Topic: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_  (Read 10901 times)

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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2003, 02:35:16 pm »
Hey jeff.. good to see you again.  

For those that don't know him.. 111wallace111 was the first person to model the NX-01 that made it into SFC.  


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2003, 07:13:46 pm »
 As far as my "Old" stuff is concerned (My Fleetdock 13 models, and SFC stuff on my site) Knock yourself out. As you may have noticed i havnt posted any new work on here in a long time. That is because I no longer play SFC or BC. Nor do I make models for these games anymore. The motivation just aint there  Im dedicating all of my talent to Homeworld, and future Homeworld2 mods now.

My SFC models are free to do with as you wish being as they are the last ones im doing for the game. In fact im taking down the SFC section of my website soon so grab em while you can. You may post them on your sites or yahoo groups. Im sure Fleetdock 13 will continue hosting what i have there.

As far as my newer Homeworld models are concerned, they are NOT an option. They are strictly for  Star Trek-Homeworld team useage only. Do not convert them and use them in any other game. (like what happened b4 with universal evolution. Im not gonna go there again.)



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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2003, 11:49:41 am »
....SoA never objected my kitbashing  , i wonder if it will this time  

Rogue NineCH

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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2003, 07:26:29 pm »
Since I have a couple of models under my belt now, I figured I'd let people know where I stand.  I have no problem with anyone who wants to modify anything I release be it textures, or the mesh.  I only want you to credit me in the readme, also credit anyone else I have put in the my readme so there is no trouble, and I would like a pic of it first to see what it looks like.  You never know I might have an idea or two to make it better.  Don't laugh, I could!!  

Oh I almost forgot, you can also use my ships in any mod you are putting together, just follow the rules above minus sending me a pic if you are not modifying the look of the ship.  

Now to be clear, this permission does not extend to The Vampire Lestat's ships, which are the Kyiv, Larson Mark II, Loknar Mark II, Cyrenaica, Dalmazia, and the Oriskany.  You will have to seek permission from him for mods or modifying the ships.  Judging from the ease I have gotten permission I am sure he'll give it, but it's always polite to ask.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rogue NineCH »


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2003, 08:00:24 pm »
Once I get some of mine out, I don't mind what anyone does with it.  Just a mention in the readme is all I need.  No need to ask.  Though I wouldn't mind a peek at it...  

In the cases that I use a texture from someone else, it will be mentioned in my readme file.  Obviously, you'll have to get permission from that person to use it.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2003, 04:37:26 pm »
One more to add:


space gave permission for anyone to use and kitbash any model at his old site, so go ahead and release it  

Spacecadetglowuk is ok with his stuff being ktbashed/retextured or altered with proper credit of course.



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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2003, 09:19:41 am »
Question though, what's his old site address?  Or where can people get spacecadetglowuk's models?  (This would be kind of a plug for spacecadetglowuk I guess..  


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2003, 05:01:53 pm »
lolol i cant edit the original post because much enough time has passed it sez , but then again... you could just read the thread


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2003, 01:45:40 am »
requestion permission from WZ for the use of his new klingon ship and sandman for his cheyenne.. i am using it  in a mod im going to release soon (its simply in beta).

before i release to public i would like you guys to please look over it and or at least provide your blessing.

thank you.

(i might have a couple others i used of yours wz - but i cant remember right now with all the model stuff ive been doing)



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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2003, 11:07:59 am »
Sure, go ahead and use it, and thank you for wanting to.

On another note, I have been trying to do that KB you wanted, but it just never looks right. If you want, I can build a mesh of the freedom if you can get someone to texture it, as I don't have SFC3 so don't really know what to do to make it ready for that. Let me know.



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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #30 on: September 15, 2003, 12:36:52 pm »
What about MindBlip?

I have lately been tinkering with his excellent models. Hadn't planned on releasing any resulting ships but hey, if he doesn't mind I may.

Anyone know?


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #31 on: September 15, 2003, 08:09:14 pm »
ya he doesnt mind. if i remember wrong just blame me, im pretty sure.


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2003, 02:10:24 am »

also as i have stated before you may use anything by me    (jeff wallace)  as long as you give credit....

By the way hello. I haven't been here for a while due to an overload of work but i should drop by every now and then.

all my past designs have been on fleetdock 13  

you ever going to do any more models? I've been eyeing up your site as a source of advisaries for my Bridge commander tos mod. Tons of feds with nothing decent to shoot That bop with the D7 nacelle is defenetly on da list

Captain KoraH

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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2003, 03:53:07 pm »
I was trawling through the boards and found this by Thu11s in case anyone wants to know his opinion... this is the last post he made I believe...


 Ok, its official, I'm crap

Sorry for not getting back to anyone on this till now, been on me Hols for a bit and only recently started trawling through my mail  

You gotta worry when you log in and it says "2523 new posts"!!!!! lol

K, as far as this lot goes, sweet! go for it. The only thing I ever ask is that credit is given where credit is due, only fair. In all my downloads will be a "credit.txt" file, this gives details of the models origins, so follow that and you can't go worng. The only other thing I ask is that people let me know what there doing, but thats more to do with curiousity/interest than any major concern about plagerism (spelling?) etc. I've e-mailed Emerald Edge and let him know the score and I'll try and get something up on my site regarding permissions etc.

I love the Romulan & Gorn stuff you've done, can never have to much SFB stuff if you ask me  Keep em coming

Still around, still working......


<EDIT> cool, 500 posts! feels like more.....


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Captain KoraH »


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2003, 10:40:50 pm »
Since I've decided to open up my upcoming models to more than just the TNZ-playing SFC3 public, I'll go ahead and toss my own... uh... requirements? regarding permissions.

Basically, ask first. I'll rarely say no, but I like to know where my models are going, since they aren't entirely just hobby pieces for me. Most of these are portfolio pieces, so I have a vested interest in them.

So, if you want to kitbash, just ask; modify, just ask; use in a mod, just ask. Private use (IE, for Single player on you own machine or GS games with friends or stuff like that, of course, has implied permission once I've got something up for download. I'd prefer to be asked before my work's distributed on a website publically, too.

In short, I'm on the 'just ask' list. I like to know where my work ends up, and heck-- I may want to see what's being done with it. Play the mod, or something. If there are any specific needs I have for a particular piece, I'll say so when the request comes in. It will also allow me to give out any updates that might come down the line after initial release.

Email: (Put SFC3 MODELS in the beginning of the subject line so the mail filter catches it.)

PS: KoraH, you and TNZ already have permission if you end up wanting it for any of my stuff. Just let me know if you decide you want to actually use anything. Since I actually fly TNZ almost exclusively, it'd be silly of me not to offer it up front.

PPS: And of course, all credit where credit is due. I do it, and so should you.


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #35 on: October 24, 2003, 05:07:11 pm »
I remember Firehawk's readme's for all his models said that you can kitbash his work if you give him credit.  He made all those Star Wars models before he disappeared.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2003, 06:14:59 pm »
Speaking of permissions,

Kt'Hyla wrote: "Wow you guys have a lot in the works... Go a head with the shuttle conversion, just remember to mention me somewhere in there. And posting a link on the Taldren forums is okay, never know who's going to to find what useful. Just remember to leave a note that if someone want's to convert something to SFC to contact me first. Ditto for whomever want's to convert the older Roms, I like to keep track of where everything's zipping off to . My older Roms are meant to be TOS, rather than Pre-TOS, although by that time most of them were getting a little long in the tooth anyhow...

In a day or two I'll be releasing my Romulan D'Vas BCH, another original of mine, might make a good addition to GaW. "




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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2003, 09:51:04 am »
I take back what i posted earlier.... Go ahead and use away, just give me a shout  


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #38 on: November 27, 2003, 11:49:48 am »
Important info all right.  I hope that perhaps one day I can create models like what I find on here. Right now though more interested in working with what I have been receiving.  Kudos to the modelers who help to make a great  game a truly excellent experience.


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Re: Generic info on _PERMISSIONS_
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2003, 04:18:22 pm »

well since you give up your website can you give it to me?, i need one to place all the mod from eras of war so i can make them available to anyone who's looking for them.  email me so we can talk about.


 As far as my "Old" stuff is concerned (My Fleetdock 13 models, and SFC stuff on my site) Knock yourself out. As you may have noticed i havnt posted any new work on here in a long time. That is because I no longer play SFC or BC. Nor do I make models for these games anymore. The motivation just aint there <img src="" alt="" />  Im dedicating all of my talent to Homeworld, and future Homeworld2 mods now.

My SFC models are free to do with as you wish being as they are the last ones im doing for the game. In fact im taking down the SFC section of my website soon so grab em while you can. You may post them on your sites or yahoo groups. Im sure Fleetdock 13 will continue hosting what i have there.

As far as my newer Homeworld models are concerned, they are NOT an option. They are strictly for  Star Trek-Homeworld team useage only. Do not convert them and use them in any other game. (like what happened b4 with universal evolution. Im not gonna go there again.)