please, please, please, somebody help me, my hair can't take any more. i need sombody to help me by telling me how i can get the dynaverse 3 to reconise ships i've added. but this is not the add a new model that you are all thinking, its a bit more complicated than that.
the saber has its own defualt core line, but in the defualt loadout there are several variants that use this line. now what i want to do is create 2 more defualt core lines for the saber, so i can have 3 completely different saber's with different mass for its weapons and engines etc.
now i can get this to work in the skirmish mode by just giving it a slightly different name in the default core on the classname line. then giving it the same classname in the defualt loadout and changing the sub name . them when i load up the game, and go to skirmish i have 3 sabers to use all with different mass attributes. but for the life in me i cant get this to work for a server. which is what i want to do as i want to have a server where you have more ship choices without introducing new models.
thanks for reading and thankyou very much if you tell me how to solve this problem.