Hello David Ferrell,

You and I, don't very often agree,
so this should give the whole Taldren Forums "pause"...
I agree.
Thank you for the warning.
I'm an ultra-fan of the Old BSG,
and I'm gonna vote with my wallet as well,
Its truely sad,
that after all this time (since the 1978-1979 AD, Old BSG),
they go and ruin, IMHO, what could have been a great experience for the fans,
and the Studios to make money,
I personally believe that "IQs have sharply dropped in the Studio",
I smell the "hand of Glen Larson" in this one

If you have strong conservative views, heart-felt religious views, or consider yourself a loyal fan of the original Battlestar Galactica then this show may offend you.
Take care ,:)