Hey got my ship in. Turns out there are 5 listings for the destroyer for rommies and it only shows up in the top 1. For the feds the middle of there 3 worked.
New problem. It shows in the libraty but the text wont display. Instead I get ??? Again did this befor for my Mirak Talon.
For that in LOadouts I had the beginning of the line read Fed-Frigate2 Mirak Talon MirakTalon.
The 1st listing of the ship name has a space and is how the txt files are named. The second shipname listing is the name of the folder the ship is in. I tried this same thing for Seltorian Boomerang SeltorianBoomerang. But I only get ??? for text.
Tried shorting the name as well. no good, Tried it in all 5 dest slots, no good, tried in in just the top one, still ???
I mean I could spend the rest of my life on this but I nah.