Just FYI WT,
When Interplay dropped support for SFC, SFC II EAW, and SFC II OP, Taldren took up the reigns and supported the games for more than a year each game after Interplay lost their Liscense.
Activision bought all the trek liscenses for all Trek game titles so that they could monopolize the Trek market since at the time it was a hot seller.
Activision did rush the game, but not for Christmas prophits, but to meet with the Dec. 6 movie release date as the release of SFC 3 was 1 month before the movie came out and the original box advertised the movie. it was clearly an agreement between Paramount/Viacom and Activision.
Paramount/Viacom's movie ticket sales opening weekend were the lowest in Trek history, and this is due to the poor production of the TV series of voyager, the last season of TNG and mid to end of DS9, just after Roddeenberry died and when B&B took over the series.. then came out Enterprise and ruined the Trek timeline with technology more advanced than the TOS series had.. thus losing a vast majority of the core Trek fans.. which in turn hurt Movie sales with Nemisis and hurt Trek Games since the majority of them now are based on B&B version of Trek and not on the long standing and proven Roddenberry approach.
as such, due to the poor movie sales on opening weekend, closing out $25 million short of any other Trek movie, making it the lowest in Trek history, Activision is suing paramount/Viacom for damages to their game sales.. and as such, Paramount/Viacom is countersuing for the poor quality of games under the Trek name. and as a side effect, the game liscensing has been pulled and is on hold until after the litigation of the two companies is settled...
however, Activision still has the right to release patches for any Trek game that they have already released, but they are not taking any chances against Paramount/Viacom in the event that there is a loop hole in the contracts... thus Activision has stopped support of all Trek titles that they have sold...
net result... Developers, not just Taldren, but also the Elite Force II team, whoever they are, are both in the same boat... no patches for any Trek game through Activision are being worked on at Activision.
But this does not mean that the game developers have stopped support.. on the contrary...
Taldren, since the release of the Beta patch, has been working on SFC 3 in incriment builds, each of which getting it's own server kit for our testing purposes..
Currently, the hold is as such...
Patch release will occur when Activision starts testing Trek game builds again and decides to test the SFC 3 patch which as been sent to them for each build of our test patches and server kits.. thus going through theor Quality Assurance checks, then going through their Visioneers testing team, then going for final approval after the entire single player game has been played in both storyline and conquest game modes, plus server testing plus Lan testing...
Activision decides to relinquish the patching rights to Taldren so that the patch can be made public directly from Taldren and the support options for SFC 3 can expand beyond what Activision is limiting Taldren to adhere to.
Taldren is supporting SFC 3, however the problem and hold up is completely Activision at this point...
as proof positive, read David Ferrells posting sticky'd at the top of the general forum stating the fixes in SFC 3 in the build that we have now, server kit included...
it is in very poor taste that ou attack Taldren in their own forum given the hundreds of postings made about the current patch status of SFC 3 and also in light that you posted this AFTER David Ferrell posted the SFC 3 Patch Release notes as relating to current date in the patch game fix process...
I agree that action of some sort needs to be taken against Activision, however, Taldren record in several posts on this forum has shown proof of their support on SFC 3 since the beginning, even before the release of SFC 3 in stores...
WT, i think that you need to take advantage of a certain feature that these forums have in the controls at the top... it is called "Search"
"Search" on this forum is designed to scan different forums that you have access to for key words, plus you can narrow your search to a specific forum or even for a certain post author...
I use it quite often myself, especially when i want to get facts on topics that I wish to share my opinions in.
Also, most of us on this forum hold respect for each other and refrain from using foul language. This forum is designed for Adult gamers... Acting like a child, name calling and cut downs shows a lack of maturity. if you can't get your point across in a civilized manner in an adult conversational tone, then you will get flamed and most likely banned from posting or even viewing the Taldren Forums just because of posts like your first one in this thread in your attack of Taldren...
plus you will lose the respect of the community and at the same time alienate yourself to the point of not being taken seriously in your postings, if you even get a response at all from other Taldren Forum members.
Thanks for taking your time to read this book.