Hello everyone,
I'd just like to say that for some weeks now, I've been giving myself a crash course in mission scripting for SFC2 (which is going quite well by the way). More importantly though, I have come to appreciate just how much of a gargantuan effort it has been to write a computer program that does everything that any of the SFC series games do. Taking a board game like Star Fleet Battles in all of its complexity and doing your best to recreate that on your desktops is no trivial effort.
Anyone familiar with Object Oriented Programming and has had a look at the Taldren API for either SFC2 or SFC3 will know what I mean. There is a huge amount of coding that has been done here just to set things up in order to even approach any of the things that might be expected from a SFC game.
Furthermore, the sheer complexity of the source code (which the API gives you some insight into) shows that undertaking such a task was not taken lightly and many man hours have been invested into its creation. Despite the criticisms you may read about on these boards, the coding foundation that Taldren have created is very solid and works. I can't help but think that for some of the criticism I have read here, it reminds me of someone buying a brand new car and looking it over. Yes, it has a nice big engine, ergonomically designed interior, state of the art sound system, etc. but wait.. the car seat covers are the wrong color... its a piece of crap.
I take my hat off to the programmers at Taldren for all the blood, sweat, tears and sleepless nights away from loved ones that have been spent in creating what in my opinion is 'the' best Star Trek game to hit the market, if not the best game of its genre. The dedicated following (us, the players) it has, is testament to that and in a way, if this game didn't have the appeal it does, we wouldn't bother making any comments, good or bad about it.
P.S. I'm having quite a lot of fun with all the goodies in the mission scripting API <snicker>...
Thankyou Taldren.