Topic: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander  (Read 9310 times)

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3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« on: September 15, 2003, 06:01:39 am »


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2003, 07:07:07 am »

Mackie is my dear friend,
So I hope he will not take offense to this,

But starforce2,
What the hell are you doing announcing Bridge Commander Mods here?

Warspite with corrected registrey and improved pod texture.



Agent Sloan


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2003, 08:57:27 am »
Don: Mackie I'm sure will take no offense to this as we all in this community know and respect the work of Starforce2 converting so many ships to BC, he is a member of this community just like any other and deserves respect for what he produces, even if you consider it slightly off-topic you do not have to be so rude to Starforce2. Besides which, many of us like to see the ships of this community in BC; it makes for better screenies

Now play nice everyone... Oh and nice work Starforce

Edit: BTW Don, just out of interest - did you make that flag in your sig yourself? If so what program did you use?

TYIA Lestat
« Last Edit: September 15, 2003, 08:59:54 am by The Vampire Lestat »


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2003, 09:15:22 am »
Lord Bungle:

BC starship mods should be announced in the BC Forum,


Don: Mackie I'm sure will take no offense to this as we all in this community know and respect the work of Starforce2 converting so many ships to BC, he is a member of this community just like any other and deserves respect for what he produces, even if you consider it slightly off-topic you do not have to be so rude to Starforce2. Besides which, many of us like to see the ships of this community in BC; it makes for better screenies

Now play nice everyone... Oh and nice work Starforce

Edit: BTW Don, just out of interest - did you make that flag in your sig yourself? If so what program did you use?

TYIA Lestat

Grimbeard kindly made the "GW Pirate Flag" for me,
He made it Microsoft Paint, and Flagmation,

Agent Sloan


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2003, 10:38:29 am »
Don, I don't get you, you refuse to stop calling me Lord Bungle - a pseudonym I haven't used in quite a while; while I give you the dignity of calling you by your real name - it is meant respectfully, not as sarcasm or snide regardless of how you may read it, if you want you can refer to me by my real name - Marco. I don't really care as such things do not bother me, what bothers me is that you think that I am insulted by your calling me by that pseudonym rather than the one I currently use.

On a lighter note thank you for the information on the flag it is appreciated.

"and now for something completely different."


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2003, 10:59:06 am »
Look-it, The Vampire Lestat,

To re-iterate,
Bridger Commander Mods should be announced in the BC Forums,


Don, I don't get you, you refuse to stop calling me Lord Bungle - a pseudonym I haven't used in quite a while; while I give you the dignity of calling you by your real name - it is meant respectfully, not as sarcasm or snide regardless of how you may read it, if you want you can refer to me by my real name - Marco. I don't really care as such things do not bother me, what bothers me is that you think that I am insulted by your calling me by that pseudonym rather than the one I currently use.

On a lighter note thank you for the information on the flag it is appreciated.

"and now for something completely different."  

Please address me as Agent Sloan,
or GeneralWolfe,

Thank you,

Agent Sloan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »

Hig Hurtenflurst

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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2003, 12:44:13 pm »
Gotta disagree with you Don, especially your (once again) unprovoked use of profanity (while you go to such pains to present such an otherwise civilised veneer....  puzzling.)   You make it sound like some lofty moral code has been broken, while the simple fact is that there are many of us who like BOTH games, under the unifying banner of being StarTrek fans.  This is an announcement that I might otherwise have missed.  It sure doesn't seem to have bothered anyone else!

And by the way, theoretically you should have taken a great big crap all over ME for my thread about the new BattlestarGalactica, which isn't even Star Trek!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Hig Hurtenflurst »


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2003, 12:47:04 pm »
And Don said I had double talk in a bad way...

I am known as a mirror, you see in me what is in you...


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2003, 12:50:23 pm »
Hig, and ActiveX,

You guys are completely off-base here,
I promised the moderators that the peace would be kept by me,
in the ST: Models Forum,

and that is what I shall do,

Agent Sloan


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2003, 01:41:01 pm »
And yet you attempt to provoke me by using an old pseudonym of mine and then when I ask you why you do it you reply with a post that is bordering on yet another attempt to offend me. It didn't but that is kind of irrelevant as the point is General Wolfe; you were questioning Starforce's announcing a BC mod in this forum when you had no problem to an even further off-topic thread regarding Battlestar Gallactica.


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2003, 01:49:56 pm »
The Vampire Lestat,

You know, afterall this time you have not changed one-bit,
Not one iota,

As far as  my problem with starforce2 bringing BridgeCommander Business here to the SFC Models Forum,
yes, that much is evident,

I re-iterate, again,
Bridge Commander Mods should be announced in the BC Forum,

I have shown re-straint,
and now I'm gonna move on, from this,

The Vampire Lestat,
please go find something better to do eh,
Like building one of your 3d models for us too enjoy,

Agent Sloan


And yet you attempt to provoke me by using an old pseudonym of mine and then when I ask you why you do it you reply with a post that is bordering on yet another attempt to offend me. It didn't but that is kind of irrelevant as the point is General Wolfe; you were questioning Starforce's announcing a BC mod in this forum when you had no problem to an even further off-topic thread regarding Battlestar Gallactica.  

Captain Ron

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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2003, 01:56:55 pm »
So a OT should have been in the title, big deal.

As for the rest he was talking about models in the model forum informing us that works done here have been coverted for there. Not all of us play BC but we do like to know what is going on with it when our work could be involved.

Don't complain if they call you by a different name if you are doing the same to them.


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2003, 02:07:22 pm »
Captain Ron,

You are walking into the middle of something that you know nothing about,
If you want to know about Bridge Commander Mods I suggest that you check out the Bridge Commander Forum,

As for the rest,
I was not complaining in the least,
Captain Ron, call me, Bob, Agent Sloan, Don, [censored]-head, [censored]-for-brains, whatever,
Just next time, please think before you step into something,
 that may or may not be, what it apears to be,
"Food-for-Thought" Captain Ron,

Agent Sloan


So a OT should have been in the title, big deal.

As for the rest he was talking about models in the model forum informing us that works done here have been coverted for there. Not all of us play BC but we do like to know what is going on with it when our work could be involved.

Don't complain if they call you by a different name if you are doing the same to them.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by GeneralWolfe »


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2003, 02:20:57 pm »
General, not content with repeatedly trying to provoke me every time I respond to the thread you involve another member of the forum who was simply offering friendly advice, attempting to mediate or something, whatever his intention Ron's post was clearly not inflamatory in any way so you really shouldn't have snapped at him with your post about him keeping out of some imaginary dispute you seem to think is occurring between me and you. You see I have changed over the past year or so, I am no longer willing to entertain someone who wants a confrontation with me, I will continue to be polite at all times okay? You wont get me to say a word out of line regardless of any language you choose to use such as in your post to Captain Ron.

Oh and I would prefer if you would refrain from telling me what I should spend my time doing, if I choose to make some more SFC models then I shall do so.


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2003, 02:25:12 pm »
What up, y'all!! I was wondering: Is Bridge Commander a good game? It occurred to me that I've never tried it. Suggestions?  


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2003, 02:27:33 pm »
Yeah it's pretty cool, a lot more customisation than in any of the SFC games, but it doesn't have anywhere near the strategic complexity of SFC, it's not a dogfighter by any means though.

James Formo

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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2003, 02:52:54 pm »
I have been wanting to pick up a copy of BC but can't find it in a store. GameSpot is worthless for games unless there the top sellers. Anyone know of a chain in the US that might carry BC still? I  Don't want to but it online.


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2003, 03:04:52 pm »
I've seen them at target, best buy, Toy R Us. They're still around for cheap. Heck, I just saw a copy of the original STartrek Armada somewhere recently. Your best bet is to sit down witha  phone book and just start calling every store that sells games near your house. That's what I do.


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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2003, 03:07:30 pm »

Hig, and ActiveX,

You guys are completely off-base here,
I promised the moderators that the peace would be kept by me,
in the ST: Models Forum,

and that is what I shall do,

Agent Sloan  

Your idea of keeping the peace sounds a lot like Bushy's...

Hig Hurtenflurst

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Re: 3 mackie kitbashes released for bridge commander
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2003, 03:18:03 pm »


Hig, and ActiveX,

You guys are completely off-base here,
I promised the moderators that the peace would be kept by me,
in the ST: Models Forum,

and that is what I shall do,

Agent Sloan  

Your idea of keeping the peace sounds a lot like Bushy's...  

I move that "General" Whatshisname be court-martialed and demoted to "Potato Peeler 2nd Class".

(Agent Sloan?  Is that "Real-Estate Agent" Sloan or what?)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Hig Hurtenflurst »