Topic: Life Signs Discrepancy  (Read 4094 times)

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Life Signs Discrepancy
« on: August 28, 2003, 02:10:03 am »
I posted a question in the SFC 3 BETA forum as I was under the impression that the Patch is a BETA patch and so, therefore, makes the game a BETA game.  Perhaps I'm mistaken.  However, I would like an answer to the question I posted in this thread:

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dyre_Straits »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2003, 04:24:07 pm »
sorry, guy, nobody there cares.  


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2003, 07:26:38 pm »

sorry, guy, nobody there cares.  

I believe you are correct.  I'm about ready to DELETE my hotlink to this site as it seems it's pretty much dead to any newcomers.

David Ferrell

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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2003, 11:50:17 am »
Are you talking about the number of boarding parties? That would
be interesting, if so.




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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2003, 05:41:37 pm »

Thanks for the reply.

No, it's not the number of boarding parties....unless I'm reading this entirely in error.  As far as I know, I haven't even sent a command to board the enemy vessel.

What I'm describing is the number that shows up on the target vessel's STATS screen.  I'm targeting the Borg Cube from two different computers.  On one computer it shows 6 at the top of the right column.  On the other computer it was showing 10.

If I'm reading these correctly, that means that one of my ships 'sees' 6 lifesigns while the other 'sees' 10.

If I'm reading this information incorrectly, I'd appreciate the correction.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2003, 05:43:16 pm by Dyre_Straits »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2003, 06:41:17 pm »
Dyre, can you post a screen shot of this so that we can see what you are talking about?

if you are talking about when you select the double man icon at the top right of your screen and it shows numbers on the left and numbers on the right.. the numbers on the left is number of enemies on enemy ship, numbers on right is number of marines you have, the race icon in the middle is the controlling race of the ship you have targeted...

If This is not what you are referring to, then please take a screen shot and post it here please... I would be glad to test this issue and make a report to David in the Testers Forum, or David himself may get to it before i get a chance to test it all the way...

Thanks for looking out for the game bugs...



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2003, 08:21:29 pm »
Here's a screenshot from one of the computers.  It shows the location of the number I'm referring to:



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2003, 08:29:07 pm »
you are looking at your Hit and Run control pannel.. the section where you order your secruity officer to send marines over to attack an enemy subsystem like the warp core or the phasers...

That is the number of marines remaining that you have to send Hit and run strikes against the enemy.. those are the men on your ship under your security officer...

as your ship get's damaged, you will lose some of those men as well.

To use them, under the phaser Icon, you select a system on the enemy ship for your men to attack...

when you get within range 5 of the enemy and you knock down one of his shields, the marines will automatically transport over, and the number will decrease...

those are the men that you replace in the supply dock.

To capture an enemy ship you click on the double men Icon directly across from the phaser icon.. you will see the display I mentioned in my above posting.

hope that this information helps.



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2003, 08:36:44 pm »
That DOES, indeed, clear up the misconception I had of what this number was all about.  This does, however, prompt the question as to whether there IS any indicator of how many lifesigns are still aboard the enemy vessel?  That's something I guess I was under the impression there would be from all the Star Trek programs and movies.  When they do a scan of a vessel they usually get a report of how many lifesigns are onboard.

Anyway, I can now proceed knowing better what this is all about.  I've 'scanned' the manual that came with the game and haven't seen anything that deals with this specific number.

Thanks again.


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2003, 09:24:49 pm »
If you go into the Capture screen as suggested you will see how many marines are left on the enemy ship. This is not an indication of total crew left, just combat troops. I am not aware of anything that gives you a total life sign reading in SFC.


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2003, 09:51:46 pm »
Like I stated 2 posts above,

If you use the double man Icon.. that is the capure ship screen.. to capture the enemy ship you have targeted...

it looks like this :

again.. Number of Enemy Marines on left, Number of your Marines on Right, Center icon is controlling race of ship you have targeted...

this screen is the capture screen.. you click send marine when you get within range 5 and knock the enemy shield that is facing you down... you have a choice of 1 marine, or all marines ... the green man icons under the number of marines you have is how many transporters you have.. when you click all marines, it sends as many marines as you have transporters... so if you have 4 green man images, you can send 4 marines with send all command, or you can choose to send 1 marine at a time, up to 4 marines or until the transporters are ready again...

just remember, the more you attack the enemy, the more of his marines you will kill, and vica versa..

hope that this helps...

Number of marines does not reflect the Command staff that you selected.. IE Tactical, Ops, Helm, Engineering, Medical, Security.. those do not get counted for marines...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2003, 12:35:18 am »

Anyway, I can now proceed knowing better what this is all about.  I've 'scanned' the manual that came with the game and haven't seen anything that deals with this specific number.

Thanks again.  

You obviously need to get a new scanner. Or better, RTFM! (emphasis on "read", don't just scan.)

I am referring to page 17 of the manual, where it, IMHO, clearly explained the marine situation. No it did not have the nifty pictures in pestalences post, but surely we haven't gotten so far that words alone can't convey a message? :P
well here is the passage I am referring to. Copied from the PDF version.


Hit and Run: The Phaser icon represents your marines?s ability to beam to an enemy ship and take out key systems.

Your current number of marines is displayed in the upper right corner of the display.

Below it are icons representing the number of transporters your ship has and their current status. Select an enemy system by clicking on it in the target display. This system will then appear in the queue on the left hand side of the display. Once an enemy?s shields are down, your marines will beam over and attempt to destroy your target systems in the order you have selected them. Their chance of success depends on the number of marines you have and your Security officer?s skill. By default, marines given hit and run targets will beam over as soon as they have the chance. To pause or delay transport, click on the icon at the top of the target system queue. To resume, click it again.

Capture Raids: If simply pecking away at your opponent?s systems isn?t enough, why not try to take over his entire ship? The marine icon beneath the ?Comm? button brings up the Capture menu. In the center of this menu, you can see the empire in current control of your target.

The number to the left of this symbol represents the number of enemy marines on board the target. The number to the right is the number of your marines currently on board.

To get your marines onto the enemy ship, you first need to knock down
an enemy?s shields. You can then choose to beam over one marine by clicking the ?One Marine? button, or send over as many marines as you have transporters by clicking ?All Marines.? ...



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2003, 12:49:16 am »
Dam all this info was 1st grade in EAW , What am I missing here with SFC III ?


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2003, 01:48:18 am »

Be kind. SFC 3 may be some people's first SFC game... hopefully at some point they will want a more challenging SFC game like EAW, and then finally graduate to SFC OP...

but for the new players, they may not understand the intenal workings of the game and/or what different screens may be, and without visual references, they may not be sure of the scren that they are looking at...

Patience is a virtue.


David Ferrell

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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2003, 01:26:20 pm »
Glad to hear it was just a misunderstanding.

There will always be room for questions here.




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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2003, 04:49:56 pm »

I'm not entirely new to this type of game.  I won't say it's my favorite genre, but I do enjoy this type of space sim on occasion.  I've played Armada II, Imperium Galactica II, just to name a couple.

One of the main reasons I missed out on earlier versions of these games (that is, a few years back) was because of the lack of Text Captions.  Armada, for instance, had none and relied solely upon voice commands/instructions.  I'm nearly completely deaf and cannot understand speech unless I see a persons lips. So, playing this type of game without captions is just nearly impossible and totally frustrating.

I thoroughly enjoyed Armada II.  I tried my hand at Dominion Wars, but lost interesst.  I was looking forward eagerly to Galaxy Andromeda (formerly, Imperium Galactica III) and stil hope they can find a publisher to get it out the door.  I was very disappointed to hear of its cancellation a few weeks ago.

Now, more to the point of this misunderstanding:  When I see a display on the screen that relates to status of a ship or object, my first impression is that everything within the framework of that screen relates to that particular ship/object.  In other words, I really would have expected that those numbers of marines would have been listed somewhere within the framework of my own ship.....not in the framework of the other ship.  That is, unless MY marines are already ON that ship.  Perhaps these numbers could be color coded to reflect allegiance.

I'm sure there are other aspects of this game and the targeting system that I'm not quite grasping.  A previous comment addresses the systems targeting feature.  My perception of this system is/was that when I select one or more of those systems and get it to appear in the left column, that my firing targets those.  Per the comment above, I'm now of the impression that those only get targeted when my marines transport over.  I sort of like 'my system' better.    In fact, I've been targeting the Borg Cube's impulse engines and putting it out of commission. Then I back up my fleet and fire away at various other systems.  OR, so I thought.

I do appreciate finally getting some feedback to my questions.  What I'm hoping to do is get a firm grasp of this game for the purpose of hosting LAN parties here at the house.  My older son is an avid Star Trek fan and LOVES this type of game.  He can't even play FPS type games because of motion sickness problems.  So, that's another reason I'll play this type of game.

Thanks again for the replies....and your patience with a newcomer to the forum.


  • Guest
Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2003, 02:10:03 am »
I posted a question in the SFC 3 BETA forum as I was under the impression that the Patch is a BETA patch and so, therefore, makes the game a BETA game.  Perhaps I'm mistaken.  However, I would like an answer to the question I posted in this thread:

Thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Dyre_Straits »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2003, 04:24:07 pm »
sorry, guy, nobody there cares.  


  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2003, 07:26:38 pm »

sorry, guy, nobody there cares.  

I believe you are correct.  I'm about ready to DELETE my hotlink to this site as it seems it's pretty much dead to any newcomers.

David Ferrell

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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2003, 11:50:17 am »
Are you talking about the number of boarding parties? That would
be interesting, if so.




  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2003, 05:41:37 pm »

Thanks for the reply.

No, it's not the number of boarding parties....unless I'm reading this entirely in error.  As far as I know, I haven't even sent a command to board the enemy vessel.

What I'm describing is the number that shows up on the target vessel's STATS screen.  I'm targeting the Borg Cube from two different computers.  On one computer it shows 6 at the top of the right column.  On the other computer it was showing 10.

If I'm reading these correctly, that means that one of my ships 'sees' 6 lifesigns while the other 'sees' 10.

If I'm reading this information incorrectly, I'd appreciate the correction.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2003, 05:43:16 pm by Dyre_Straits »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2003, 06:41:17 pm »
Dyre, can you post a screen shot of this so that we can see what you are talking about?

if you are talking about when you select the double man icon at the top right of your screen and it shows numbers on the left and numbers on the right.. the numbers on the left is number of enemies on enemy ship, numbers on right is number of marines you have, the race icon in the middle is the controlling race of the ship you have targeted...

If This is not what you are referring to, then please take a screen shot and post it here please... I would be glad to test this issue and make a report to David in the Testers Forum, or David himself may get to it before i get a chance to test it all the way...

Thanks for looking out for the game bugs...



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2003, 08:21:29 pm »
Here's a screenshot from one of the computers.  It shows the location of the number I'm referring to:



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2003, 08:29:07 pm »
you are looking at your Hit and Run control pannel.. the section where you order your secruity officer to send marines over to attack an enemy subsystem like the warp core or the phasers...

That is the number of marines remaining that you have to send Hit and run strikes against the enemy.. those are the men on your ship under your security officer...

as your ship get's damaged, you will lose some of those men as well.

To use them, under the phaser Icon, you select a system on the enemy ship for your men to attack...

when you get within range 5 of the enemy and you knock down one of his shields, the marines will automatically transport over, and the number will decrease...

those are the men that you replace in the supply dock.

To capture an enemy ship you click on the double men Icon directly across from the phaser icon.. you will see the display I mentioned in my above posting.

hope that this information helps.



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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2003, 08:36:44 pm »
That DOES, indeed, clear up the misconception I had of what this number was all about.  This does, however, prompt the question as to whether there IS any indicator of how many lifesigns are still aboard the enemy vessel?  That's something I guess I was under the impression there would be from all the Star Trek programs and movies.  When they do a scan of a vessel they usually get a report of how many lifesigns are onboard.

Anyway, I can now proceed knowing better what this is all about.  I've 'scanned' the manual that came with the game and haven't seen anything that deals with this specific number.

Thanks again.


  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2003, 09:24:49 pm »
If you go into the Capture screen as suggested you will see how many marines are left on the enemy ship. This is not an indication of total crew left, just combat troops. I am not aware of anything that gives you a total life sign reading in SFC.


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2003, 09:51:46 pm »
Like I stated 2 posts above,

If you use the double man Icon.. that is the capure ship screen.. to capture the enemy ship you have targeted...

it looks like this :

again.. Number of Enemy Marines on left, Number of your Marines on Right, Center icon is controlling race of ship you have targeted...

this screen is the capture screen.. you click send marine when you get within range 5 and knock the enemy shield that is facing you down... you have a choice of 1 marine, or all marines ... the green man icons under the number of marines you have is how many transporters you have.. when you click all marines, it sends as many marines as you have transporters... so if you have 4 green man images, you can send 4 marines with send all command, or you can choose to send 1 marine at a time, up to 4 marines or until the transporters are ready again...

just remember, the more you attack the enemy, the more of his marines you will kill, and vica versa..

hope that this helps...

Number of marines does not reflect the Command staff that you selected.. IE Tactical, Ops, Helm, Engineering, Medical, Security.. those do not get counted for marines...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Pestalence »


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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2003, 12:35:18 am »

Anyway, I can now proceed knowing better what this is all about.  I've 'scanned' the manual that came with the game and haven't seen anything that deals with this specific number.

Thanks again.  

You obviously need to get a new scanner. Or better, RTFM! (emphasis on "read", don't just scan.)

I am referring to page 17 of the manual, where it, IMHO, clearly explained the marine situation. No it did not have the nifty pictures in pestalences post, but surely we haven't gotten so far that words alone can't convey a message? :P
well here is the passage I am referring to. Copied from the PDF version.


Hit and Run: The Phaser icon represents your marines?s ability to beam to an enemy ship and take out key systems.

Your current number of marines is displayed in the upper right corner of the display.

Below it are icons representing the number of transporters your ship has and their current status. Select an enemy system by clicking on it in the target display. This system will then appear in the queue on the left hand side of the display. Once an enemy?s shields are down, your marines will beam over and attempt to destroy your target systems in the order you have selected them. Their chance of success depends on the number of marines you have and your Security officer?s skill. By default, marines given hit and run targets will beam over as soon as they have the chance. To pause or delay transport, click on the icon at the top of the target system queue. To resume, click it again.

Capture Raids: If simply pecking away at your opponent?s systems isn?t enough, why not try to take over his entire ship? The marine icon beneath the ?Comm? button brings up the Capture menu. In the center of this menu, you can see the empire in current control of your target.

The number to the left of this symbol represents the number of enemy marines on board the target. The number to the right is the number of your marines currently on board.

To get your marines onto the enemy ship, you first need to knock down
an enemy?s shields. You can then choose to beam over one marine by clicking the ?One Marine? button, or send over as many marines as you have transporters by clicking ?All Marines.? ...



  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2003, 12:49:16 am »
Dam all this info was 1st grade in EAW , What am I missing here with SFC III ?


  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2003, 01:48:18 am »

Be kind. SFC 3 may be some people's first SFC game... hopefully at some point they will want a more challenging SFC game like EAW, and then finally graduate to SFC OP...

but for the new players, they may not understand the intenal workings of the game and/or what different screens may be, and without visual references, they may not be sure of the scren that they are looking at...

Patience is a virtue.


David Ferrell

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Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2003, 01:26:20 pm »
Glad to hear it was just a misunderstanding.

There will always be room for questions here.




  • Guest
Re: Life Signs Discrepancy
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2003, 04:49:56 pm »

I'm not entirely new to this type of game.  I won't say it's my favorite genre, but I do enjoy this type of space sim on occasion.  I've played Armada II, Imperium Galactica II, just to name a couple.

One of the main reasons I missed out on earlier versions of these games (that is, a few years back) was because of the lack of Text Captions.  Armada, for instance, had none and relied solely upon voice commands/instructions.  I'm nearly completely deaf and cannot understand speech unless I see a persons lips. So, playing this type of game without captions is just nearly impossible and totally frustrating.

I thoroughly enjoyed Armada II.  I tried my hand at Dominion Wars, but lost interesst.  I was looking forward eagerly to Galaxy Andromeda (formerly, Imperium Galactica III) and stil hope they can find a publisher to get it out the door.  I was very disappointed to hear of its cancellation a few weeks ago.

Now, more to the point of this misunderstanding:  When I see a display on the screen that relates to status of a ship or object, my first impression is that everything within the framework of that screen relates to that particular ship/object.  In other words, I really would have expected that those numbers of marines would have been listed somewhere within the framework of my own ship.....not in the framework of the other ship.  That is, unless MY marines are already ON that ship.  Perhaps these numbers could be color coded to reflect allegiance.

I'm sure there are other aspects of this game and the targeting system that I'm not quite grasping.  A previous comment addresses the systems targeting feature.  My perception of this system is/was that when I select one or more of those systems and get it to appear in the left column, that my firing targets those.  Per the comment above, I'm now of the impression that those only get targeted when my marines transport over.  I sort of like 'my system' better.    In fact, I've been targeting the Borg Cube's impulse engines and putting it out of commission. Then I back up my fleet and fire away at various other systems.  OR, so I thought.

I do appreciate finally getting some feedback to my questions.  What I'm hoping to do is get a firm grasp of this game for the purpose of hosting LAN parties here at the house.  My older son is an avid Star Trek fan and LOVES this type of game.  He can't even play FPS type games because of motion sickness problems.  So, that's another reason I'll play this type of game.

Thanks again for the replies....and your patience with a newcomer to the forum.