Topic: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson  (Read 1439 times)

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Hig Hurtenflurst

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WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« on: September 14, 2003, 10:35:25 am »
Don't flame me for being so completely off topic here, but I gotta know this (and I seem to recall Don Dawson being something of an expert on the subject) --  Is there any truth to the very cool rumor that there might be a modern re-make of Battlestar Galactica coming on the Space Channel sometime next year?  And, is it a total re-do, or a continuation, or what?  Wanna know!

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2003, 10:44:05 am »
Watch for it on the Sci-Fi Channel sometime in December 2003....



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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2003, 10:50:11 am »
Hello HigHig Hurtenflurst,

Its true,

In Dec 2003, on the American Sci-fi channel, the new
Battlestar Galactica

The plot in entirely changed,
I actually don't intend to watch it,
but I hope alot of other people do though,
the show deserves a chance,

I'm just too attached to the Old Battlestar Galactica,
It was my favourite Sci-Fi show.

as for the Canada Space Channel,
they get there cable feeds from the Sci-Fi Channel,
so I don't know for for certain, but they may be a deal in the works to air it concurently,
Perhaps, perhaps,

Take care,
Agent Sloan



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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2003, 01:34:33 pm »
It's a wee bit different.....Starbuck and Boomer are women!

 web page

I'll be watching!


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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2003, 01:58:56 pm »
I've know about this for months...heh. Unfortuneatley it probably wont be on broadcast TV.

Hig Hurtenflurst

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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2003, 03:49:09 pm »
Huh.  Seems like I'm always the last to know.  Thanks for the link, Don....  They seem to have taken a few.... ahem.... liberties? with the original plot.  No shiny Cylon warrior robots?  I'm not sure I'm interested......

Oh well.  Maybe they'll revive Firefly.  That was a good show.


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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2003, 03:49:50 pm »

That is by no means certain,
the American Sci-Fi channel needs the bread, that it could make from selling the rights to concurent broadcasting,
the way that Cable TV stations work in the USA is very different than those in Canada,

If the sold the rights to some Canadian Channels they could make a fortune,



I've know about this for months...heh. Unfortuneatley it probably wont be on broadcast TV.  


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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2003, 03:55:13 pm »
Hello Hig,

I love "FireFly",
that is a TOP-DRAWER sci-fi show,
Really great scripts and great actors eh,

The new Galactica,
I'm not gonna watch,
No 1000 Yarheen War against the Cylons,
No Robotic Cylons programmed by Count Iblis (the Devil) 1000 Yarheens Ago,
No "Book of the Word",

I can not accept the changes,
and I won't watch it,

But I'm an Ultra-Fan of BSG,
so my opinion is too biased,

I hope others like it though
the show deserves a chance eh

Take care, Hig,
Agent Sloan (aka Captain Apollo (Richard Hatch)   )


Huh.  Seems like I'm always the last to know.  Thanks for the link, Don....  They seem to have taken a few.... ahem.... liberties? with the original plot.  No shiny Cylon warrior robots?  I'm not sure I'm interested......

Oh well.  Maybe they'll revive Firefly.  That was a good show.  


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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2003, 04:50:34 pm »

Huh.  Seems like I'm always the last to know.  Thanks for the link, Don....  They seem to have taken a few.... ahem.... liberties? with the original plot.  No shiny Cylon warrior robots?  I'm not sure I'm interested......

Oh well.  Maybe they'll revive Firefly.  That was a good show.  

Browncoats forever...


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Re: WAY O/T : Paging the guy formerly known as Don Dawson
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2003, 07:56:27 pm »


That is by no means certain,
the American Sci-Fi channel needs the bread, that it could make from selling the rights to concurent broadcasting,
the way that Cable TV stations work in the USA is very different than those in Canada,

If the sold the rights to some Canadian Channels they could make a fortune,



I've know about this for months...heh. Unfortuneatley it probably wont be on broadcast TV.  


I'd need a really big antenna to pick up canada, I'm a couple hundred miles out of the nearest stations range.