Topic: link to DX_9 fix is dead?  (Read 1564 times)

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link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« on: September 02, 2003, 10:07:29 am »
Ok, I have tried to reinstall the DX9 fix so i can go pre-patch but the link is broken. Tried to go to activision directly but it will not load directly either.

So has Activision decided to stop  making it possible to play a game that is still on the shelves?  

Rod O'neal

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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2003, 10:43:53 am »
This is so bad! This, IMO, is what happens when you let bookkeepers run a business. The product, the customer, and, in this instance, everyone else suffers. How can you pull the fix that allows your game to run with the latest DX software? Especially when there isn't an "official" patch yet. What they're saying is, "You *must* use a patch that we do not recognize as official to play our game". "You *must* be willing to beta test for us if you want us to take your money." "Oh, and it's Viacom's fault that we can't make any money on the Trek franchise." "It's not because we don't support our products, game developers, or our customers."

Someone at Activision needs to look above the bottom line and see how it got the way it is. There aren't any numbers or equations that you can plug in to get the answer. You have to look at what's generating those numbers and improve the input. The answer isn't to cut it back. All you end up with is less when you do that. That's very basic math.
Big companies everywhere are in trouble for the same reason. No vision! Where have all of the "Idea Men" gone? Their business associates, at all levels, from their developers to the wholesalers, to the end user (I don't work for them, but I'm willing to bet that you can add their employees to the list as well. It'd fit the norm in this situation.) are to be exploited and preyed upon. Very short sighted, indeed

The Postman

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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2003, 11:40:23 am »
I have the DX-9 fix. It is 479K in size. PM me with your E-mail and I will send it to you.  


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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2003, 12:08:20 pm »
you can go to ,,,

any of those sites probably have the dx9 fix.


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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2003, 11:42:41 pm »

Ok, I have tried to reinstall the DX9 fix so i can go pre-patch but the link is broken. Tried to go to activision directly but it will not load directly either.

So has Activision decided to stop  making it possible to play a game that is still on the shelves?    


 the Beta patch contains the Direct X 9 patch in it, along with the Borg Bonus Missions, Nemisis add on and the game fixes...

Putting the Direct X 9 fix then patching with Beta patch could lead to game errors.. it is best to use just the Beta patch to fix game issues with no other patches or add-on's..

then you can play game, or Dl one of the Mods that the community is having lots of fun with..

hope that this information helps..

Also, the only reason that this patch is not official is because, unlike Interplay, Activision has a 1 patch policy (unwritten, but practiced), and due to the time involved in fixing the bugs, along with other projects on Taldren's end, Activision put a Beta stamp on the patch as to keep the fixes coming, thus (supposedly) not ending patch support. If it was Taldren releasing, the Beta patch would be the First Official Patch, with follow- up patches later on, thus giving continous support, however, it is just Activision's way of saying that it is still in the works... which in reality, the lawsuit with Paramount / Viacom has put a damper on the entire Trek game support.. Until this situation is resolved, or until Taldren gets patch releasing rights from Activision, that is where we all are at.

Taldren is continuing work of another  patch for SFC 3, however, again, release is up to Activision if they can ever pull their heads out. This next patch should be Official by Activision, however, with the way things are going, I can only guess, and tell you all that nothing is set in stone.

PS, I have the Beta Patch at my site at :

That above page also has the Nemisis Add On, Borg Bonus Missions and Direct X 9 fix as separate DL's and the Nerdlat (read name backwards) Bonus mission scripts for Campaign / Dynaverse use.

GL and GH.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2003, 10:07:29 am »
Ok, I have tried to reinstall the DX9 fix so i can go pre-patch but the link is broken. Tried to go to activision directly but it will not load directly either.

So has Activision decided to stop  making it possible to play a game that is still on the shelves?  

Rod O'neal

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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2003, 10:43:53 am »
This is so bad! This, IMO, is what happens when you let bookkeepers run a business. The product, the customer, and, in this instance, everyone else suffers. How can you pull the fix that allows your game to run with the latest DX software? Especially when there isn't an "official" patch yet. What they're saying is, "You *must* use a patch that we do not recognize as official to play our game". "You *must* be willing to beta test for us if you want us to take your money." "Oh, and it's Viacom's fault that we can't make any money on the Trek franchise." "It's not because we don't support our products, game developers, or our customers."

Someone at Activision needs to look above the bottom line and see how it got the way it is. There aren't any numbers or equations that you can plug in to get the answer. You have to look at what's generating those numbers and improve the input. The answer isn't to cut it back. All you end up with is less when you do that. That's very basic math.
Big companies everywhere are in trouble for the same reason. No vision! Where have all of the "Idea Men" gone? Their business associates, at all levels, from their developers to the wholesalers, to the end user (I don't work for them, but I'm willing to bet that you can add their employees to the list as well. It'd fit the norm in this situation.) are to be exploited and preyed upon. Very short sighted, indeed

The Postman

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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2003, 11:40:23 am »
I have the DX-9 fix. It is 479K in size. PM me with your E-mail and I will send it to you.  


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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2003, 12:08:20 pm »
you can go to ,,,

any of those sites probably have the dx9 fix.


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Re: link to DX_9 fix is dead?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2003, 11:42:41 pm »

Ok, I have tried to reinstall the DX9 fix so i can go pre-patch but the link is broken. Tried to go to activision directly but it will not load directly either.

So has Activision decided to stop  making it possible to play a game that is still on the shelves?    


 the Beta patch contains the Direct X 9 patch in it, along with the Borg Bonus Missions, Nemisis add on and the game fixes...

Putting the Direct X 9 fix then patching with Beta patch could lead to game errors.. it is best to use just the Beta patch to fix game issues with no other patches or add-on's..

then you can play game, or Dl one of the Mods that the community is having lots of fun with..

hope that this information helps..

Also, the only reason that this patch is not official is because, unlike Interplay, Activision has a 1 patch policy (unwritten, but practiced), and due to the time involved in fixing the bugs, along with other projects on Taldren's end, Activision put a Beta stamp on the patch as to keep the fixes coming, thus (supposedly) not ending patch support. If it was Taldren releasing, the Beta patch would be the First Official Patch, with follow- up patches later on, thus giving continous support, however, it is just Activision's way of saying that it is still in the works... which in reality, the lawsuit with Paramount / Viacom has put a damper on the entire Trek game support.. Until this situation is resolved, or until Taldren gets patch releasing rights from Activision, that is where we all are at.

Taldren is continuing work of another  patch for SFC 3, however, again, release is up to Activision if they can ever pull their heads out. This next patch should be Official by Activision, however, with the way things are going, I can only guess, and tell you all that nothing is set in stone.

PS, I have the Beta Patch at my site at :

That above page also has the Nemisis Add On, Borg Bonus Missions and Direct X 9 fix as separate DL's and the Nerdlat (read name backwards) Bonus mission scripts for Campaign / Dynaverse use.

GL and GH.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »