Topic: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???  (Read 3910 times)

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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2003, 06:51:39 pm »

I think that if Dave had no intentions of doing anymore for sfc2 he would say so. (Or maybe he's just learned to "never say never".) We need to be patient. Let him/Taldren take care of business and I believe more will be done for us. Maybe if we promise to buy black 9   j/k      

I was under the definite impressuion that he had in fact said so. Not that I'd complain if more got fixed, but my impression is that all bugs now if the game were to be considered undocumented features at this point.  


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2003, 11:38:11 pm »
He did state that he was considering it after .12 was released, but if in fact he does go ahead and take a final final final look at that codebase it'll have to wait till the more pressing matters are done with.


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2003, 12:11:40 am »
My impression is that Taldren, unlike other companies, have more of a sentimental attachment to their software, and Dave Farrell in particular, (correct me if I am wrong), is no doubt quite proud of the SFC series. Given time and resources, I think Taldren would love to continue to release patches for the SFC series until it was exactly how they dreamed it to be in the concept stage.
 Very few software companies at all, release patches for a game that is well past its shelf life, if at all.
Some time ago, I found a copy of Activision's Call to Power 2 at a considerable discount. Being a Civilisation fan, I had played the first Call to Power as well and liked it, so I was looking forward to playing the next version in the series.
The game is badly bugged, and only one patch was ever released for it. Furthermore, the game really only added one major change that enhanced it over the previous version, at the sacrifice of removing many others. Wondering if the game was going to be fixed, I browsed some of the Apoliton forums where all things Civ are discussed and found several threads discussing the issues with CTP2. Included there was actually a reply from the CEO of Activision informing that Activision, who created CTP2 in house, no longer even possessed the original source code for CTP2 and the original programmers had all moved on. The game now sits collecting dust.
So, I think we're very lucky to have a company like Taldren who is looking after our favorite games, and whether or not time can be made in the future to continue that process in the SFC series, we really already have had so much more than could reasonably be expected. Work on the SFC series may be on the backburner for now, but at least its still there somewhere, and whilst community support for the SFC series remains strong (and I dont see this changing at all in the near future), I think Taldren's sentiment will remain. Thankyou Taldren.


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2003, 01:21:05 am »
as long as they are gonna do more work on SFCII.  

Can they get the fighter targetting fixed so they don't ignore the target and head/fire right at the PF's & freighters?

It would make the life of fighter jockeys much easier.


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2003, 10:50:19 am »

..and only one patch was ever released for it. ...

oh really? You don't say...

But seriously tho. Even people who love something can get burned out fixing it some time. (Ask any parent.) Give Taldren/David a bit breathing room, and play it as is. Who knows what the future holds.


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2003, 11:56:20 am »

as long as they are gonna do more work on SFCII.  

Can they get the fighter targetting fixed so they don't ignore the target and head/fire right at the PF's & freighters?

It would make the life of fighter jockeys much easier.  

From everything I've been told, and I am saying this because I'd rather be forthright and honest than misleading, that EAW patches are very likely a thing of the past. Stress the very likely part.

Right now it seems like the common perspective that the SFC3 players have had to wait long enough due to Activisions legal wranglings for their patch, so SFC3 is the focus right now. As always, those of us in the testing group have, and will continue to, present Dave with such suggestions and issues and prioritize them.

For instance, the fighter targeting PF's / Fighters when commanded to attack a Capitol ship while PF's ignore fighters and attack the Capitol ship is a very big imbalance issue, IMHO, as is the cloak issue.

I can say this : Dave has shown interest in revisiting OP, but has made no promises. That in itself is above and beyond what Activision has done.


Rod O'neal

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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2003, 12:34:31 pm »
Personally, with what's been discovered on the bug front since, the latest being the PlaD/ESG interaction, I think that getting SFC3's patch done and Black9 to market should be Taldren's priorities, in that order.
They've already shown those of us that frequent here that they are very committed to their customers and their products with all they have done, and continue to do for SFC2/OP. They make great games. Again, we know that. Those newer customers who bought SFC3 need to see that as well. It will do nothing but good for Taldren and expand their customer base. Plus, the SFC3 folks really have been waiting too long. Again, those of us who have bought the other games in the series, know who's fault that is. So, I don't have to actually point any fingers directly at anyone. (Just in the general direction will do )
Talden needs to make money! Get Black9 out! I'll buy it. I'll buy any game Taldren comes up with. That's all I can do to support them and try to return some of what they do for us/me.
After that maybe we'll have a complete bug report for OP and, maybe, the "one last patch" will fix everything. Once and for all of us      


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Re: Update on reworking to correct cloak issue???
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2003, 04:38:48 pm »
Good post, Tracey...and I wholeheartedly agree.