Topic: SFB Klingon model shots  (Read 4907 times)

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #20 on: August 28, 2003, 07:35:15 pm »
Oh right, I thought the 3 nacelled ship on the first page was the C8 as it looked like a D7 with 3 nacelles, it didn't occur to me that it was a D5W which looks like a smaller D7 with 3 nacelles j/k I'm looking forward to the C8 in that case, will you be making the C5 light dreadnought or will it be only the one dreadnought?


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #21 on: August 28, 2003, 08:17:13 pm »

Clipping them off is the easy part, I can do that in M6, putting the tubes in takes money, the money to buy 3D software which I don't have LOL I hated those dishes too, especially seeing as how in TOS the D7 is supposed to have it's deflector in that recessed black smear on the front of the command hull it only became a torpedo launcher in TMP.

*scurries away from the burning light to his coffin*  

Ya, in my humble opinion, the only ships I can think of that the dishes looked like they belonged were the TOS Federation. They screwed up the Klingons. And the Gorn models for that matter. I thought it was a bad habbit to get into. If it had been me I would have scrapped every one of them. That includes the Saladin with that hokey dish on a stalk thing. But noooooo, we have to have our parabolic even if we have to put that sucker on a stalk hanging from the lower sensor dome.  

I brought it up before but the dishes were all originaly meant to portray communication dishes and not deflectors. If I remmember right the grid patterns under the Fed dish and the leading edges of the Klingon wings were supposed to be the deflectors. But that's how it went. I sometimes wished that the SSD's from SFB were not the prime guidelines for so many of the starship art that followed. I give you some of the Romulan new designs as studies in art that went wrong. In particular the Firehawk. And even more so the B10! The answer for almost any vessel heavier than a cruiser was to hang more warp nacelles on it. I can overlook the Kzinti as they were one of the more logical designs. But some of them were just, well... am I really saying anything here that everyone doesn't already know?

Perhaps that could be something that some of our more artisticly gifted people could get going. Redesigning a number of the ABD hulls. On the premise that with updated intellegence and contact with the races in question we come to find out that the earlier computer models were only a poor rendering of what we thought they looked like. I think that would be awesome. Something like an updated ship recognition manual for most everything not Federation or Klingon. You wouldn't have to change the geometry just go back and do them right. That's all, IMHO.  
« Last Edit: August 28, 2003, 08:22:59 pm by Rogue »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2003, 08:31:06 pm »
Hi Desty Nova
    Nice job on the tug it looks great.  


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2003, 08:57:46 pm »
Update: I made the Light Tactical Transport and small Freighter, since I could easily bash them from the Tug. Pics posted.

Lestat: LOL. I would make a C5 but I'm not actually sure what the external differences are. Have any pictures?

Rogue: While I stated previously that I appreciate many of the ships in SFB, I do kind of agree with you. If ships in SFB had been designed by "real" artists, they probably would've looked much, well, better. IMO, some ships can be made to look good. For example, awhile back Anduril(I think it was Anduril) made a model of the Sparrowhawk that I thought looked really good. Not just the modeling skill that went into it, he tweaked the design and sleeked it up a bit. While my mod is mainly going to stay relatively true to all the actual designs from SFB, I will be sleeking them up here and there, where i feel it's appropriate(like with the B10). Some things though I wouldn't really know how to make look better without radically altering the design so I'll just leave them, like the Hydran Destroyer.

Bernard: Thanks. ^_^    


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2003, 09:33:21 pm »
The C5 is actually meant to be a different ship from the C8, it still has 3 nacelles but is a lot smaller than the C8, it's closer to being a D7 on steroids The only model I've ever seen of it was Atrahasis' TMP era C5, I can't post pics ATM but as I said it just looks like a mini version of the C8.

BTW on the Hydran destroyer, you could always just make it the wedge shape as it is but have integrated nacelles ala the Delta Flyer, I know it sounds dumb but the lack of any visible engines really bugged me on that one.

Oh and I forgot to mention earlier but who the hell are the Pelladine? I never heard of 'em b4


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2003, 09:48:37 pm »
Hmm, I might make a C5 in that case. And thanks for the suggestion on the Lancer, I'll figure out something to do on the little bugger.

Anyway, Peladine:


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2003, 01:32:31 am »
Update: C8 finished, pictures posted. C8V will follow tomorrow(it's a simple kitbash job).

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2003, 11:29:14 am »
Thanks for the Peladine link. They're a cool design spec wise. Since plasma fleets have a hard time competeing against drone fleets, giving a plasma race drone capability is such a simple idea, as most good ones are.

Any pics of what their ships actually looked like?    


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2003, 11:54:14 am »

Right at the top, some albeit small photos of the new minis from ADB, not really sure what's what as they all bloody look the same but you can pretty safely assume the big one on the right is the heavy cruiser.


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2003, 12:51:02 am »

Almost done with the Klingons. I just have to do the Monitor, Battle Station, and Starbase. Hopefully I'll finish them all either tomorrow or the day after. Stay tuned!

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2003, 06:46:33 pm »

It'd be an injustice to let this slip off the 1st page  

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2003, 09:06:24 pm »
Attn: Another modeler has apparently been abducted. No news in days after the updates coming fast and furious. What hideous evil is at work here?