Well........That sucked
Been away far too long.
Anyways It all happened like this........
One day I was walking down the street minding my own business, when all of a sudden these two guys in a white van pulled up beside me. The guy in the passenger seat told me they were looking for their lost puppy and wanted to know if I would help them find it. Sensing nothing suspicious or abnormal about the situation, I climbed inside. After a few minutes they offered me some candy, which i graciously accepted. After a few minutes, I started to get drowsy and fell asleep. When I awoke I was chained to a basement wall along with 30 or so skelletons of victims before me. I was really angry that those guys lied to me, so I managed to reach the plasma torch that I always keep in my pocket for situations like this and cut myself free. When I made my way upstairs they were having a good laugh about my misfortune, so I stared them right in the eyes.........and made them feel really uncomfortable......and nervous. In trying to find my way home I ended up in Mexico and was arrested by the federoles for pre-meditated littering. They sentenced me to 50 years of hard labor. And boy was it hard labor. I had to work in one of the famous donkey shows. When I tried to explain I was not a donkey, they simply told me I looked and talked like an ass.7 weeks into the gig, I was able to escape by smoking some of the blue desert alfalfa that they fed to all the mules in the show. As you all know, when smoked, alfalfa is a powerful psychoactive substance that will take you to the spirit world where no mortal man can see you. During my state of invisibility, I simply walked out through the front door and straight across the border...............................................................................
Ok...........So I really just had to pay a bunch of bills, got myself broke and lost internet service

But atleast it sounded good

Glad to be back........expect some new retexes soon.