Topic: Hull Systems in SFC2OP  (Read 3910 times)

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Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« on: September 03, 2003, 09:36:15 pm »
Bridge, Lab, Security, Transporters, Tractors, Mech Tractors...

I know what the transporters are and what they do, but what do the rest do, security for instance, when this is increase does it inhance your marines with experience or something, and bridge, does this mean the number of bridges, what do all of these mean and do, thanks guys

adam out


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2003, 10:13:46 pm »
The Bridge is a control station that has to be "captured " by your marines before they can take control of a ship. This is why it takes time to capture a ship even though there are no more enemy marines left. The more Bridge 'boxes" the longer it takes to destroy/commandeer the Bridge.

Labs help your shields regenerate. The more you have, the faster they regenerate. This is why most Fed ships have a good shield regeneration time, lots of labs.

Security is really only used on Klingon ships. In SFB, the Klingons had conquered many races and used them on their ships in the not so glamorous jobs like conduit scrubing and the like. Since these people really didn't like the Klingons, they needed Security stations to keep an eye on these "questionable" crewmen. It counts as another control station your marines must overcome. Other than that it is just another Hull hit.

Transporters you know and Tractors you should know too.

Mech Tractors allow a PF to dock with the ship to rearm and repair. They really can't fit inside the ship like the game portrays, they are too big. In SFC they really don't serve much of a purpose because PF's are treated like fighters for the rearm/repair system.



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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2003, 10:43:52 pm »
Hey Adam,

Ok, Security boxs where just a unique Klingon system feature in SFB.  Only Klingon ships had them and they were to provide extra support to your marines (enhanced security) and where able to help withstand direct assults to the ship (can't remember if they helped defend against Hit & Run attacks aswell).  Ever noticed in SFC: OP that when you try to board a Klingon ship, you virtually need a commando ship to take it over (or literly cripple the vessel in order to have a chance to take her over)?  Security stations in SFB where created by the Klingons to help guard the ship against a mutiny and had the added benifit of help defend the ship against boarding.  Klingon ships were succetable to mutiny because a portion of their crew was slaves/Prisoners from other worlds.  Only Klingons had to worry about Mutiny.  SFC though, does not take into account of mutiny so they are just added extra defense against boarding and additional hit points.

Bridge boxes are kind of funny.  You only need one box (1) to run a ship, but usually the larger the ship, the more bridge boxes it will have.  Their is no real added benefit to the extra Bridge boxes other then extra hit points to the Bridge system.  Would have been interesting if ADB had made it where the more bridge hit you take, the less effective your system become... much like how sensor and scanner  damage WILL effect how well your direct fire weapons react.

Lab boxes are their for the benefit of science and scanning for the ship.  Ever noticed that most feds have much more labs on their vessels then most races?  Feds have the advantage here.  In SFB, they helped give better sensor data to your ship for long range scans and more percise scans.  I'm not sure if these advantages are reflected in SFC.  I do know that the "long range scanner" button does seem to give the feds a slight edge over other races in the amount of distance so it may indicate the extra Lab boxes at work (this feature was in SFB aswell).  For combat purposes though, they are little more then extra hit points for the vessel.  If you haven't noticed, many Fed ships in OP that are refited in the late and advanced era have extra "AWR" (Auxilary Warp Reactors).  During the General War, the Feds ripped out some of the lab boxes in place of AWR's for extra power to the ship.  This helped a lot for their warp power hungry photons.  

Tractors Boxes are just that... they are the number of tractors available on the ship.  You can use tractors of course to tractor other ships or incoming missiles.  More tractors you have, the more targets you can tractor.  But since Tractors require energy to use them (like most systems) you need the available power to do that.  You can of course pump a lot of power into one tractor to handle one target (like a ship trying to do negative tractoring) or you can set all your tractors to do multiple targets.  If you didn't know, you can press the "C" key on your keyboard to automatically tractor any incoming missiles (or fighters, can't remember if SFC does this) by the amount of Tractors you have.  Its a very handy feature in SFC for missile defense incase you don't want to use your phasers to eat up incoming missiles or just plain don't have any charged weapons to use on the incoming missiles.  

Mech Tractor Boxes are suppose to be special tractors used to tractor your races PF's (Fast Patrol Boats).  If you don't know what PF's are, they are basically a miniture ship (with Miniture ship systems) in a tiny hull.  They are larger then shuttles and fighters, but are smaller then even Corvettes/Police ships.  The closest thing I can think of that might resemble what a PF might be would be Star Treks "Runabout" class seen frequently on DS9.  Not quite the same because at thie time period they don't have minimal lifesupport systems (crew where space suits during missions), but similar.  In SFB, PF's where capable of warp speed (unlike Fighters and shuttles), but where so limited in Range, they had to be carried into battle by their large mother ship...  the PF Tender.  The Mech Tractors are pretty much a Tractor Beam with special assemblies on it to house, refuel, repair (to some extent) your PF's.  In SFC, these abilities are somewhat represented, but not exactly to SFB doctrine.

Transporter Boxes are just how many Transporter pads you have installed on your ship.  The more transporters you have, the more boarding parties or things you can transport in one turn.  If you haven't noticed, Klingon and Gorn ships have an advantage here.  They have lots of Transporters and Gorn especially have and edge in ground combat so watch out!

Well, I hope this info is useful to you on SFC OP.    


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2003, 12:30:02 am »
Thanks guys, this helps tremendously, what exactly do you mean by when you say hull hit, the more bridge / security and etc... the more???? I think I get but I just want to make sure, Another thing is about the security, so by me increasing this would it have any affect on how good my security systems are, because the way i see it is you said this item was more for internal security purposes, to watch there own crew members???, bridge I get, and also Labs, good to know about the shield regeneration , mech tractors lol, dont think i need those, thanks guys

adam out


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2003, 09:27:31 am »
Mech tractors are unnecessary as they were never implemented properly into SFCOP - the PFs just dock like fighters as other say. Whay they mean by the more hull hits you can take, is exactly that - when you shoot at an enemy ship whic has lost shielding, you hit the hull and systems and do damage to them, the more hull points a ship has, the more damage it can take before the structural integrity is reduced to 0 and the ship explodes basically. So for the purposes of damage, all those extra systems ount as extra physical hull points that have to be destroyed before a ship will be destroyed.

Rod O'neal

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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2003, 09:53:32 am »
I don't think "security" does anything in SFC. I think that's why the Klingons get extra bridge in SFC when compared to SFB specs, to help make up for the lack of the security boxes effects from SFB.  


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2003, 06:15:09 pm »
but it does count as a hull hit which can be important.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2003, 10:54:56 pm »
I don't know guys, maybe you are right that security stations might not do the same thing as they do in SFB, but it just seems to be that Klingons ships are tough nuts to crack compared to other races I haver tried to capture.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2003, 12:54:11 am »
Security boxes cannot be hit on the DAC according to Magnum. This data might never be loaded into the game just like the stealth column in EAW. You will not get a data differs message if your stealth values differ in EAW multiplayer (the so-called stealth cheat).

Corbomite's assertion that the number of bridge boxes affects capture sounds anecdotal. Corb, please post your statistical data that demonstrates such a relationship. It would be nice to know how much protection (if any) the bridge offers against capture and when it is applied (perhaps only after all defenders are killed).  


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2003, 01:11:37 am »
Actually Tar I was basing that on SFB data, not SFC data. All ships have a progress bar in the capture screen that still has life when zero marines are left showing. I assumed it was to reflect the time it takes to commandeer the control stations on the ship.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Corbomite »


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2003, 06:25:11 pm »
I did a little testing. Adding a lot of bridge to a ship does nothing to delay capture if the ship has no marines. For example, I gave a Fed-CA 20 bridge and no defending marines. It was captured in about 2 seconds by 4 boarding parties. They certainly are not capturing control spaces in an SFB way (2 casualties needed to capture a control station).

I'll now do a test to see if bridge is a modifier. Perhaps bridge provides a bonus to the boarding party combat die roll.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2003, 11:08:09 pm »

Good work, does Labs have any effect on shield regeneration??

adam out


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2003, 02:52:04 pm »
Each lab increases the the base shield regeneration rate (0.3) by about 0.1. This requires no energy. The rate cannot be increased with shield reinforcement energy (though it will protect the newly repaired strength). Damage sustained to labs in battle reduces the regeneration rate.

Exisiting Labs: Regen rate
0: 0.3
1: 0.4
2: 0.5
3: 0.6
4: 0.7
5: 0.8
6: 0.9
7: 1.0
8: 1.1
9: 1.2
10: 1.3
11+: 0.3 +0.1*Labs

So a ship with 7 labs regenerates 1 shield point per facing per turn (approx. 30 seconds at speed 8). This is a total of 6 points per turn. Ships with plentiful labs can handle long-range Hellbores and Disruptors quite well. If this regeneration were to require energy then it would be a different story.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2003, 06:14:42 pm »
Well done, I cant believe you did this, thanks, this is wonderful info to know

adam out

Great job!!!!


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2003, 01:15:59 am »
Ya, very good research.  This should be mandatory Stat data for SFC1 and 2.  I'm definitly recording this for my records.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2003, 08:25:16 am »
Shield regeneration is faster in SFC1.03.

If I remember correctly, it is 1 point per turn for all ships except those with 4 or more labs which got 2 points per turn.


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2003, 09:22:30 pm »
so then, what does the system setting: "Repair" do?


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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2003, 11:26:23 pm »
"Repair" does nothing, just like special sensors, security, mechlinks, stealth(EAW), ADD_6, and ADD_12.  

Captain KoraH

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Re: Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2003, 10:46:13 am »
Very interesting...


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Hull Systems in SFC2OP
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2003, 09:36:15 pm »
Bridge, Lab, Security, Transporters, Tractors, Mech Tractors...

I know what the transporters are and what they do, but what do the rest do, security for instance, when this is increase does it inhance your marines with experience or something, and bridge, does this mean the number of bridges, what do all of these mean and do, thanks guys

adam out