Topic: Romulan Norexam  (Read 1964 times)

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Romulan Norexam
« on: September 11, 2003, 09:15:12 am »
I understand that this ship is in TNZ mod.

I have never heard of it until today.

Could someone post a pic or link to a pic?


Captain KoraH

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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003, 10:50:18 am »
Norexam is Romulan for Valdore I think.  


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003, 11:08:18 am »
That's what big_feef said as well. And its in all likelihood true. But we'll never know for sure unless some official material is made available to the public.

Anyhow, I asked big_feef about this, not thinking it through, regarding the ships that appear in your TNZ mod?

Besides the Valdore/Norexam and Borg Sovereign, what other ships do you feature?

I'd love to d/l the mod, but I've pulled my hair out in miserable failure.  


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 11:32:10 am »
He only has over a hundred new ones in there. Some that I've been trying to convert to SFC3 from SFC2, like the Vorath from Raven; and other I've been searching all over the net for, like the Borg Sovie.   In fact, there's so much stuff in there that I'm shocked I didn't get it earlier. Even if I ever tire of playing TNZ single player, the wealth of models will keep me interested in SFC3  for a very, very, very long time.    


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 11:35:56 am »
There are several options on obtaining the TNZ mod.  I have downloaded it using Getright on a phone modem, so it definitely can be done.  I believe that there is a standing offer on Battleclinic to mail a CD out at cost if you e-mail the right person, Korah?  Also, there is an older verion of TNZ on sfc3files.  For a very reasonable fee they will burn anything you want onto a CD from their files.  If all you want is this ship, I can e-mail it to you.


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2003, 11:44:36 am »

I didn't realize it was for SFC3!  Oh well...

I've been surfing the forums and looking at KoraH's newest stuff. All of it is making me drool!

Even though they'll all be for SFC3, I think they will work in SFC2 and OP (I have some SFC3 models that work in my OP game anyhow).

And he says he'll be posting them individually later!  That makes me feel better!  

And on another exciting note, big_feef has infomed me that there are a LOT of new models already in the mod. That is really cool!

I'm a happy Trekkie!    

Captain KoraH

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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2003, 01:56:40 pm »
Actually about 70% of the models in TNZ are either my own custom kitbashes or totally scratch built by me, and upwords of 95% of them have improved mesh and or textures. The ships you see in TNZ, like the Quasar, NoHQuv, N'Goth, HeghDaS, N'Kal, BaQ, Hajwe', Goshawk, Cormorant, D'Xorac, Valdore-A, Monolith, Tactical Diamond, Support Cruiser, Ziggurat, Claw and Tactical Sphere and Borg Sov are not available anywhere else in the world, because I made them myself and only distribute them via the mod. A lot of the ships in ThePelican's Dominion Wars mod came from TNZ as well, I'm not sure how many but at least 30% or so. ThePelican and I have a nice symbiotic relationship with regards to our mods, he can script missions real good, and I can make new ships like crazy, so we compliment each other well. Our mods also focus on different aspects of the game so they don't interfere with each other too much. Anyway now I'm rambling. Get TNZ now, because some of the ships in it now are not going to be in the next version.  


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2003, 02:02:18 pm »
tactical diamond? Now that I'd like to see. wherre you hosting this mod?


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2003, 02:07:29 pm »
Oh man, no wonder I haven't heard of half of 'em!  They're only in the TNZ mod!

Tortured, deprived soul over here, still playin' SFC: OP "sniff"  


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2003, 02:42:28 pm »
I have another version of the Borg Sovie... and a Borg Defiant too. The problem with those models is that they are simple retextures of the Sovereign and Defiant; still good, but. Now, your Sovie... that thing looks like it has actually been assimilated. I saw a screenie of it once in one of those Star Trek gaming forums I frequent posted by a gloating member... the bastid didn't want to say where he got it; just gloated that he had it.  

Anywhos, are there going to be more ships added in the next version of TNZ... like that new Rommie you were working on for Raven? And what's the eta on it?  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2003, 09:07:42 pm »
Yeah alm ost every model I've made from scratch is in TNZ. Those new FASA Klinkong and Gorn models will be in there as well.  


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2003, 06:45:17 am »
In Nemesis it was never determined what the class type was, the captain just said its the romulan warbird valdore, like the Enterprise D is a galaxy class, Norexam is the cannon class name, i think

adam out  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2003, 08:12:30 am »
I believe the name is on Decipher's CCG Card game and and quite possibly in thier roleplaying Starship manual . I remember
seeing the CCG card some where possible an issue of the Star Trek communicator. Wether its in the manual is a supposition since I don't currently have a copy.    


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Re: Romulan Norexam
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2003, 08:24:52 am »
Hey big_feef!

Have you checked your Yahoo account lately?

There's a couple of presents in your inbox...