Topic: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class  (Read 1373 times)

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What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« on: September 11, 2003, 09:05:58 am »
ive not been here for ages but i was wondering what happened to it was it ever released ?

hopefully i will be returning to these boards and posting more often been way too busy with real life, where are the others Lord Vader,Kane,DarkMatrix,Atolm(azel),Lord Bile and many of the golden oldies posters that used to post here are you guys still creating awesome ships


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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2003, 09:44:28 am »

ive not been here for ages but i was wondering what happened to it was it ever released ?

Haven't seen it yet (that I remember)...


 hopefully i will be returning to these boards and posting more often been way too busy with real life, where are the others Lord Vader,Kane,DarkMatrix,Atolm(azel),Lord Bile and many of the golden oldies posters that used to post here are you guys still creating awesome ships  

Vader pops by occasionally, Kane is way busy with RL issues (there's a drive on to get his site moved before DDrone/DM shuts down the unimatrix host), DDrone/DM was just on the other day posting a new Klingon, Atolm/Azel is still cranking them out (I just released his Ophidian the other day), Lord Bile hasn't posted for a bit but I know he's around somewhere.

As for whether or not we're still creating awesome stuff, I guess the easiest way to tell would be by checking out some of the threads and determining that for yourself.  I think I've seen some good stuff lately.  

Sandman69247/Sandman3d just released an Ambassador a little while back (I like Ambassadors), James Formo is doing some nice mods with the SFC 3 engine, I love how the new Doomsday Machine resize, Ophidian conversion, Andor-refit kitbash, Melak kitbash, BCF texturing help I have/am worked/ing on look (plug plug).  Lots of good stuff around, just dig through the threads.  The quality of stuff coming out is probably not much changed since you were here posting regularly.

Major A Payne

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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2003, 10:16:31 am »
I'm sorry to say this but Deemons Genesis probably wont' see the light of day until the Millenium Project 2 is released for Star Trek Armada 2.


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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2003, 01:52:05 pm »

I'm sorry to say this but Deemons Genesis probably wont' see the light of day until the Millenium Project 2 is released for Star Trek Armada 2.  

Just in time for the release of SFC6 no doubt. lol


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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2003, 11:13:53 pm »
bummer about the genesis ah well glad the achilles was released that ship is awesome, i just checked Azel's titan(i think its his) man that ship is awesome i want to find the Nemesis Drydock.


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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2003, 02:12:02 am »

bummer about the genesis ah well glad the achilles was released that ship is awesome, i just checked Azel's titan(i think its his) man that ship is awesome i want to find the Nemesis Drydock.  

who's currently hosting the SFC achilies?

Captain Ron

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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2003, 02:27:10 am »

bummer about the genesis ah well glad the achilles was released that ship is awesome, i just checked Azel's titan(i think its his) man that ship is awesome i want to find the Nemesis Drydock.  

Don't know who did the achillies but the titan was done by Wicked Zombie and can be found at demon Renagade studios


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Re: What happened to Deemons Genesis Class
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2003, 07:43:47 am »
here is deemos achilles

awesome ship

also WickedZombies/Atolms Titan would look sweet in a pic with the nemesis dry dock that why i was asking earilier lol does anyone know if any model for sfc(or any other game) or even a mesh has been created