Shipwrights 5.01 isn't designed for Dynaverse campaigns as is. It could easily be used as a foundation for one with a little editing. The planet's "NT" value for Special Role prevents beaming as if it were a PF. I had already removed the planets' spare parts completely (by setting their damage control to 0) but this still permitted the appearance of cheating.
There's one thing that would need to be changed unfortunately for D2, "Class Type": This value initially only affected Dynaverse prestige costs. In 2.005, Taldren implemented a Hit&Run guarding bonus, which is affected by Class Type. The smaller the ship, the greater the guarding bonus (the idea being that smaller ships require fewer guards than larger ships to protect its systems). A problem was found with the "Carrier" class type. It treated a Frigate-sized carrier identically to a Dreadnought-sized CVA with respect to H&R! The Shipwrights have assigned a logical alternate value to fix this (e.g. DDV = Destroyer, MCV = Light Cruiser, CVA = Dreadnought). A similar problem exists with the "Special" class type and was fixed.
Add bases, monsters, scouts, Orions and it should be good to go. I intended to make a Shipwrights version for D2 but never got around to it.