Topic: Decommissioning The Station  (Read 2098 times)

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Kane Anuenue

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Decommissioning The Station
« on: August 28, 2003, 06:17:05 am »
I am saddened to inform the general public that The Station will be scheduled to be decommissioned.    It's sponsor (Dark Drone) has informed me that funding for the site will end in 5 months. He hasn't given me an exact date yet but I will pass the information on once I get it.

I apologize for the lack of construction in its shipyards. Other matters of life have kept me distracted and it doesn't look like I can find the time to do any refits before the decommissioning. Current ships are available until then.

Stay tuned for more news.  


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2003, 06:35:15 am »
a "pseudo station" is already hosted my site , well more exactly atheorhavens but on my diskspace  


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2003, 08:04:11 am »
Yeah what the hell...Throw it up at Mackie's Kane
We need you...badly  


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2003, 10:08:09 am »
It's a "Pseudo-Station" because it doesn't mirror the total contents of "The Station", just the Babylon 5 part of it, and that was just until Kane was back online and mostly my conversions and retextures anyways.  (I'd actually forgotten to remove the link once he was up and running again).

Mackie, here's a thought: maybe setting up a username and password at TMS for Kane, and we migrate "The Station" over there over the next few months.  (Saying we, meaning Kane uploads his new stuff, and I could probably mirror his current site seeing he's on 56k, and I'm broadband). Then Kane could still maintain and/or update "The Station" as he gets time for, and that way we can finish the Minbari ships and maybe get on the Narn/Centauri.  And TMS would almost have exclusive coverage of all the known Babylon 5 SFC ships out there, most of the BSG (which has a new mini-series coming out shortly), and a lot of the races that don't get commonly visited in Trek.  Just a thought..


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2003, 10:34:55 am »
Oh, that is bad...

Stand by, Kane, let me see if I can't get you hosted with SFU/Gamespy... (or mackie willing, TMS)

The point is, this site is too good to be decommissioned...


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2003, 03:55:22 pm »
well, on the bright side, 5 months is a long time...


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2003, 04:23:33 pm »
I hope you find a place to call home soon.

Might I ask you this. I have been admiring a few of the Klingons on your site for some time now. Specificly the F5, G1, G2 and that D10. Certainly they exist in one form or another for there to be pics of them. Would it be possible to make them available? I've got a spot picked out for them already and would really like to use them. And I would really hate to see them pass out of availability. Hopefuly a link could be provided.  


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2003, 11:40:59 pm »

It's a "Pseudo-Station" because it doesn't mirror the total contents of "The Station", just the Babylon 5 part of it, and that was just until Kane was back online and mostly my conversions and retextures anyways.  (I'd actually forgotten to remove the link once he was up and running again).

Mackie, here's a thought: maybe setting up a username and password at TMS for Kane, and we migrate "The Station" over there over the next few months.  (Saying we, meaning Kane uploads his new stuff, and I could probably mirror his current site seeing he's on 56k, and I'm broadband). Then Kane could still maintain and/or update "The Station" as he gets time for, and that way we can finish the Minbari ships and maybe get on the Narn/Centauri.  And TMS would almost have exclusive coverage of all the known Babylon 5 SFC ships out there, most of the BSG (which has a new mini-series coming out shortly), and a lot of the races that don't get commonly visited in Trek.  Just a thought..  

ok but ill need to contact him via msn or something , hope he catches this thread
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Mackie »

Rod O'neal

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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2003, 10:29:52 am »
It's terrific to see this cooperation for Kane and "The Station". It's a great site! I've been hoping to get some of the not yet available models and was very disheartened to think all these wonderful models would be lost. Good show all    

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2003, 12:50:46 pm »
Aloha Kane Anuenue!

[In the Rocket Power Cartoon voice of Tito:] Ancient Hawaiians say a death certificate is NOT proof somebody actually lived! Actually, its supposed to mean its ok to ask for help saving a work of art, LOL.

It is so cool to see all the cousins  in the SFC community offering help to you. This is truly an Ohanu! Nobody should be left behind.

Now if somebody could help DarkMatrix with keeping the Unimatrix online...

Is it true Hawaiians call people 'cousins' even if they are not related a la the STITCH movie?




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Re: Decommissioning The Station (talked to Kane briefly)
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2003, 02:19:48 pm »
I'm quoting here..


[13:06 PM] Alec.: Check your thread.. especially the msgs from mackie..
[13:08 PM] Alec.: You are a very popular person right now.  
[13:08 PM] (Kane Anuenue): I guess so...
[13:09 PM] (Kane Anuenue): well, I guess if there is someplace else the Station can set up it would be fine with me
[13:10 PM] (Kane Anuenue): anyway... I have to get going... heading out to work

Mackie, I'll send you Kane's IM info so that you can arrange things more directly with him.

(ps: and totally off-topic note:)


[13:08 PM] (Kane Anuenue): and Fanatic spelt Ohana wrong... hahaha
[13:08 PM] Alec.: Heheheheh... I'll let him know... but what do you think?
[13:09 PM] (Kane Anuenue): I guess da bugga neva watch "Lilo & Stitch"


Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Decommissioning The Station (talked to Kane briefly)
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2003, 03:07:03 pm »

I'm quoting here..


[13:08 PM] (Kane Anuenue): and Fanatic spelt Ohana wrong... hahaha
[13:08 PM] Alec.: Heheheheh... I'll let him know... but what do you think?
[13:09 PM] (Kane Anuenue): I guess da bugga neva watch "Lilo & Stitch"


Actually, Lilo and Stitch is one of my kids favorite movies and I was surprised how funny it was. I am a social worker [not exactly like Mr. Cobra Bubbles though ] BUT they do send me to cases involving the ELDERLY when things go wrong.

I was disappointed with the STITCH movie which is really the opening movie for the new Disney series this fall... groan.

Regarding the spelling of 'ohana' I will correctly spell it in the future.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2003, 12:43:58 am »
Truth is if your going to shutdown the station;  even if those unavailable models dont have damage points or hardpoints or whatever, make them available ,we'll fix the problems in them, atleast give us the opportunity to get as much as we can before ships are lost

Adam out

PS, like those Vidians, Ive been dying to get my hands on lol, cough them up, lol

adam out


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2003, 12:49:36 am »
Those Dominion ships look great btw

adam out


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Re: Decommissioning The Station
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2003, 05:12:02 am »

Yes, please release the Dominion ships in whatever form they are in.Many people here can hardpoint them to whatever is needed.

Any Hydran or Breen would be good too.

Please keep your site up at all possible!I have in the past mailed a CD with my stuff to people with a broad band connection so they could upload them for me, its an idea.

I put the Shockwave mod together for Armada 2, it is the most downloaded mod so far with 1500 dl's from ArmadaFleetCommand.


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Re: Decommissioning The Station (talked to Kane briefly)
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2003, 10:28:21 pm »
SFU is ready and willing to host Kane stuff. (I can upload too...) Long live the station.


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Re: Decommissioning The Station (talked to Kane briefly)
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2003, 11:19:29 pm »
I hope you release some of the doinion too, and the rest of the cardies, though I do hope you have somethign a little bigger in the texture department. The textures on all the ones I've seen thus far are so tiny they aint worth keeping. Put some decent res on them. Atleast 256*256 for crying out loud. Whole lot of cool concept designs wasted by using such tiny textures.