Topic: Gamespy's top 25 list  (Read 15465 times)

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #80 on: September 16, 2003, 03:27:02 am »
Capitalism at work again, Gamespy's Top 25 who payed us the most list.
Well, I guess everyone has the right to aspire towards mediocrity if they wish.

The No.1 all time game in the entire history of the human race is actually a strategy game, which very few people ever master and has been ported to computer in a multitude of forms. That game of course is CHESS, but you wont see that on any corporate top 25 list because its not patentable.

As for SFC being a niche game because its too hard, that actually says more about the average IQ level of the corporate game reviewer than anything else and has very little to do with the product. Doom was fun when it first came out, but 40 million carbon copies of it bore me to tears, the novelty of better graphics wears off after 5 minutes.  

SFC Bennie

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #81 on: September 16, 2003, 03:36:51 am »

Yes all games should be Doom/Quake/Castle Wofie et. all.

I have one word for our buddies at Gamespy: LOSERS



Dave, ya big galoot, you just made my day.

Scott Bennie  


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #82 on: September 16, 2003, 12:00:59 pm »

Yes all games should be Doom/Quake/Castle Wofie et. all.

I have one word for our buddies at Gamespy: LOSERS



Go get 'em, Dave!  



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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #83 on: September 16, 2003, 12:02:39 pm »

I was speaking directly to the lamers and their top 25 list.

Just because a game is too hard for you, or is a niche game, doesn't
make it overrated.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't do or teach criticize the 1st two groups.

Learn it, love it.



What if you can do and have done but still choose to teach?  


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #84 on: September 16, 2003, 01:09:02 pm »
Dave, learn how to spell!

It's  l4m3rz

David Ferrell

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #85 on: September 16, 2003, 01:27:11 pm »
Sorry I'll have to brush up on my elite typing skillz.




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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #86 on: September 16, 2003, 02:14:02 pm »
A game system that came from a boardgame over 25 years old, and is STILL popular, with beautiful graphics, and it's over rated?

This guy should go back to playing mario bros, maybe he can actually win at that.


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #87 on: September 16, 2003, 04:04:42 pm »
Hey, old NES Mario Bros is cool!  

I do not agree with Gamespy too. They misunderstood the word realisitic. SFC is a good approximation of space combat as it happens in the series, but what the director shows are only the action scenes, not the time when quantums are reloaded into their bays or phasers banks/arrays/emitters are recharging. Besides any space combat game shows as much, if not less, realism (id est laws of physics are completely obeyed)  as any SFC game.

When they say that there are no moments of military tactics or strategic brilliance, i invite them to join a serious campaign and see how much strategy and tactics are in the game, despite the series' lack of it at most times.

I know for sure that, if Activision hadn't rushed SFC3 and cooperate(d/s) more when it comes to patching the game, it would have appealed to a substantially larger public, because negative news often scares people, or stops them playing after a couple of months. I never played SFC, SFC2, or SFC2:OP, but i dare say that the SFC-games are good games (with some minor flaws though, like being unable to lock my power distribution sliders  ), and have a strong fanbase.

Oh, by the way, Dave, it's 1337 or 133t not elite  



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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #88 on: September 16, 2003, 07:48:22 pm »

I was speaking directly to the lamers and their top 25 list.

Just because a game is too hard for you, or is a niche game, doesn't
make it overrated.

Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
Those who can't do or teach criticize the 1st two groups.

Learn it, love it.



Well, that sounds like a good omen of the future. Hyper and I will now adjourn and begin our prayers anew to the GAW god.  


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #89 on: September 16, 2003, 07:59:49 pm »
Please, please, Aenigma.

L337 would have been acceptable also =P



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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #90 on: September 16, 2003, 08:24:38 pm »
l33t h4><0rz pwnz j00!


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #91 on: September 16, 2003, 10:03:01 pm »


Yes all games should be Doom/Quake/Castle Wofie et. all.

I have one word for our buddies at Gamespy: LOSERS



Go get 'em, Dave!  


Wanna know something Dave.... I truly DO wish that all games made were like the 3 you just mentioned....Not because they are FPS...But because they were "Unique"...The 3 games you mentioned are legends...Actually...I'm surprised you didnt post games like Unreal or Half-Life.

And if I'm not mistaken Dave...Isn't the "Black 9" game engine based on one of these fine games (Unreal or Quake engines)?

Although I don't hold GameSpy reviews in the highest regards...There is some truth to his/her logic....It WAS a hard game to master..Especilally in Mutiplayer.

So how do you think "Black 9" will be reviewed?...Will it be "This game is the best since Laura Kroft!!!".....Or will it be "Taldren's Tomb Raider"?


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #92 on: September 17, 2003, 10:44:33 am »
New Special Feature!  Gamespy's Dumbest Moment.  Creating the Special Feature "Overrated Games" and having no idea what they are talking about or even a good 25 to list.

Just a bunch of cry babies who want to create talk and hype.  Well you did it, and you just lost a ton of credibility and readers.  Nice job!

Do they get paid for that?  Someone needs to be fired...  

D. Boon's Ghost

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #93 on: September 18, 2003, 10:35:04 am »
I was very interested in the reaction here to Gamespy's piece, so much so that I logged back on to this message board after a couple of months of inactivity.

For the most part I am pretty impressed by the reaction by most of the posters in this thread.  Considering that Gamespy's one glaring criticism towards SFC was in fact an observation of the games community, that being the rabid 'fanboys', I would say that the reaction here is downright pleasant.

The thing that made me post, though, was Mr. Ferrell's comments.  I, too, find them rather laughable considering Black9 will certainly be targeting the very same gamers that probably have owned Doom/Quake/Wolf at one time or another.  
I wonder what will happen when that soon-to-be game reviewer, the 'loser' that he is, gets handed Black9 as his next write-up for Gamespy.  

Losers perhaps, but Gamespy influences a large number of casual gamers with their reviews.  From the casual gamers point of view, in my casual opinion, I believe the over-rated dub of SFC is warranted.    

Captain KoraH

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #94 on: September 18, 2003, 11:44:02 am »
Well everybody is entitled to an opinion. I'm reserving judgement on Black9 until I can see the game. I think it's cool for Taldren to branch out into a different genre. And just because Dave doesn't think every game should be a Doom clone doesn't also mean he has anything against Doom or Doom clones. It means exactly what it says, that every game shouldn't be a Doom clone. And if you think it means Dave hates Doom and Wolf and UT, then you're making that up because I don't see any words to that effect in Dave's post. I'm glad some people come out of retirement to make their opinions known, but I  think they should put more thought into what they say, especially if it's the only thing they've said in a long time.  


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #95 on: September 18, 2003, 12:21:35 pm »
At least they got the Derek Smart BC 3000  one right.

SFC Bennie

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #96 on: September 18, 2003, 11:31:25 pm »

At least they got the Derek Smart BC 3000  one right.

I didn't think BC3000 was ever rated highly enough to qualify as overrated. Same goes for Pool of Radiance.

And the inclusion of SFC and NWN is simply moronic.

Scott Bennie  

Rod O'neal

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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #97 on: September 19, 2003, 11:30:47 am »
Hey people,

In case you all haven't done it yet, here's where you should tell GS what you think of the inclusion of SFC in the list. A few well deserved pages of thoughtful rebuttal from the "Fanboys" (and girls) here wouldn't hurt the SFC cause.
A word of suggestion, if I may. Give them your opinion, but resist quoting others. So as not to create anything out of context or have misquotes that may haunt some undeserving soul.  


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #98 on: September 19, 2003, 11:32:29 am »
Lets translate this shall we?



Star Trek fans are kind of a funny bunch.

=Lets me start my bias fest by separating myself from Star Trek fans in general and SFC fans specificly


There is, somewhere in the depths of their souls, a part of them that truly believes that the show is real.

=I'm sure these sick twisted freaks sit around in their Starfleet PJ's drinking green koolaid and calling it "romulan Ale", watching back to back episodes of trek re-runs


 How else can you explain the frenzy over Starfleet Command?

=I think SFC is too hard....and since I dont like one should.....


 The game and its subsequent series exist merely because of fan whining that previous games like Starfleet Academy weren't "realistic" enough.

=It wasnt that  market forces drove the production of SFC1...they saw a market for it...and designed a product for that market....nah...couldnt be that simple...its another "fan conspiracy"


Realistic? We're talking about games that simulate starship combat based on a show that, for all its virtues, is hardly a very good representation of either military tactics or strategic brilliance.

=I'm clueless as to the foundations of SFC and couldnt be bothered to open the manual and read a few pages....


Yet, that cry of "realism" was why fans got so excited over Starfleet Command, a game based on the insanely detailed rules of an obscure old paper and pencil strategy game called Starfleet Battles.

=SFC is too hard...the game is ruled by people who actually read the mauals or  are SFB zealots , I hate everyone that plays it....and thier little dogs too...


In actual space you can't hear lasers being fired or explosions.

=I have a sucky soundcard...


The result was a thoroughly mediocre game that was overly complicated, slow, dull, had the interface from hell, included boring missions, and a campaign that was barely worthy of the name.

=SFC is too hard....and I'm too lazy to figure it out...


 Then a strange thing happened -- the quasi-religious aura that surrounds Star Trek the TV show seemed to descend over Starfleet Command. Internet forums and chat rooms were filled with rabid gamers espousing the virtues of an entirely average product and viciously flaming anyone who dared say anything bad about their long-awaited "realistic" simulation.

=So now these Starfleet PJ clad ,ale swilling, freaks ,are thumbing through their SFB manuals sitting bleary eye'd in dimly lit rooms...avoiding sunlight whenever possible....


 In fact, their support was so vocal that Interplay was convinced that if only the game was more "accessible," the sales might be better.They made quite a few improvements to the game resulting in the better but still mediocre Starfleet
Command II and Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates.   Then, when the game moved over to Activision, it too was bowled over by the active fan community and came up with the completely pedestrian Starfleet Command III.  Activision sold the same small number of units that the Interplay versions always did and quickly realized that a game that sells to the same small group of people every time, and has no appeal to a larger group, wasn't really the way to run a successful franchise.

=No one from Interplay,Taldren,Activision, or Paramount would return my calls, and I dont actually know anyone that plays SFC and likes I had to make crap up....

Thanks for reading my clueless parents are gone tonight....maybe I'll do a never Winter nights review after I get done peeping at the babysitter....she's hot...

L8R 733tz    


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Re: Gamespy's top 25 list
« Reply #99 on: September 19, 2003, 12:00:10 pm »
That was a funny read, Crimmy...heheh...