I'm going to add my two cents and state my policy (as of August 2003):
a) You're welcome to kitbash my original stuff all you want as long as you follow 1) and it's in any SFC (1, 2, or 3.)
Otherwise, follow step 2.
b) If I work on or alter someone else's textures, you're welcome to use those textures as long as you follow 1), they're used in SFC, and most importantly, you contact the original texture author whose work I added to and get their permission for release. Otherwise, follow step 2.
c) If I work on or alter someone else's models, you're welcome to kitbash that model as long as you follow 1), they're used
in SFC, and most importantly, you contact the original model author whose work I added to and get their permission for
release. Otherwise, follow step 2.
d) Any screenshots I do up from ingame shots or renders feel free to use *AS LONG AS YOU LET ME KNOW YOU'RE USING THEM AND WHERE!* More times than not, I'll say "go for it".
Now the steps for permission are thus:
1) I like to know that my stuff is used. I really hate feeling that my work falls into the great Modelling Hole once I complete
something. So a long time ago, I started asking a small thing. If you download and use something of my work in a game,
then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE(!) send me a screenie of it in your game! If you want to kitbash something of my work that you've downloaded, or else use my original or modified textures, then please let me see your final result ingame! To date, over almost 1 and 3/4 years of doing this and working on almost 160 ships plus now, I think maybe two people have sent me screenshots to date.

Hitting F12 in your game does a screenshot. Change it to a JPG and then please let me know that you have something for me.

I like screenies in SFC, it's like Christmas.

2) If you wish to use my original models and textures, or use the models or textures I modified to put in a game other than
SFC, then I definitely want you to contact me before you port it and ask permission. And I'd also like to see a picture of
the final result in that game as well before it's publically released to that gaming public. The reason for this is, unfortunately very simple. Some of the stuff I worked on was ported over to another game platform. Normally I did not mind too much, although advance notice was nice. However, one of the ships ported over was the ship I renamed after my wife's maiden name. And it was downloaded and played in that platform for almost two months before I was told about it. I found out by accident. Needless to say, I was pretty upset not to know about this work being done with the wife's ship, and more so because I wasn't told for almost two months (and then by way of a general post to everyone here). So now, I have this new policy to try to prevent this from happening in the future. If you can't also contact an original texture author and you know who it is, ask me if I'll try to contact them. I may have some contact info.
So, to sum up.
-> Great, fabulous:
a) Kitbashing and using original models and textures of mine in SFC: go for it! (Just send me a screenie so I know).
-> Good, superb:
b) Kitbashing and using my modifications to others models and textures in SFC: Contact the original author first. If they say
"good to go", then it's good to go, just send me a screenie of your final result so I can enjoy it too! If they don't want it out there, then sorry.. but them's the breaks.
-> Umm, whazzup?:
c) Kitbashing and using my original or modified models and textures that I worked on in anything other than SFC: Contact me! (Ask so I know, and please wait for a yes or a no! If yes, then go ahead, do the port and then send me a screenie from that game, I'd love to see it over there as well).
Think that sums it up.. it's mostly about communication and making sure that noone's feet get stomped on really..