Thanks Rod, but I figured it out
The file is up at my Yahoo Club. Its got all its folders for easy install. Instructions in the readme. Next I will need to figure out how to get 50mb + files uploaded at Since all they give is an email addy. I think the largest file I can send by email is 4MB. I won't have to worry for a month as it will take a while for the full version of the mod.
Heres the link where the lite version of the mod can be found. file is called Assimilation. Its the top one under the file section. Also uploaded this to SFU and SFC3files. Look for it there in a week maybe. Depends when they get time to upload files.
Update on the full blown version. First sorry if I havn't gotten back to people about ships. Was out of town for 4 days and when I got back, I chained myself to the computer and worked just on the spec files. Wanted to get something out just so you can see some progress.
I still have yet to decide just how to fit the new ships in. Weather to mod the stock stats and what not. One option is to just fill in gaps. For example Put a ship in between the Saber and the Norway. Giving it stats that would be the average of the Saber/Norway classes. Need less to say I need to decide one way or another before I add 6 ships, then realize there is a better way and have to start all over.
Also need to check in with Mackie and see if he is doing up scenery mods. For now I will just kinda sit on it and maybe I'll get some new ideas. Want to work on new textures for the mines. Being there a big part of the mod.