Here's one I never saw before:
I bet this one could be made or kitbashed in short order. Say start with d'deridex's L-9 saber and go from there for a kitbash.
Bernard Guignard passed this ship on to me from an old FASA Trek article. Like the K'zinti that appeared in the old Dragon Magazine ARES section I would like to include this in the collection.
Besides, the Klingons need a new carrier. B. G. indicates that there is no other pictures of this ship or data available. So this could be a close up of a light cruiser or a dreadnought class vessel....
I say we make it a carrier with underside hangars and torpedo tubes. I say that the top part is loaded with standard disruptors and, from the looks of it, heavily armored to protect the fighter bays underneath.
"FASA Trek didn't have carriers!"
So? If FASA Trek were made today I bet it would include carriers. The Dominion War Shelly Carrier is an example of a canon carrier that COULD have existed in the FASA Trek timeline...