Topic: SFB Klingon model shots  (Read 4906 times)

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SFB Klingon model shots
« on: August 25, 2003, 09:30:54 pm »
Hey everyone. I've been a lurker on these boards for quite some time, and I wanted to let you know that I'm working on creating SFB-style models for the races in OP. Here are shots of the first bunch of models I'm doing for the Klingons.

Here's the list of Klingon ship classes I plan on making(or have already made):
D7 Heavy Cruiser
D5 War Cruiser
E4 Frigate
F5 Frigate
C7 Heavy Battlecruiser
D5W New Heavy Cruiser
C8 Dreadnought
C8V Heavy Carrier
B10 Battleship
Small Freighter
Z-Y Fighter
Administrative Shuttle

I'll be doing roughly these equivalents for every race. I'll also be doing unique versions of units considered "generic" in SFB, like starbases, freighters, shuttles, etc for every race. Eventually I would like to compile all of these models into an all-inclusive mod.

If any of you guys like these so far, I have a question: would anyone be willing to host these models for me once I release them, or be able to show where I could have them hosted? Anyway, what do you all think so far?  
« Last Edit: August 25, 2003, 09:54:24 pm by Desty_Nova »

Captain Ron

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2003, 09:48:27 pm »
Very nice!

You should also check out Fleet Dock 13

They have done TOS models since SFC 1

PS (isn't Village Photos a nice site!)


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2003, 09:53:34 pm »
Yeah, Fleetdock 13 is cool. I have just about every model from there. And yes, village photos is very nice!

Rod O'neal

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2003, 10:23:36 pm »
Very, very cool!
I'll take all the TOS/SFB models I can get. Especially, hi-quality ones, like these appear to be. I'm on dial-up and use compression on my browser so it doesn't take days to load image intensive pages. This doesn't allow me to see textures too well, but the models look terrific. The little K-Z's even look good.  

Just out of curiousity, not expecting an answer to hold you to or anything, how long do you think it'll be before you can complete this monumental task you've undertaken?  


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2003, 11:41:39 pm »
oh my... those models look rather professional, congrats  


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2003, 12:58:54 am »
Thanks for the comments everyone. Rod O'Neal:  Well, this is a rather lofty goal I've set for myself, isn't it? ^_^  I've actually done most of the modeling, though. I've got lots of SFB models sitting on my hard drive awaiting textures right now. I'm really cranking on the Klinks right now, finishing like one or two models a day. So I'll finish them soon(a couple of weeks perhaps?), if I keep up my current pace. As for the rest, it's hard to say. I'll make sure to keep people informed as to my progress though. Thanks for your interest.

Grim Reaper

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2003, 10:06:36 am »
About that hosting, you should try and contact Raven Night of Night software. I believe he donates webspace for free as long as you keep it sci fi based (and off course don't upload porn and such)

Try one of these mail adresses


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2003, 12:39:18 pm »
Thanks. I'll try contacting him. BTW, I've got some pictures of the mighty B10 up now. Later today I will also have the D5 and D5W posted as well.  


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2003, 03:19:26 am »

Added new shots showing the D5 war cruiser and the D5W new heavy cruiser.

Bernard Guignard

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2003, 09:09:22 am »
Hi Desty Nova
    Your doing some nice work here   keep it up  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2003, 08:29:28 pm »
BUMP for folks who haven't seen this yet.

 Its nice to see some more Non-Feds around!




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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2003, 11:52:14 pm »
Thanks. ^_^ I hope to finish the Tug sometime tonight, I'll post shots when I do. I've also set in motion a process for getting a download site up, so you guys will hopefully be able to play with these soon.

As for the next race I do, I'm thinking either Hydran, Lyran, or Kzinti next. Anyone have a preference?


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2003, 09:21:10 am »
Definetly Lyran. Hydrans and Kzinti ships are uglier than an ugly person who's very ugly The Lyrans still looked pretty cool in SFB, just a little repetitive in ship design ya know?

BTW The B10 in those shots looks a lot better than the minis, much flatter and more streamlined, very cool...


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2003, 02:23:59 pm »
Yeah thanks. I always thought the B10 was so ugly. It didn't seem right, since the D7 is such a beautiful ship, that the pinnacle of Klingon warship design should be a giant, repulsive, bloated whale. I'm glad you like my spin on it.

BTW, sure Lyran ships are repetitive, but do you have any idea how easy that made it to model them all?


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2003, 02:30:48 pm »
Yeah that was my major beef with the SFB minis and one of the main reasons I didn't bother to play it, everyone looks the same! The minis are made from really basic molds when in that scale you can get some really phenominal detail if you try, even in the white metal or styrene plastics they use, they're just lazy. Oh and I hate ADB ever since the debacle over Ghost's ships. Have you seen Thu11s TMP Lyrans? They are a great example of how you can acomodate the SFB designs while still keeping each ship recognisable on it's own, in SFB the only way you could tell which ship a Lyran was is by putting it next to another and seeing which is smaller or bigger. I look forward to your TOS interpretation of the SFB Lyrans though. BTW What about the Seltorians? Or the Vudar Enclave? (I've never actually seen a Vudar ship but I just thought they sounded cool.


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2003, 03:56:19 pm »
Pictures of the Klingon tug are up. (on page 2)

Well, at first I thought it was kind of boring how all the ships looked the same. Although I've played a lot of SFB since then and I really like the universe, so I've come to accept(and even appreciate) most of the ships. There are a few exceptions, like the B10, which I felt I must change. I can't hate ADB though, as they have actually paid me before(I did the CG art on the back of the last Captain's Log). Anyway, I've downloaded all of Thu11s' models, he's one of the people on this board who inspired me to work on this project.

In addition to the "main" races, I'm also planning on doing Tholians, Seltorians, and Andros. I'll release them as well when I do them. As for the Vudar, I've seen one very small picture of a custom-made mini of their CA that is very hard to see and may or may not be accurate. So unless I can get some better visual reference, I don't think I'll be doing them. But who knows? I might do the Peladine, just for the hell of it.

 Oh btw, what is this debacle over Ghost's ships that you speak of?
« Last Edit: August 28, 2003, 03:58:20 pm by Desty_Nova »


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2003, 04:31:36 pm »
The memories a bit foggy as this was just as I was joining the boards undder my old alias of Lord Bungle (now lost to the ether) but what I recall is basically ages ago when Fleetdock13 was producing SFB ships at a rate of knots - I refer to them as Ghost's ships but there were other contributors such as Anduril and possibly some others I've forgotten by now (sorry if I have.) Anyway, at one point this troll came to the forum and decided to make an SFB mod, with ADB supposedly in on it - i.e. they planned to sell this guy's SFB mod, he basically just hoovered up all the stuff he could find at Fleetdock13 and effectively  tried to pass this off as his own because of some twisted view of his that since it is up on the net it is public domain and you can do whatever you want with it, including selling it to ADB at your own profit without giving the creator any notice. Also I believe at some point ADB decided it didn't like Ghost having his ships for free download as they thought (or someone who worked for them thought) that they would be losing out on money as they might want to sell a 'proper' i.e. ADB endorsed SFB style mod for SFC. This is bollocks as their relationship with Paramount and with SFB was/is very tenuous in legal terms and basically they would not be able to legally sell an SFB mod or game without Paramount's go ahead, plus Paramount would have to cut their own slice out of the money, seeing as it's a mod for a Taldren/Interplay game they would also need to give the go ahead and take their slice, business wise it'd be a very bad move for ADB even if the mod wouldn't be available for free from FD13 or any other free online source. ADB could not for some reason grasp that it is not illegal to make free mods of their stuff for public consumption, basically as long as Ghost wasn't making money out of his stuff (which he obviously wasn't) there wasn't a thing they could do about it. I seem to remember them threatening legal proceedings against him at one point, morons. I'm sure a lot of that acount is either embellished or not quite right as I got most of the details second hand from forum members I knew at the time, I was obviously not directly involved so don't shout at me if something is not true, just correct me ok :-)

Anyway, onto happier matters, the tug is looking good



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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2003, 05:25:08 pm »
I have to say I'm really grooving on your take of the B10. The secondary warp structure is really novel and I like it. The tug is pretty fine as well. I always loathed the parabolic dish stuck on the front of the booms for the Klingons. If I ever get the gumption to learn a little modeling, I am going to clip every one of them off the front of the Fleetdock 13 Klingons and install tubes in place of them. How hard could it be? Oh well.  


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2003, 06:04:50 pm »
Clipping them off is the easy part, I can do that in M6, putting the tubes in takes money, the money to buy 3D software which I don't have LOL I hated those dishes too, especially seeing as how in TOS the D7 is supposed to have it's deflector in that recessed black smear on the front of the command hull it only became a torpedo launcher in TMP. I just thought I'd say the C8 is looking a bit like a D7 with a third nacelle, maybe you could bulk it up a bit? Also would it be possible to have a version with the third nacelle mounted to the bottom of the neck ala the B10?

*scurries away from the burning light to his coffin*


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Re: SFB Klingon model shots
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2003, 07:31:22 pm »
Have I posted a picture of the C8 yet? I think you might be confusing it with the new heavy cruiser, which is a version of the D5 war cruiser with an extra engine added above the deckhouse(along with some other stuff that isn't outwardly visible). The C8 does have its third engine hanging from the boom, which you'll get to see soon(it's my current project).