Topic: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod  (Read 2127 times)

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James Formo

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Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« on: August 29, 2003, 01:38:02 am »
I have been trying to decide on which SFC game to focus on. Finally decided on SFC3 even though its been covered by Pelican and Korah already.  

I need ships for the mod.  They  must meet requirements below.

1:  You do not already have the ship in an SFC3 mod. My reason for this is, I noticed that all the ships in the mod I downloaded are from the old timers. NOt meaning age but how long they been in the forum. Of course there is 1 or 2 exceptions. I want to give people newer to modeling a chance to showcase there ships.

2: If you have ships in another mod I will accept just 1 new one from you. Same reason as above to give some new blood a chance.  I am limiting my own ships to just 2 that I have been involved in making.  Unless no one responds, then I would include more.  But there are people that model better then me, so I hope to here from you guys.

3:  Must be TNG era. Doesn't have to be canon. But I am excluding TMP, TOS, and stuff that looks like its from the 29th century. If its non-canon but fits TNG its cool (this is kinda subjective I guess)

4: Must be a Star Trek Race ie: Fed, Klink, Romulan, Borg.  Will take an SFC2 race that is redesigned fro TNG. Only a few outside of the stock 4 TNG races as I will use them as pirate ships.

5: Only plan on having 12 ships per race to keep size of mod reasonable. So may limit ships per artist to 2-4. Obviously it  depends on how many respond.  Also the idea is to have 2 frigates, 2 dd class, 2 cl, 2 ca, 2 dn and 2 bb class. Not 10 bb class and 2 frigates. I realize I might have to be flexible here.

6: Hope I am not being anal retentive about this.

7. ALL who worked on the model WILL BE CREDITED in both the readme and in the Ship Library.

8: I can convert ships to SFC3 if you need this done. This includes hardpoints, break mod, library screen shots and glows.
    I won't add my name to the credit list for your ship if this needs to be done.  Also I may edit the hardpoints break or glows if they already exist. Reasons would be to keep the hp's stock and consistent with other ships. The breaks can only have 4 pieces in SFC3 and to make the glows consistant throughout the fleet and realistic. ie: so they don't appear cartoonish as bright blue balls. I have found the key is the alpha settings. Generally setting the alpha to 55 on warps and 155 on buzzards works the best. If left at the 255 default they just stand out too much. Again if I do this editing I would send you a pic of the glows to see if its acceptable to you and would not add my name to the credits for that ship. Its just a uniforminty issue.  Another issue is that glows slow down performance on some computers. So they need to be limited to buzzards and warps and impulse engines.  I have personally done a ship with 28 glow groups for windows, formation lights etc. ..  For the purpose of the mod I would say 6 glow groups max.


If you have a ship to contribute please contact me at or at  If you use the hotmail addy be sure to put SFC ship in the title so I know it isn't junk mail .   Don't send the ships right away as my email will be overfull. I amy already have it in my collection. Maybe just send a pic 1st and I'll see if I have it or which email is empty.


1: New ships Plan on keepin the weapons and shields either stock or close to it.

2: Some scenery mods I will be adding or if anyone wants to contribute. Along the lines of some I posted in the forum for  
    SFC2 awhile back. They will look better then the stock ones.

3: I was influenced by Pelicans refit system. Only I am not having as many choices as the combinations can become almost
    endless.  The description will give details as to what each refit does, so you will know exactly what your getting for your

4: I do not program so want to see if I can use a few of Pelican's or Korah's missions. Or if anyone else wants to              
    contribute  some designed for conquest mode.  

5. Perhaps a new map-it will be 4 race though.

6. Open to ideas and contributions. Keeping in mind I want to keep the alliances and races stock.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2003, 02:58:29 am »
I have no probs with that, go ahead ...and as for the question in the modding forum that you did, yeah id like to give a hand...  

James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2003, 03:58:28 am »
Cool Mackie. I know you do A+ work on your ships and rendering. We can do a joint mod.  I am doing work with scenery mods. I can send some your way for a preview. See what you think. Also my video card has trouble rendering even the scenery that came with the game. Might have to do with the scale - SFC3 makes the scenery appear 2x larger than SFC2.

If you test It out I can be sure what I do with the scenery is workable as well.  I can add a second sun this way. Make it a giant red or a blue dwarf.

I hope I get permission too add missions. I notice that they give out more prestige, so I would up the cost of supplies and ships so the difficulty remains the same. Been doing some testing and some custom missions are impossible to do if your unlucky and draw them 1st with your measly frigate. I could compensate by having  a trigger mission that is one of the stock ones. Then I it could give out maybe 500 bonus prestige to compensate for the higher costs of supplies at the outset.

Look forward to working with ya on this.  I should have about 2 hours a day to work on this.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2003, 04:24:33 am »
Will glows have to be removed by the end user?

Major A Payne

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2003, 06:37:04 am »
James. Once Smiley gets around to finishing the textures for it, your welcome to use my Chimera model (although don't ask me to convert it as I wouldn't have a clue where to begin).


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2003, 07:39:25 am »
I would contribute my Olympic class if you will take it.  

James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2003, 08:30:51 am »

Will glows have to be removed by the end user?  

What I can do with the glows is provide 2 seperate gf files for each ship. the default will probably be with glows. Then if the ship is called Akira for example. The glowless .gf might be called or for no glow.

If I have time I suppose I could write a bat files to overwrite the gf files.

Guys those ships sound cool.  Sure we can put em in. For the most part 1st come 1st served   If the post fills up with tons of Feds,  I'll have to see what Mackie has in mind as well.  He and I are working together so I'll want to check that everythings ok with him as well.   I  anticipate we will get more Feds then any other race. So we will probably be over the 12 ships for Feds easily.   Also to save space,  it might be that the bmp's will be converted to jpg's. I have not noticed any difference in game between these 2.

Major A. Payne  I'd be happy to convert your ship. It was looking close to done last I saw it. What class is that intended to be?  So I know how to scale it. The ships in SFC3 are scaled up a bit so I will use a stock ship for comparison.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2003, 08:41:35 am »
You can use my Cherokee if you'd like. Bonus...Smiley textured and did everything for SFC3, so just need to throw her in.


James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2003, 08:55:03 am »

You can use my Cherokee if you'd like. Bonus...Smiley textured and did everything for SFC3, so just need to throw her in.


Sweet- awesome ship.  So far this is great. Was worried I might have to beg and grovel.      

Captain KoraH

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2003, 12:50:52 pm »
James, some mission scripts have to be tailored to the DefaultCore and DefaultLoadout files you use and will cause crashes if not used with the right files. I suggest using the stock Taldren scripts, which should work with any ship lists like what you're talking about.  

James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2003, 03:52:37 pm »
Good point Korah- hadn't thought of that. I did get Pelican's permission to use some of his. I think these may select ships just based on bvp. Anyway I will test them out when  were further along.

Got the refit system worked out. The Feds amd KLinks each have 20 shields to choose from and 10 armour. The Rommies have 19 shields and 5 armour.  The Borg are unchanged so far.  AS far as ships goes was planning on making some about 10% faster and 10% more maneuverable.
The ships that remain unchanged with speed and maneuverability could have there mass for carrying weapons and shields increased by 10%  Anyway I will test it out at see what happens
So you would have to choose between these 2  basic types  and possibly the stock ship. All depends on how many ships we get.  


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2003, 05:08:51 pm »
I will shortly be converting the new DW scripts to work with the original game, and any mod that contains 4 races. Once they pass the testing phase (which so far, they have, and with flying colours).


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2003, 06:42:09 pm »
Hi James, I've got some relatively original designs that I've made since I began modelling for SFC. They're all for SFC3 already....

Britain Class Carrier (old style vessel)

Vanguard Class...ummm...not really sure what kind of ship this is - special ops maybe? lol (new style vessel)

Wycombe Class Destroyer:(old style vessel)

There are others but I am too tired to find the pics of them....urgh - double shifts suck!

PS I will get everybody's textures done, eventually. Nearly done with Major's Chimera now, I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that Night night everybody...:THUD:  

Major A Payne

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2003, 11:29:46 pm »
James. I think its along the same size lines as the original Miranda TMP class. I was only shown the pics by Starforce2 but theres little information otherwise that I've found myself.

Smiley. As I said in an earlier post I'm sure you'll do my model proud for sure. One question though. Is your Vangaurd available to download anywhere??


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2003, 01:30:58 am »

James. I think its along the same size lines as the original Miranda TMP class. I was only shown the pics by Starforce2 but theres little information otherwise that I've found myself.

Smiley. As I said in an earlier post I'm sure you'll do my model proud for sure. One question though. Is your Vangaurd available to download anywhere??  

I think I put it up for d/l on the SFU repository...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Smiley »


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2003, 10:26:10 am »
James, if you want, you can use my Ent. C as an early TNG class. That would be cool...playing the EC, get destroyed and the new ship assigned to you is the that would be a fun mod, lol. Let me know if you want it and I'll send it to you barebones, so as to make it easier? to convert to SFC3.



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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2003, 10:47:36 am »


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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2003, 02:13:17 am »

James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2003, 11:15:32 am »
Sure Sandman, I want to use your ENt-C  

Thanks Azel- I am sure to use some of yours. Isyour Titan in there yet.

With labor day weekend I probably won't be in the forum for a couple days and my email may not be emptied for a bit. Might be out of town for 4 days. I'll take a look at these when I get back.

James Formo

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Re: Need Permission to add your TNG ship to my SFC3 mod
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2003, 11:42:38 am »

I will shortly be converting the new DW scripts to work with the original game, and any mod that contains 4 races. Once they pass the testing phase (which so far, they have, and with flying colours).  

Pelican, this is great news.  

Think I forgot to respond to Smiley and Azel. I definitly will be using your ships. Smiley,  can I also use your Corona class?

The Feds are pretty much full now, haven't added em in game. But I have plenty once I get going.  Still open to Roms and Klinks.  

There has also been a request to have a low MB version of a mod for people that can't upload large files. This is the version that will be released 1st. Though quite a ways off yet. Few weeks I think. The small version will just use stock ships and perhaps retextures of stock ships. Well keep it to 20MB max as the beta patch was that big if I remember correctly.

I am a bit bummed out actually as the response to threads about the mod in other forums has seamed low. The make up of SFC3 players seem to be whinier  too.  As I posted a tractor texture and only got negative feedback.

The game itself is a bit frustrating to mod. I do not feel it is easier to mod than SFC2 as advertised before its release.  Hope to keep at it though.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »