I'm not entirely new to this type of game. I won't say it's my favorite genre, but I do enjoy this type of space sim on occasion. I've played Armada II, Imperium Galactica II, just to name a couple.
One of the main reasons I missed out on earlier versions of these games (that is, a few years back) was because of the lack of Text Captions. Armada, for instance, had none and relied solely upon voice commands/instructions. I'm nearly completely deaf and cannot understand speech unless I see a persons lips. So, playing this type of game without captions is just nearly impossible and totally frustrating.
I thoroughly enjoyed Armada II. I tried my hand at Dominion Wars, but lost interesst. I was looking forward eagerly to Galaxy Andromeda (formerly, Imperium Galactica III) and stil hope they can find a publisher to get it out the door. I was very disappointed to hear of its cancellation a few weeks ago.
Now, more to the point of this misunderstanding: When I see a display on the screen that relates to status of a ship or object, my first impression is that everything within the framework of that screen relates to that particular ship/object. In other words, I really would have expected that those numbers of marines would have been listed somewhere within the framework of
my own ship.....not in the framework of the other ship. That is, unless MY marines are already ON that ship. Perhaps these numbers could be color coded to reflect allegiance.
I'm sure there are other aspects of this game and the targeting system that I'm not quite grasping. A previous comment addresses the systems targeting feature. My perception of this system is/was that when I select one or more of those systems and get it to appear in the left column, that my firing targets those. Per the comment above, I'm now of the impression that those only get targeted when my marines transport over. I sort of like 'my system' better.
In fact, I've been targeting the Borg Cube's impulse engines and putting it out of commission. Then I back up my fleet and fire away at various other systems. OR, so I thought.
I do appreciate finally getting some feedback to my questions. What I'm hoping to do is get a firm grasp of this game for the purpose of hosting LAN parties here at the house. My older son is an avid Star Trek fan and LOVES this type of game. He can't even play FPS type games because of motion sickness problems. So, that's another reason I'll play this type of game.
Thanks again for the replies....and your patience with a newcomer to the forum.