Broken toys?No.
The 3d mesh is completely re-fitted and whole.
The copy the you have is an early version,
A few weeks back, I offered to send you the finisehed copy,
but you never took me up on it,
Frankly I'm glad I never sent it to yaa,
The 3d mesh ain't anything special,
this place has lots better,
But its special to me, as it "the one I cut my teeth on",
and learned by blood sweat on tears,
So its special to me,
My favorite part was when he took his broken toys away and threatened to leave the sandbox...
threatened to leave the sandbox?
No, again.
I never said that,
I will be in these 3d models forums,
and others,
I love 3d modeling,
and I'm gonna keep on doing it,
Agent Sloan