I will give it a chance.

Feel free to be close-minded and judge it sight unseen. I won't.



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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #194 on: September 23, 2003, 06:16:57 pm »



Obviously you do not agree with the topic of my thread here, and since you're here anyway, the only reason you could possibly have for being here is to argue with people whom you dissagree with. What a loser. Nobody says they are the authority on what TV shows are crap, we said that we don't like THIS tv show, and we think THIS tv show is crap. And if you dissagree, that's ok. But in that case you have no reason for being here do you?  You think this topic is rediculous, you don't like it, yet still you're here? You know, an intelligent person would just ... go away. You don't have to reply to every single thread on this forum you know. Go find something productive to do with your time.  

I didn't think this topic was "rediculous."  I thought it was "rediculous" that it (or topics like it) had been posted in three different fora (that I know of...there might be more).  I think it's a great topic, otherwise.  It's certainly not up to you to decide what discussion I choose to involve myself in.  It's not up to you to decide my reasons for "being here."

On the other hand, you've resorted to actual name calling.  Heh...I find that kind of pathetic.

I have posted because the topic interests me, nevermind the fact that it should be relegated and confined to the OT forum.  Since you've chosen to personallyattack me rather than discuss the merits of my arguments, I can only assume that you've somehow taken exception to the fact that I, among others, are not eating up your call for a boycott and have taken exception to the unfavorable categorization of those willing to at least judge the new BSG miniseries on it's merits or lack thereof after actually watching it.  You'll note that I am not insulting those who choose to dismiss it out of hand without watching it.  That's certainly their perrogative.

I have posted on-topic in this thread.  I have questioned the points of view espoused by yourself and others that I find problematic or just plain don't agree with.  I sorry to find that you apparently don't have any use for differing opinions.  It would seem you're only interested in the opinions of those who agree with you.  If this is the case, you might want to look into confining your posts to PMs amongst your circle of "yes men."

If you're going to post something publically, it behooves you to be open to response and possible criticism of your argument/topic.  Perhaps you would benefit from starting from the beginning and reading this thread all over again.  You appear to have missed a great number of points.  Perhaps it's all the ones that you don't agree with.  Seems plausible, anyway...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dogmatix! »


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #195 on: September 24, 2003, 09:00:01 am »
BSG Early Draft scripts:

**** WARNING!! Lotsa Potential Spoilers!! ****

If you go through the scripts I think you will find the new stories to be intriguing.  It makes you do a lot of thinking which is a sign of a good series.  I think the intellectual quotient has been expanded many times fold over the classic BSG.   I like the way the Colonials are no longer idiotic dupes; especiallly, the politicians.  Instead they are compromised by their own character flaws but not their intelligence.  Moore uses Balter as the symbol for how intelligence can be compromised by personal character flaws like being too self-absorbed (cf. Londo Mollari in B5, Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars, Gul Duhkat in DS9). Other than looking for a reference for the head baddie of the Cylons (ie. Star Wars mentioned the Emporer 30 minutes into the film, DS9 brought in the Female Changeling early on, Borg Queen appeared in First Contact), I like what R. Moore has done with the franchise.  It's kinda hard to hate the Cylon 6 model, hehe.

IMHO, I think it has a chance of meeting original B5 standards and putting Enterprise in trouble.  Another thing in the new series' favor is the casting of the Apollo character.  It's played by the actor that did Archie Kennedy in the Horatio Hornblower mini-series.  That shows that BSG is serious about getting young, hungry, quality actors on the potential level of Patrick Stewart in the series.  I'm also a Hornblower fan.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #196 on: September 24, 2003, 10:45:35 am »
I will propably watch this new one if I can.  I also like Enterprise.  It has its problems but it's good.  
The main reason is that I lke the story.  BSG was the first Sci-Fi series that I watched when I was a kid and since then I am a big fan of SCIFI.

Which only makes it sound more strange when I ask this,  a few people mentioned Space 1999.  What was that about?  I have never seen it or read about it.  What does it deal with?


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #197 on: September 24, 2003, 10:56:45 am »
Space: 1999.  A base is on the moon.  Mostly science station, but they dispose of nuclear waste.  Something goes wrong and there is a massive explosion propelling the Moon out into space.  Before long they are out of range of earth and stuck on the moon.  They then encounter various aliens, and stuff as Moonbase Alpha continues on it's course, they are hoping that they will be able to reach a planet that is habitable by humans before they run out of supplies, etc.  


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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #198 on: September 24, 2003, 11:06:37 am »
Thank you.

Mr. Hypergol

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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica miniseries boycott
« Reply #199 on: September 24, 2003, 04:19:13 pm »
Space 1999 was groundbreaking for it's time.  I loved that show along with BSG and Star Trek.

Obviously some of the premise is bogus, for example the moon actually encountering a new planet every week or so.  Boy, they must have not only been moving faster than light but also able to "steer" the moon.  Totally bogus from a science perspective.  Did I miss something or am I correct here?

What I loved about the show was the concept of moon base Alpha and the Eagle space craft.  I saw these as in the same category as the Discovery spacecraft from 2001 A Space Osyssey.....i.e.  things humanity could achieve within my lifetime given the appropriate resources allocated.

Space 1999 was good stuff indeed.

Here's some good Space 1999 links:
« Last Edit: September 24, 2003, 04:22:20 pm by Mr. Hypergol »