Regarding the FASA to SFC Collection, I am waiting for a few more models before I send this collection out for hosting.
DarkMatix intends to texture the entire FASA Gorn collection.
Terradyne has the Romulan V-20 and Gallant Wing I want to add to the collection
d?deridex has at least a FASA Romulan T-10 (upward wings) I want to get for it
Heavens Eagle has a Romulan Z-1 Nova that needs texturing
Kreeargh has two Andor Class ships (one is a refit)
There are a few others I?m aware of but I am forgetting at the moment only because I?m at work?.
We are just over 200MB for the collection so far.
In the lead for non-canon, most made, kitbashed or retextured Federation ship is the USS Remora
In the lead for non-canon, most made, kitbashed or retextured Klingon ship is the D-10
In the lead for non-canon, most made, kitbashed or retextured Romulan ship is the White Wind