Something must have happened to the guy I had helping me with the textures, I haven't heard from him in over a week. Anyway so I have the BCG and it variants almost complete, I just need some help with two things. First is the warp nacelle glow on the nacelle strut. I really like this look, however I cannot do this myself, I have tried numerous times and it look like somebody decided to paint the thing blue.

I would ask TVL but he is busy with his own projects right now, and I want to him to finish as many of those as he can before we lose him for a good month or more. Second is the single Torp tube, I have one that is red and glows for the BCJ, but I need one that is green for the BCF.
I really need someone who could do it this week, perferably within a couple of days. This BC is two weeks behind the schedule I had set for it, and I want to get this thing done and move on to something else, like the Andor. Post here in this thread or ICQ, email, or PM me and I'll send you what you need.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.