Topic: OMG Some people are crazy  (Read 10067 times)

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OMG Some people are crazy
« on: February 06, 2003, 07:49:18 am »
I know this is off topic , but i dont care ... I keep reading news where people (Scientists) are trying to close the space program .... I just had to vent on how stupid that is .... I mean maybe the religious people have faith that some1 will make a perfect little world for them .. but the way I see it is;  if we do NOT leave this world .. then 1 day Humans will be totally gone.. They say we could never leave out universe  BS..   I dont belive we should ever say we cant do something

A-Bomb was not possible untill we did it .......

I mean the dam sun is going to go 1 day ... What then ???????

ahhh the things that people think ..... how sad ..

now they say it cost to much , we dont really learn anything from going into space ,, & yes those are the main points the anti space people are using ,,,

Its nice to know the educated people want to condem us to faiding away ,, because of Money ....  

We will never learn ...  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2003, 07:58:29 am »
The sun will go in millions of years time - possibly

We have plenty of time to get off of here, and from a lot of peoples purely scientific minded approach we wont ever know anything about it as we shall  die and cease to exist so I just dont care.

I would personaly stop space missions for 50 years or so until we are better equiped to do this. I think we should do this, and do it right. All in favour of builind the original Enterprise say I
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 07:59:31 am by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2003, 08:04:09 am »
without trial & error their can be no right or wrong way .... they have been up hundreds of times & only 2 major accidents ... pretty dam good record .....
Never put off untill tomorrow , what you can do today

BTW  I say build it !!!!!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 08:07:06 am by Subspace »


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2003, 09:02:43 am »
Exploration, whether it be of space or our backyard, requires risk -- and that means at times there will be a loss of life in the pursuit of exploration. That makes it no less tragic, but it's immeasurably better than sticking our heads in the sand and waiting for extinction because we haven't evolved in either form or knowledge.

Whether we travel in space now or wait for better technology (which, it can be argued, we wouldn't be able to develop without applying what we have now), there will ALWAYS be risks, and there will ALWAYS be accidents.

Consider this: how many military personnel die each year in aircraft accidents (not combat)? I'd venture a guess it's more than seven. Some years, it is certainly more than we've lost during 40 years of manned space exploration.

If anything, we need to spend more time and money on space exploration -- real space exploration, instead of this edge-of-the-atmosphere ferry service we have now. We've had the technology for better launch and flight vehicles, but we just don't take the time to develop and test them.

Above all, I don't think ANY of the seven Columbia crewmembers would want us to stop flying missions because of one accident. Let's honor their sacrifice and make them proud.


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2003, 09:09:46 am »
Well... this is something personal... As a graduate in Astrophysics, you could imagine what is my opinion on this topic so I will save your time avoiding the obvious. What really makes me mad, is those morons that ALWAYS try to take advantage from otherīs deaths to fulfill their agenda... Why now?.

- I really wish to know HOW much of them use a mobile... But doesn't matter, probably they don't even question how they can talk in real time with another person in the oposite side of the world... Probably they believe that some fast SMURF goes between both blackboxes carrying small recorded tapes.

- Even more interesting is How much of those morons decide How they are going to dress the next day based on the weather report... But doesn't matter, probably they think in how good is the painter that makes those nice pictures of the clouds that reproduces what the reporter's grandpa is predicting for tomorrow based on the always trusty OLD-INJURED-KNEE.

You can think a lot more usefull things that COME FROM SPACE but all of them are usually not considered by the sciencists to be worth the effort... What is WORTH the effort is KNOWLEDGE... pure and simple.

Well, I donīt know well the issues in USA about this topic because their SPACE program suffers from a HEAVY MILITAR influence and maybe thatīs the reason why some ppl complain about it, but I can bet that the noisier morons have their own PRIVATE reasons to bring down the Space Missions.

As a final note, I donīt really consider the A-bomb something WORTH the effort... Controlling FISSION reactions IS, but using it to kill thousands of INNOCENT CIVILIANS is not science... itīs a CRIME.

P.S. Excuse me for my usual barbaric english worsened by an extreme anger feeling.  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2003, 09:21:15 am »

As a final note, I donīt really consider the A-bomb something WORTH the effort... Controlling FISSION reactions IS, but using it to kill thousands of INNOCENT CIVILIANS is not science... itīs a CRIME.

I was using this to state that even if it sounds impossible that doesnt mean it is ,,,   but at that time in our history it saved us...
even though it was very sad ... but we learn  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2003, 10:14:48 am »
Commercial Airliners sometimes crash, we should stop using them.

People die in car accidents(lots of people) we should quit driving cars.

People have been known to die while having sex, so, no more having sex.

If anyone has ever died of something, we need to stop doing that something, I think that is what they are trying say.  

UGH!!!!!, stop the planet, I want off.   Oh, I can't, they stopped the space program, dang it!!!!


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2003, 10:24:30 am »

The sun will go in millions of years time - possibly

We have plenty of time to get off of here, and from a lot of peoples purely scientific minded approach we wont ever know anything about it as we shall  die and cease to exist so I just dont care.

I would personaly stop space missions for 50 years or so until we are better equiped to do this. I think we should do this, and do it right. All in favour of builind the original Enterprise say I  

I dont think we have plenty of time before our environment begins to have serious repurcussions on our general population.  I also feel that too many people "don't care" and thats half the reason we're all concerned about our future.

And Stopping til we're ready???

Was Columbus "ready" for his transatlantic voyage? (Losing much of his crew.)

Was Magellan "ready" to sail around the world?

Our "readiness" has always followed our collective motivation to explore new territories.  Without these attampts, we would never be ready.

And as far as building the "original Enterprise" is concerned,  we're not ready.  ROFL  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2003, 10:44:31 am »

humans are not mammals. Every other mammal establishes a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Humans use up every available resource until the only way to survive is to spread. There is another organism (??) that fits this profile : a virus
The Matrix

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by cueball2000uk »


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2003, 11:06:15 am »
Don't sweat it. This kind of talk comes out every time there is any setback in the space program.

Its a charge lead by people who aren't against the space program per say but are generally looking to pick up more tax dollars for their own pet programs. What type of programs might you ask? Well, here are my favorites:
- the arts (nice paintings in a funky building, we can all go there to marvel at our collective creativity as an asteroid is about tp pummel the planet)...
- most social welfare programs (we can all pat each other on the back for saving those few truly in need,  maybe the welfare for life folks could be stacked up to create a planetary sheild)....
- Congressional Pork projects, too many and some so mind boggling as to defy description (describe these in book form it would  be enough to cushion the impact of any asteroid)....
... my very favorite - Gov inefficieny on all levels, I had heard stories and thought nobody could be that apathetic; but alas, as a civilian contractor I've seen both good people go Gov and the Gov lifers, they just loose all sense of productivty and sit around waiting to retire.

Personally, I'd love to get hold of the airwaves and demand an end spending tax money whenever someone comes out of a gallery/museum without a smile, or a child grows up 2nd or 3rd generation welfare, or some half-wit political appointee gets a Gov job pushing paper at a redundant, unecessary desk in a building that should never have been built.

Barring that wonderful day I thank the powers that be I can at least crank up SFC and turn on the news to watch the slow progress of our half-assed species toward the stars.  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2003, 11:24:12 am »
Not to mention the Government funding scientific research to see if running with scissors is really dangerous.(An exageration...but not by much...considering the bizarre things that do get funding.).  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2003, 11:59:41 am »
One of the reasons that made henry, the navigator send mans to pass the Bojador cape, limit of the know world in 1433, was simply to know what was after that frontier. From the religious and cultural point of view of his time,  he was sending people in suicidal missions . Many believed that the world actually ended on the bojador cape, and anyone passing it would fall in a abyss. Others claimed that if the Bojador cape was the limit of the know world because God made it that way, and that trying to pass such frontier was going against God's wiil.

When I read that a couple of morons are trying to stop the space program, I can't stop  thinking that people  like Henry the navigator, Gil Eanes, Bartolomeu Dias ( the man that proved the comunicability of the Atlantic and Indic oceans and in the process gave the final blow on the ptolomaic concepcion of the world),  Colombo, Vasco da Gama, Alvares Cabral and Magalhães  are twisting in their graves.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kevlar »


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2003, 12:05:48 pm »

People have been known to die while having sex, so, no more having sex.

My wife would freek.....


 And as far as building the "original Enterprise" is concerned, we're not ready. ROFL  

 we would prob be just as redneck as the crew of new or should i say old  Enterprise....  Witch is turning out to be pretty good ; even though they have already possibly destroyed the trek timeline as we know it.....    ROFL  



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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2003, 12:51:43 pm »
I think the Space program needs to find ways to become more financially viable.  The time of experimentation is over. We have proven that we can goto the Moon, that we can build space stations, that we can maintain people in such space stations for months if not years.  But, now we should question what we are going to do with our new found potential.  Many of the setbacks NASA has suffered over the last decade can be pointed to funding cutbacks. The failed probe mission to Mars 10 years ago is a prime example.

More focus by NASA on projects that are really worthwhile should provide little trouble in being amply funded. Private corporations will be lining up to get dibs on the first patent.  One project that the gov't. could focus on which private industry would be hard put to support is advances in space flight propulsion.  If NASA would focus on turning science fiction to science fact regarding prototype Impulse Engines for meaningful intra-system flight then you have a real advancement in mankind's history.  Without cost-efficient propulsion, we cannot do anything meaningful in our own Solar System.  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2003, 12:58:42 pm »
Well, the US is definatly leading the way, but the entire world will eventually gain from the progress made.   It would be nice to see more world finantial support.

D. Boon's Ghost

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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2003, 01:07:13 pm »
Perhaps it would be best if we focused on the problems of this world, before seeking out others.


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2003, 01:16:02 pm »

Perhaps it would be best if we focused on the problems of this world, before seeking out others.

Until when? Until our world is perfect?

That may take a while....  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2003, 02:00:35 pm »

Perhaps it would be best if we focused on the problems of this world, before seeking out others.

Independently of whatever opinion we might have about the subject of space exploration, we are on the verge of choosing between two completely different strategical options:

1)   Focus on the current problems and saying that what might be done in future, should be done in the future

2)   Concentrate efforts on closing the gap to future achievements.

I am not a religious person in the sense that I don?t believe in reincarnation and such. I truly believe that we only have one shot a life and when she is over we don?t get a ticket back or the chance to send postcards.  Because of my conception, the safety of human biological life is simply the ultimate good.  Nevertheless I would be willing to depart from such valious merchandise for a major advance on space exploration.

I am not a US citizen, so my euros aren?t financing the Nasa, but if I were, I would prefer knowing that my taxes went to the Space or the SETI Programs than many other things.

In the Middle Ages, mankind decided to look to the earth (their immediate problems) and not to the horizon. They didn?t solved their problems ( that was the genesis of the Expansion) and they also clearly compromised technical evolution.
As a consequence many classify the Middle Age as a period of stagnation.

We can focus on the current problems and search solutions for them, but the last 2000 years of History proved that viable solutions are only found with colossal and costly  jumps in the unknown.  

No one can deny that mankind ultimate goal is to travel among the stars, to close the circle of life that started with the Big Bang , quoting the late Carl Sagan and not Moby, since we are all made of stars and we must return to then

Closing the Space Program for 1, 5 or 10 or more years is the typical medieval solution. I personally don?t find fancy to live in an era where we choose, use and abuse of archaic solutions to delay the inevitable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kevlar »


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2003, 02:18:16 pm »
Are folks trying to stop the space program or the shuttle? I haven't heard many folks saying the space program needs to go, but a lot of folks are banging the drum to get rid of the shuttle.  

I think the shuttle needs to go. Let's build a new shuttle. Base on 2003 tech instead of 1970's tech. Something that uses modern computers and material science to best advantage. Maybe a "space plane" program for people and a disposable heavy launch vehicle for "stuff". There is a good anti shuttle article at the new republic here I think the shuttle is in the way of a better space program...  


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Re: OMG Some people are crazy
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2003, 02:40:16 pm »
I was talking to my mom about this topic & she said .( it doesnt matter  the second coming we be the end of us anyway )

I wanted to shoot myself in the head ,,,,, can any1 kill me now Please !!!!!!

WTF ???