Topic: Atheorhaven!  (Read 1091 times)

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« on: September 06, 2003, 05:15:29 pm »
I saw your answer to my thread regarding photon textures.

And yes, I'd like your textures (all 15 in fact)please. I looked and mine are similar but none match what you have exactly.

And the three nav deflectors aren't bad either (hint, hint).

Thank you very much!  

And if you want mine (I have about five or so) don't hesitate to ask!


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Re: Atheorhaven!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2003, 01:57:24 pm »

I saw your answer to my thread regarding photon textures.
And yes, I'd like your textures (all 15 in fact)please. I looked and mine are similar but none match what you have exactl

Okay, from the top... anything that says _skin_ and baseskin I did.. feel free to use those as you wish, all I ask is for a screenie of the completed work.    The asteroid texture is mine as well.. same idea, screenie if used please.  

All the ones that say photon-2 I put up for others.. those are free to be used.  I think I got the damage textures from Hig, same idea.  I modified Pataflafla's FX0.BMP and put that up.. so I don't think that he'd mind if it were used at all.. in fact, I modified this one a little bit because I can't stand the purple for plasma in my own game.  May put that one up yet..  Oh, and the disruptor burst I did up for a request to get one that looks more like the SFC 1 one ingame.


And the three nav deflectors aren't bad either (hint, hint).

Those are my work.. just send me a screenie of how they're fitting into the final product so that I can see it too.  


Thank you very much!  
And if you want mine (I have about five or so) don't hesitate to ask!  

I wouldn't mind getting those.. it'll help expand the collection so that people should be able to find something that they like to use in their own game.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


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Re: Atheorhaven!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2003, 08:59:23 pm »
I tried to send you my photon textures to your profile addy, but it got bounced back.

Is there another addy you want me to use?

The file is only about 200k zipped BTW.


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Re: Atheorhaven!
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2003, 09:09:30 pm »
Sorry, KF had sent a ship that was 1.5MB.. it's out of the mailbox and I should be able to get stuff in there again.