Blitzkrieg, I sympathize completely.
AMML's adhere to the letter of the game rules, but violate the very spirit and intention. Yes you can beat these ships, but you need 7 or 8 shots to kill them, while they only need 1 or 2 to beat you. Statisticly, they are going to win 7 or 8 of every 10 encounters. It is a loadout that lets an inferior pilot beat a better one. This is an exploit, plain and simple.
I hope beyond hope that the patch does something about this (ideally, limiting any ship to no more than 1 AMML).
And how the hell did your Sov last even that long against a AMML? It should've taken only 1 or 2 shots to destroy you, not the 3 or 4 he took. Hehehe, the guy must've been having a bad day that day, 30 seconds instead of 15...
As to the post-patch probe, I'd like to see someone do some testing on it. If the current 25% UberProbes? end up detecting you effectively 100% of the time, the forthcoming 15% SonOfUberProbes? should still be far, far too strong (If 25% X 4 = 100%, then 15 X 4 = 60%!) Yes, I suspect Taldren's AntiRomulan Department, though they've had some setbacks, managed to sneak this one in somehow.