Topic: Cloak issue hmmmm  (Read 12565 times)

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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2003, 09:27:15 am »
If we are to accept the events of Nemesis, we should be able to fire our weapons off into space in random directions, and some of those random shots should hit nearby cloaked ships. The Scimitar and its "perfect" cloak got nailed many times. If that happens, there is a narrow window where enough of a position lock is maintained that other weapons can fire at it too.

I'd love to be able to wiggle my butt around and spray fire along whatever I deem to be the most likely approach of the cloaking ship. Even in the early days, Kirk was blasting the area with fire around the Rom, and getting damage in while it was cloaked. A lot of damage.

But we can't fire at all without a lock.  Wouldn't it be interesting? Then the cloakers could try to time their attack to fit in while weapons are recharging on the quarry.

Give us torpedoes that can track impulse trails also. It was easy technology to cobble together a good 50+ years before TNG.



Robb Stark

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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2003, 11:17:14 am »
The original cloak in "Balance of Terror" was meant to simulate the tension and drama submarine vs. destroyer battle, and managed to do this very well.  The destroyer counterpart (i.e., Enterprise ) had the advantage of speed and could fire a lot of weapons, while the submarine counterpart (the Romulan) had a really deadly torpedo and stealth.  

So far, there hasn't really been a real approximation of the "depth charge" strategy that you saw Kirk use with his... er... photons (the glaring continuity error in that episode was that they called them phasers, but it was clear they were photon torpedoes).  The detonating photons have also been shown in several episodes of TNG as well (where they set Photons to blow at a certain distance).  SFB's Proximity Fuse was meant to simulate this, but never quite did.  

I think it would be really cool to be able to fire a different proximity torp that you could detonate with a button push at the distance you choose - the torp would have to move more slowly so you could judge the distance better.  It would go off sort of like a mine, although assuredly not as powerful.  Phasers that sweep their firing arcs for low damage to what they hit would also be cool (I think they should have a certain percentage chance of hitting the target even if they "touch" it - not automatic).  I think this would be much more interesting than the current anti-cloak sensor system.

Of course, if you were to design an anti-cloak weapon, something like a big space firework would really be the way to go.  You toss it out there and it sends debris in every direction - dust-sized particles are all you need.  Once that debris connects with something, you open fire on that spot.  Dust bombs would be light, cheap, and cost pretty much nothing in power.  


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #62 on: February 04, 2003, 01:27:09 pm »
Interesting idea, its so much of a maths game or simulation with finding cloaked ships. Its no fun for the cloaker or the guy just waiting around to get there port or starboard shields taken down. This is why it feel so inballanced as no one can really do much other than the basics to detect or to avoid being detected, this will be a bit much for Taldren to add to the game though.


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #63 on: February 04, 2003, 02:01:15 pm »

Interesting idea, its so much of a maths game or simulation with finding cloaked ships. Its no fun for the cloaker or the guy just waiting around to get there port or starboard shields taken down. This is why it feel so inballanced as no one can really do much other than the basics to detect or to avoid being detected, this will be a bit much for Taldren to add to the game though.  

I must say that you are right that playing against a cloaker is some sort of a chess game, but i don't think you're right when you say that it is no fun for the cloaker to blast shields away. I've got first-hand experience that it can really be great fun to blast someones side shields, or aft shields. Less fun probably for the guy in the other ship, but hey i'm a romulan. I totally don't care about other, inferior lifeforms, like runaway klingons and renegade feds.

Yesterday i took down a klingon in vor'cha who said warbirds are no match for vor'chas. The saddest thing for him was that he happened to attack ME when flying  a warbird. That's what you get when you underestimate your enemy

erei'Arrain Aenigma



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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #64 on: February 04, 2003, 03:10:56 pm »


Interesting idea, its so much of a maths game or simulation with finding cloaked ships. Its no fun for the cloaker or the guy just waiting around to get there port or starboard shields taken down. This is why it feel so inballanced as no one can really do much other than the basics to detect or to avoid being detected, this will be a bit much for Taldren to add to the game though.  

I must say that you are right that playing against a cloaker is some sort of a chess game, but i don't think you're right when you say that it is no fun for the cloaker to blast shields away. I've got first-hand experience that it can really be great fun to blast someones side shields, or aft shields. Less fun probably for the guy in the other ship, but hey i'm a romulan. I totally don't care about other, inferior lifeforms, like runaway klingons and renegade feds.

Yesterday i took down a klingon in vor'cha who said warbirds are no match for vor'chas. The saddest thing for him was that he happened to attack ME when flying  a warbird. That's what you get when you underestimate your enemy

erei'Arrain Aenigma


dam he must have been a n00b. i find that a vor'cha and a raptor are pretty well matched.  


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #65 on: February 04, 2003, 03:22:17 pm »
He said Warbird, not Raptor  

IMO, the Raptor is *the best* BCH in the game. It has the ability to take down higher class ships (galaxy, sovereign, negvar), can definately hold its own and emerge victorious against the other BCHs, and has a decent chance of surviving a 2v1 (vs a BCH and a CL).

« Last Edit: February 04, 2003, 03:36:13 pm by Thanos1 »


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #66 on: February 04, 2003, 04:20:14 pm »
My Warbird can be just as painful as a raptor. I've got no problem against big ships either. It is a shame that i'm stuck in battle at the moment on Triangle, otherwise i could have shown you my Warbird tomorrow (i'm still in a Raptor there, i have a Warbird on server B). You should see me engage two sovs at a time with this baby.

erei'Arrain Aenigma

And by the way, he wasn't a noob, but i'm just better at equipping and flying my ship (my Romulan arrogancy is playing up again ).  


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2003, 04:25:58 pm »

If we are to accept the events of Nemesis, we should be able to fire our weapons off into space in random directions, and some of those random shots should hit nearby cloaked ships. The Scimitar and its "perfect" cloak got nailed many times. If that happens, there is a narrow window where enough of a position lock is maintained that other weapons can fire at it too.


If we are to accept the events of Nemesis, then:
-The scimitar has hmm, 52 disruptors. It is implied that it also has enough power to use them, so that would be a core1000
-27 photons. When did the roms get photons???? Anyway, make that 27 heavy plasma torpedoes
-The scimitar can cloak AND fire AND have shields at the same time


Give us torpedoes that can track impulse trails also. It was easy technology to cobble together a good 50+ years before TNG.

Right on, I say. Bring back the plasma-R! 50 points of damage, and seeking ability. It was an existing technology 100 years before TNG. What happened to iit?


Robb Stark

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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2003, 05:28:58 pm »

If we are to accept the events of Nemesis, then:
-The scimitar has hmm, 52 disruptors. It is implied that it also has enough power to use them, so that would be a core1000
-27 photons. When did the roms get photons???? Anyway, make that 27 heavy plasma torpedoes
-The scimitar can cloak AND fire AND have shields at the same time

Ugh... let's not start that.  Shall we count the tubes on every ship now?  How many phasers does the Sovereign class have?  How many photons can a Galaxy launch at one time?  I've seen complaints about every ship class on the forums so far as compared to their tech manual specs.


Right on, I say. Bring back the plasma-R! 50 points of damage, and seeking ability. It was an existing technology 100 years before TNG. What happened to iit?

You're welcome to it.  If you think you can make use of a weapon that travels at about speed 34 and dissipates quickly after range 15 in this era of warp speed, longer range weapons, and K'Vorts that cruise at speeds greater than 50, then I'd be very impressed.  

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the return of some kind of seeking weapon, but the old SFB-style drones and plasmas don't really stand a chance in this brave new world.  


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2003, 06:42:09 pm »
My point, Robb, which I think you missed is that:

If you start bitching and moaning about the poor Feds not having showlike abilities, then, in the interest of 'balance' (whatever), you should give all other races their showlike abilities.

As for the plasma-R: Whiplash mentioned a 50 year old *FED* technology that's non existent in SFC3. I pointed out a 50 year old *ROM* technology that's non existent in SFC3. The reason is the same as the first argument.

By the way, 'new-era' plasmas also dissipate. They are also pretty poor at hitting targets at range 40, with av 20, and at warp. A flaw that is definately NOT found in the quantum torpedoes.

« Last Edit: February 04, 2003, 06:44:40 pm by Thanos1 »


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2003, 06:59:36 pm »
Man ive just seen Nemesis and wtf Data dies and that Scmiter ship is pathetic, they really need to end the movies here before they kill the fantasy off completly. Essentialy though the movie highlighted that there are other ways of detecting cloaked ships, there was only one perfect cloaked ship.

Futhermore, if you fired when cloked you would be detected, simple as that even a n00b could do it

Robb Stark

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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2003, 07:38:04 pm »

My point, Robb, which I think you missed is that:

If you start bitching and moaning about the poor Feds not having showlike abilities, then, in the interest of 'balance' (whatever), you should give all other races their showlike abilities.

Ah.  Well, then I agree.


As for the plasma-R: Whiplash mentioned a 50 year old *FED* technology that's non existent in SFC3. I pointed out a 50 year old *ROM* technology that's non existent in SFC3. The reason is the same as the first argument.

By the way, 'new-era' plasmas also dissipate. They are also pretty poor at hitting targets at range 40, with av 20, and at warp. A flaw that is definately NOT found in the quantum torpedoes.

Yes, well, I agree that current plasmas could use some help.  I mean, even if they're mean to be close-ranged weapons, they should reliably hit at close range, which they currently do not.  All right, so I wasn't reading your post very carefully, or my Irony Sensors are offline or something.    


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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2003, 12:39:59 am »
  In regards to the Romulan hull complaint, I would differ on a small matter. The Romulan FF is actually very good (for an FF). And in the hands of a true Romulan master (there are few), the Warbird IS better than the Raptor, though not by much. This only applies to an all-legendary crew, and the very best Romulan players. And its only marginally better.



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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #73 on: February 05, 2003, 07:35:49 pm »
First of all I would appreciate not having words put in my mouth Aenigma

"So please don't come running to me to say that because the Defiant was detected, a Romulan Warbird with the latest mark 4 cloak can be easily detected. Uh uh, no way."

Second, I was simply stating another avenue and method for detecting cloaks, and why it COULD be justified as being accessible to everyone.... since that was the topic at the time of my reply (please see thread starter).

I didn't say ANYTHING about cloak detection in the game, how it applies to Roms etc.  Sorry for the apparent confusion, and I hope the view's fine from the soapbox.



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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2003, 08:01:01 am »
I have a really good view from up here. Thanks.  

*looking around*

Where's everybody? Commander, activate cloak detection, they must be somewhere around!

Sorry about that, it wasn't meant as a personal attack of some sort.



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Re: Cloak issue hmmmm
« Reply #75 on: February 08, 2003, 07:42:55 pm »
Wow! (What was I up to Wednesday?!).  

No biggy Aenigma, my post was too harsh sounding.  I lurk in and out of 3 different forums and I had just came from the MOO]|[  forum, which always puts me in a bad mood.