Topic: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?  (Read 1193 times)

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Cmdr. Krotz

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SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« on: August 26, 2003, 04:36:26 pm »
So, there I was, figuring I'd go into a single player skirmish to check out some of the improvements on fighters w/ 25.4.10/4.12, as when I tinkered around with testing the cloak in a single player campaign, carriers would never launch any fighters....hopping into the spacedock menu in skirmish, after deciding to play with a carrier myself, I made a disturbing discovery- the fighter purchase button was dark, I couldn't buy any fighters....tried some of the scenarios (Turkey Shoot, War of the Roses) featuring fighters, A.I.s don't launch 'em, and my carriers don't have any to launch....PFs appear fine though. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's take on fighters) this doesn't seem to be a multiplayer issue, but it's kinda weird all the same. Happens with both the stock and opplus 3.0 lists, any ideas what might be going on?  


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2003, 04:37:59 pm »
Check out the readme.txt about the "Start in" path in shortcuts.

Cmdr. Krotz

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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2003, 04:54:17 pm »
Golly, that sure does work better, thanks FS    


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2004, 03:26:29 pm »
Hmm - the readme.txt for OP says this (at the very top):

"Important Note: Make sure that the properties of your Orion Pirates
desktop shortcut shows the Target of your game pointing to the StarfleetOP.exe
file and that the Start In path is correct for your game install directory. "

I am pointing to the correct file (mentioned above) and the Start In is the root folder for OP (in my case, C:\GAMES\Orion Pirates). Still no fighters or PFs available in multiplay. Is there another Readme I am not seeing?  


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2004, 07:16:17 pm »
If there are no typo's then that should work.

For most people the default location is:
C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates

but I know other people use different locations without problem. Can you create a new icon on your desktop that points to StarFleetOP.exe, add in the Start In location, and see if that still doesn't work.  

Cmdr. Krotz

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SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2003, 04:36:26 pm »
So, there I was, figuring I'd go into a single player skirmish to check out some of the improvements on fighters w/ 25.4.10/4.12, as when I tinkered around with testing the cloak in a single player campaign, carriers would never launch any fighters....hopping into the spacedock menu in skirmish, after deciding to play with a carrier myself, I made a disturbing discovery- the fighter purchase button was dark, I couldn't buy any fighters....tried some of the scenarios (Turkey Shoot, War of the Roses) featuring fighters, A.I.s don't launch 'em, and my carriers don't have any to launch....PFs appear fine though. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's take on fighters) this doesn't seem to be a multiplayer issue, but it's kinda weird all the same. Happens with both the stock and opplus 3.0 lists, any ideas what might be going on?  


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2003, 04:37:59 pm »
Check out the readme.txt about the "Start in" path in shortcuts.

Cmdr. Krotz

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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2003, 04:54:17 pm »
Golly, that sure does work better, thanks FS    


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2004, 03:26:29 pm »
Hmm - the readme.txt for OP says this (at the very top):

"Important Note: Make sure that the properties of your Orion Pirates
desktop shortcut shows the Target of your game pointing to the StarfleetOP.exe
file and that the Start In path is correct for your game install directory. "

I am pointing to the correct file (mentioned above) and the Start In is the root folder for OP (in my case, C:\GAMES\Orion Pirates). Still no fighters or PFs available in multiplay. Is there another Readme I am not seeing?  


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Re: SFC:OP- Where have all the fighters gone?
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2004, 07:16:17 pm »
If there are no typo's then that should work.

For most people the default location is:
C:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates

but I know other people use different locations without problem. Can you create a new icon on your desktop that points to StarFleetOP.exe, add in the Start In location, and see if that still doesn't work.