Topic: Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1  (Read 1046 times)

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James Formo

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Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1
« on: August 25, 2003, 09:37:19 am »
Hey you SFC1 guys-thanks for your patiece. I said I was going to convert some ships. Now I am doing a complete ship swap out. Doing it piece meal as in Johnny Cash 1 piece at a time style.

1st up is this green pirate ship which I highlt recommend you use as a frigate/dd or Q-ship.  Calling it a pirate ship so nobody sues me  

see it and get it here at my club. Its an rar file. Hope thats cool with ya. If you cant open it. Do a search for WINRAR

I have it mapped on 1 512 bmp.  Feel free to retexture or add windows and stuff. I gotta get cracking-ton of ships to do

 d/l site  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2003, 10:31:36 am »
Yo Formo, who'd wanna sue you?

Looks good, why don't you just say it's a Seltorian? LOL

Nice work, if I still played SFCI I'd d/l it, but I don't so there'd not be much point

Rod O'neal

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Re: Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2003, 11:04:11 am »
Thanks James. Got it

While you're adding to the fleet, just an FYI, "The Sel... um Pirates in question here were PF users during the TOS era. They used Klink ftrs in later years." How the Klingon economy was so bad is beyond me. They sold ftrs to everyone.

Well, off to work now.  

James Formo

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Re: Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2003, 11:25:01 pm »
Actually TVL this would work in SFC2. It just wouldn't be lit.  

I uploaded version2 which fixes the nacels and has a new 2 piece break mod with enclosed ends.  At the last minute I had remapped this ship from 2 maps to 1 and the warps got messed up. So the new file is up that fixes it.

Say I do not play SFC1 much. I take it SFC1 does not show damage correct?  


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Re: Boomarang pirate ship is released for SFC1
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2003, 07:51:14 am »
No SFCI has no damage maps IIRC, I know this'd work in SFCII but I'd rather wait for a lit version as it adds so much to a ship