Topic: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III  (Read 8997 times)

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Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« on: February 06, 2003, 06:13:00 am »
whats the diference on damage when u overload the heavy weapons ?
is there any charter or table  like SFC II has ? I usuall fly feds ships, and I had felt the damage from overload plasma, Does the Quatum and Photon torp make more damage or is just an improve on his fire rate ?


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2003, 06:40:40 am »
I didn't know you could over load your torpedos.  Mind you the only time i have played anything other than the FEDS was during the single player missions.  The quantums do do more damage than the photons but i don't know the exact damge amount, i think they have a longer range aswell, but really not sure.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2003, 07:17:50 am »
Ok here goes, as information on the weapons has not been officaly released people have had to piece together what information they can. This is what I believe you are looking for :-

Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points, this is then sent to a damage allocation tabel for calculating internal damage.

Quantum Torpedo does 13 points of damage fo 10 points worth of power, furthermore they cause 40 internal hit points.

So if you had either just ONE photon torpedo launcher or just ONE quantum torpedo launcher then increasing that middle bar to its maximum would double the power requirements. For every 2% more power you get 1% more damage, so for 16 points of power you would get a 13.5 points worth of damage from a photon and still only 25 hit points for internals. In contrast fully overloaded quantums give off 19.5 (I think - doing maths in my head is though lol) points of damage for 20 points of power! Once again internal damage allocation isnt changed by overloading, but obviously internals will be of the same proportion, more damaging err head hurts.

Now this only from what I have obsereved myself and what has been said by others, I may be wrong but if I am I doubt its by much (acting cocky now). This of course dosnt take into account multi volly or the iminant god like patch.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2003, 01:10:16 pm »
Blitzkrieg, where did you get that info on internals doing a different amount of damage?   Everything I've see so far seems to show that weaps do the same amount of damage to everything.

The 1% more damage for every 2% energy is correct, tho.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2003, 02:03:15 pm »
A photon torp gives off 25 hit points which are allocated to an internal chart of which the details Im not familare with. If you hit someones hull with a photon lights start going out everywhere or nowhere sometimes, it depends (hence an allocation table). Phasers for example clearly dont have such a heavy impact as well, heavy weapons.

I know this isnt proof but, what would do more damage do you think... a few phaser blasts burning away at the hull or a matter anti matter reaction shooting at warp speed through a hull?


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2003, 02:47:38 pm »
Blitzkrieg, damage that bypasses shields is not amplified by some factor (e.g. 9 to 25 for a photon).

Go here to use an applet that calculates damage in SFC3.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2003, 03:56:40 pm »
I never said it was   why are the numbers in there if they are not used? Check "some raw numbers" elsewhere on this forum. As for the link, the applet didnt appear to work but I will try again, thanks.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2003, 04:01:33 pm »
What "internal chart"? Uh, is it in the game folders somewhere, or a part of the .exe? The only damage parameters I found where in the Would be extremely helpful, even though I increased the health of warpcores, they still seem to go down rather fast.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2003, 04:14:25 pm »

I never said it was

Blitzkrieg, you did say the damage increases as it passes the shields.


Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points, this is then sent to a damage allocation tabel for calculating internal damage.

Clear as crystal.


why are the numbers in there if they are not used?

To what numbers are you referring to? I will take a look.


As for the link, the applet didnt appear to work but I will try again, thanks.

Try clicking on the Java link when you reach that site. Then, you will be directed to a location where you can download the Java software needed for the applet to work. Because Microsoft had a big falling out with them politically, newer versions of Windows does not come with all the necessary Java tools like it used to. After you have the Java software, you should be able to see it then.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2003, 04:24:02 pm »

Try clicking on the Java link when you reach that site. Then, you will be directed to a location where you can download the Java software needed for the applet to work. Because Microsoft had a big falling out with them politically, newer versions of Windows does not come with all the necessary Java tools like it used to. After you have the Java software, you should be able to see it then.

I tried the java1.4.1 or some such link and it was 404.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2003, 04:32:59 pm »
ToastyO, try hitting ctrl+f5 on that web page, then hit the link again, if that does not on this direct url...


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2003, 04:41:33 pm »
I know what I said, I dont know if your from another country or have a different primary language to English but for your purposes I will repeat myself. Im not trying to be rude, seriously   ok?

I said: Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points

Damage as in what damage is done, hit points (the info given by raw numbers) are not damage. This is not, damage increases, but it appears that this "info" is added into the fray when damage gets past the shields to help calculate what gets damaged. I got the hit point information from "SFC3 raw numbers", if no one else can remember this I will have to provide it apparantly in my own defence!

The information seemed to correlate to what I was whitnessing on screen.

...waiting for, checks on spelling, grammer etc.... sigh

Furthermore I checked out the applet again and it worked, I cant say if its right for everything or not but it looks like it does.

A further edit, I couldnt find the thraed but I have the file on my hard drive. I dont even have the guys name to go with it but Im sure someone can help with that thanks whoever you are  RAW NUMBERS SCFIII The heavy weapons bit shows this mysterious "hit points" in it which as I said seems to reflect what happens in game for me. I dont know maybe this only happens to me, if so I wouldnt be surprised as Im starting not be surprised by anything in this game. NOT LEAST the disgusting array of cheating going on in Activision B tonight, someone in there Sov ALT F4'd so I let everyone know about it
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 05:04:08 pm by Blitzkrieg »

Robb Stark

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2003, 05:27:48 pm »

I said: Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points

I think I see where you are getting confused.  The 25 hit points refers to how much damage the Photon Torpedo launcher can withstand.  That is to say, you have to hit a single Photon launcher for 25 damage before it goes completely off-line.  The damage that the Torpedo does when it hits an enemy is the same whether it strikes the hull or the shields.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2003, 05:37:52 pm »
Well there you go then, heavy weapons cause the same internals, I was wrong.

However you have to admit, that if you repeat the same attack that the restults are not identical. It isnt always the warp core or the engines or the phasers that go, it could just as easily be the cloak. Add to that, that some ships can dye with everything still working yet others can go down with every weapon down or stunned.

I may have got one my assumption wrong about that, however I still would like to find out what/where/why/how etc. if someone has all the answers point me in there direction please.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2003, 06:57:19 pm »
Why dont all races have overloads?

Marcus Smythe

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2003, 07:15:40 pm »
The damage does not increase as it passes the sheilds.

Damage points are Damage Points.  No weapon currently present in SFCIII is known to deal internals differently from its damage to sheilds.

Note, however, that the 'damage' rating listed for shields in the internal .gf files are 'half values', IE an 18 point sheild stops 36 damage, or 4 Fed Photons (assuming no officer effects or loading effects)  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2003, 08:29:50 pm »

Why dont all races have overloads?  

uh you just drag more power into an overload, its as simple as that, theres no overload button to push like in sfc.

there you go thinking the "other races" are conspired against by the developers.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2003, 08:46:53 pm »

Well there you go then, heavy weapons cause the same internals, I was wrong.

However you have to admit, that if you repeat the same attack that the restults are not identical. It isnt always the warp core or the engines or the phasers that go, it could just as easily be the cloak. Add to that, that some ships can dye with everything still working yet others can go down with every weapon down or stunned.

I may have got one my assumption wrong about that, however I still would like to find out what/where/why/how etc. if someone has all the answers point me in there direction please.  

Ah, this I can explain.  SFC3 presumably inherits the DAC (damage allocation chart) system from SFC2 and SFC1, which inherited it from SFB.  It may be modified for SFC3, but the DAC still seems to function in roughly the same way.

There is a complicated DAC table for every vessel, listing all the components.  Whenever you take damage, the computer "rolls dice" and allocates damage.  The mechanics are kinda complex, enough to be effectively random in many cases.  

Your ship doesn't explode when all the components are destroyed.  One of the components is HULL, and when that has taken enough damage you are dead.  Not until then.  

In SFC, due to the layout of the DAC, you were often completely crippled long before you ran out of hull.  In SFC3, the DAC appears to be a lot different, and the opposite is true.

A lot of us hate the new DAC, because you have ships that have 1% Hull, but full weaps, shields, and energy.  Taldren promised the damage system was going to be tweaked in the patch.

Robb Stark

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2003, 10:28:32 pm »

In SFC, due to the layout of the DAC, you were often completely crippled long before you ran out of hull.  In SFC3, the DAC appears to be a lot different, and the opposite is true.

A lot of us hate the new DAC, because you have ships that have 1% Hull, but full weaps, shields, and energy.  Taldren promised the damage system was going to be tweaked in the patch.

If I recall the way the SFB DAC (ugh... acronym city) was set up, there was a thing called "excess damage" or something on your ship, and when you lost all of that, your ship was history.  The thing was, you had to destroy a lot of stuff before you could get to those last few boxes.  You could only reach them if you'd destroyed a bunch of other systems already.  It was a good setup.

They never officially released the SFC 1&2 DAC, but since it was based on SFB, it wasn't a big mystery.

Another difference between the new and old game:  in the new game, hull integrity is its own thing, wheras in the old game the "hull" bar was actually a representation of your ship's collective systems.  Therefore, when you repaired a system, you ended up getting back a certain degree of "hull."  Now, you can repair your systems even after your hull strength has been reduced - so if you get lucky, you can fix up almost all your systems to maximum operational levels after they've been damaged, even if your hull is severely damaged.  

Having played with the Beta patch, I can say that if it represents the amount of tweaking that you're going to see, it still isn't anywhere near the way the older (and, in my opinion, better) system was.  What I have done personally is modified the Hit Points of numerous systems.  For example, I've tried edititng the .gf files to take the Hit Points of a Photon Torpedo launcher down to something like 10, rather than 25.  If you do that, you end up getting a lot more system damage before the ship finally blows.  Also, it makes subsystem targeting much more viable.

All in all, this leads me to concluded that one of the easiest improvements they could make in the game is reducing the Hit Points of subsystems, except perhaps for the Warp Core (which is already vulnerable enough).  

RAGE Cyberbeer

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Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2003, 11:22:16 pm »
How much internal damage can a Sov take with the following loadout:
Armor V
5 quantums
3 XIIF phasers
and Warp X

In addition, how much damage does a volley of fully overloaded quatums do?
Finally, are there ways to cheat in the game to the point that playing a game on GSA can not detect it?  If such an issue exist will the patch prevent it?  


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2003, 11:33:47 pm »

How much internal damage can a Sov take with the following loadout:
Armor V
5 quantums
3 XIIF phasers
and Warp X

Depends on how much damage hits the hull, and how much hits other components.  Luck plays a bit of a factor.


In addition, how much damage does a volley of fully overloaded quatums do?

Define "volley."  It has a few different meanings in SFC3.  A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.


Finally, are there ways to cheat in the game to the point that playing a game on GSA can not detect it?  If such an issue exist will the patch prevent it?  

Technically, since SFC3 is peer-to-peer, it is literally impossible to make a cheat-proof game.  You can only do it with a client/server arrangement, and then it's just *almost* impossible.  I'm not aware of any cheater programs for SFC3 geared towards GS, but I don't play on it.  Perhaps someone else can chime in here.


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2003, 05:11:15 am »

Define "volley." It has a few different meanings in SFC3. A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.  

Damage goes up as well with officer experience and multiple-torpedovolley. That can be quite a lot of damage then. (i don't know how much, but it is certainly more)  


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2003, 11:18:35 am »
so time to squeeze on some quantum torpedoes to replace those old photons when the tac officer reaches legendary eh.


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2003, 04:10:17 pm »


Define "volley." It has a few different meanings in SFC3. A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.  

Damage goes up as well with officer experience and multiple-torpedovolley. That can be quite a lot of damage then. (i don't know how much, but it is certainly more)  

IIRC, damage reachs up to about +30% with a lvl 6 officer, I believe.  Multivolleys (if ALL of them hit) do what... +40%.  It's been so long I don't remember here.

I think both of these numbers are listed here:

...but I don't have time right now to dig it up.  Look there if you are interested.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Vertigo »


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Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2003, 06:13:00 am »
whats the diference on damage when u overload the heavy weapons ?
is there any charter or table  like SFC II has ? I usuall fly feds ships, and I had felt the damage from overload plasma, Does the Quatum and Photon torp make more damage or is just an improve on his fire rate ?


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2003, 06:40:40 am »
I didn't know you could over load your torpedos.  Mind you the only time i have played anything other than the FEDS was during the single player missions.  The quantums do do more damage than the photons but i don't know the exact damge amount, i think they have a longer range aswell, but really not sure.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2003, 07:17:50 am »
Ok here goes, as information on the weapons has not been officaly released people have had to piece together what information they can. This is what I believe you are looking for :-

Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points, this is then sent to a damage allocation tabel for calculating internal damage.

Quantum Torpedo does 13 points of damage fo 10 points worth of power, furthermore they cause 40 internal hit points.

So if you had either just ONE photon torpedo launcher or just ONE quantum torpedo launcher then increasing that middle bar to its maximum would double the power requirements. For every 2% more power you get 1% more damage, so for 16 points of power you would get a 13.5 points worth of damage from a photon and still only 25 hit points for internals. In contrast fully overloaded quantums give off 19.5 (I think - doing maths in my head is though lol) points of damage for 20 points of power! Once again internal damage allocation isnt changed by overloading, but obviously internals will be of the same proportion, more damaging err head hurts.

Now this only from what I have obsereved myself and what has been said by others, I may be wrong but if I am I doubt its by much (acting cocky now). This of course dosnt take into account multi volly or the iminant god like patch.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2003, 01:10:16 pm »
Blitzkrieg, where did you get that info on internals doing a different amount of damage?   Everything I've see so far seems to show that weaps do the same amount of damage to everything.

The 1% more damage for every 2% energy is correct, tho.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2003, 02:03:15 pm »
A photon torp gives off 25 hit points which are allocated to an internal chart of which the details Im not familare with. If you hit someones hull with a photon lights start going out everywhere or nowhere sometimes, it depends (hence an allocation table). Phasers for example clearly dont have such a heavy impact as well, heavy weapons.

I know this isnt proof but, what would do more damage do you think... a few phaser blasts burning away at the hull or a matter anti matter reaction shooting at warp speed through a hull?


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2003, 02:47:38 pm »
Blitzkrieg, damage that bypasses shields is not amplified by some factor (e.g. 9 to 25 for a photon).

Go here to use an applet that calculates damage in SFC3.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2003, 03:56:40 pm »
I never said it was   why are the numbers in there if they are not used? Check "some raw numbers" elsewhere on this forum. As for the link, the applet didnt appear to work but I will try again, thanks.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2003, 04:01:33 pm »
What "internal chart"? Uh, is it in the game folders somewhere, or a part of the .exe? The only damage parameters I found where in the Would be extremely helpful, even though I increased the health of warpcores, they still seem to go down rather fast.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2003, 04:14:25 pm »

I never said it was

Blitzkrieg, you did say the damage increases as it passes the shields.


Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points, this is then sent to a damage allocation tabel for calculating internal damage.

Clear as crystal.


why are the numbers in there if they are not used?

To what numbers are you referring to? I will take a look.


As for the link, the applet didnt appear to work but I will try again, thanks.

Try clicking on the Java link when you reach that site. Then, you will be directed to a location where you can download the Java software needed for the applet to work. Because Microsoft had a big falling out with them politically, newer versions of Windows does not come with all the necessary Java tools like it used to. After you have the Java software, you should be able to see it then.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2003, 04:24:02 pm »

Try clicking on the Java link when you reach that site. Then, you will be directed to a location where you can download the Java software needed for the applet to work. Because Microsoft had a big falling out with them politically, newer versions of Windows does not come with all the necessary Java tools like it used to. After you have the Java software, you should be able to see it then.

I tried the java1.4.1 or some such link and it was 404.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2003, 04:32:59 pm »
ToastyO, try hitting ctrl+f5 on that web page, then hit the link again, if that does not on this direct url...


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2003, 04:41:33 pm »
I know what I said, I dont know if your from another country or have a different primary language to English but for your purposes I will repeat myself. Im not trying to be rude, seriously   ok?

I said: Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points

Damage as in what damage is done, hit points (the info given by raw numbers) are not damage. This is not, damage increases, but it appears that this "info" is added into the fray when damage gets past the shields to help calculate what gets damaged. I got the hit point information from "SFC3 raw numbers", if no one else can remember this I will have to provide it apparantly in my own defence!

The information seemed to correlate to what I was whitnessing on screen.

...waiting for, checks on spelling, grammer etc.... sigh

Furthermore I checked out the applet again and it worked, I cant say if its right for everything or not but it looks like it does.

A further edit, I couldnt find the thraed but I have the file on my hard drive. I dont even have the guys name to go with it but Im sure someone can help with that thanks whoever you are  RAW NUMBERS SCFIII The heavy weapons bit shows this mysterious "hit points" in it which as I said seems to reflect what happens in game for me. I dont know maybe this only happens to me, if so I wouldnt be surprised as Im starting not be surprised by anything in this game. NOT LEAST the disgusting array of cheating going on in Activision B tonight, someone in there Sov ALT F4'd so I let everyone know about it
« Last Edit: February 06, 2003, 05:04:08 pm by Blitzkrieg »

Robb Stark

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2003, 05:27:48 pm »

I said: Photon Torpedo does 9 points of damage for 8 points worth of power. When past the shield it can cause 25 hit points

I think I see where you are getting confused.  The 25 hit points refers to how much damage the Photon Torpedo launcher can withstand.  That is to say, you have to hit a single Photon launcher for 25 damage before it goes completely off-line.  The damage that the Torpedo does when it hits an enemy is the same whether it strikes the hull or the shields.  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2003, 05:37:52 pm »
Well there you go then, heavy weapons cause the same internals, I was wrong.

However you have to admit, that if you repeat the same attack that the restults are not identical. It isnt always the warp core or the engines or the phasers that go, it could just as easily be the cloak. Add to that, that some ships can dye with everything still working yet others can go down with every weapon down or stunned.

I may have got one my assumption wrong about that, however I still would like to find out what/where/why/how etc. if someone has all the answers point me in there direction please.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #38 on: February 06, 2003, 06:57:19 pm »
Why dont all races have overloads?

Marcus Smythe

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #39 on: February 06, 2003, 07:15:40 pm »
The damage does not increase as it passes the sheilds.

Damage points are Damage Points.  No weapon currently present in SFCIII is known to deal internals differently from its damage to sheilds.

Note, however, that the 'damage' rating listed for shields in the internal .gf files are 'half values', IE an 18 point sheild stops 36 damage, or 4 Fed Photons (assuming no officer effects or loading effects)  


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #40 on: February 06, 2003, 08:29:50 pm »

Why dont all races have overloads?  

uh you just drag more power into an overload, its as simple as that, theres no overload button to push like in sfc.

there you go thinking the "other races" are conspired against by the developers.


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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #41 on: February 06, 2003, 08:46:53 pm »

Well there you go then, heavy weapons cause the same internals, I was wrong.

However you have to admit, that if you repeat the same attack that the restults are not identical. It isnt always the warp core or the engines or the phasers that go, it could just as easily be the cloak. Add to that, that some ships can dye with everything still working yet others can go down with every weapon down or stunned.

I may have got one my assumption wrong about that, however I still would like to find out what/where/why/how etc. if someone has all the answers point me in there direction please.  

Ah, this I can explain.  SFC3 presumably inherits the DAC (damage allocation chart) system from SFC2 and SFC1, which inherited it from SFB.  It may be modified for SFC3, but the DAC still seems to function in roughly the same way.

There is a complicated DAC table for every vessel, listing all the components.  Whenever you take damage, the computer "rolls dice" and allocates damage.  The mechanics are kinda complex, enough to be effectively random in many cases.  

Your ship doesn't explode when all the components are destroyed.  One of the components is HULL, and when that has taken enough damage you are dead.  Not until then.  

In SFC, due to the layout of the DAC, you were often completely crippled long before you ran out of hull.  In SFC3, the DAC appears to be a lot different, and the opposite is true.

A lot of us hate the new DAC, because you have ships that have 1% Hull, but full weaps, shields, and energy.  Taldren promised the damage system was going to be tweaked in the patch.

Robb Stark

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Re: Overload Heavy weapons on SFC III
« Reply #42 on: February 06, 2003, 10:28:32 pm »

In SFC, due to the layout of the DAC, you were often completely crippled long before you ran out of hull.  In SFC3, the DAC appears to be a lot different, and the opposite is true.

A lot of us hate the new DAC, because you have ships that have 1% Hull, but full weaps, shields, and energy.  Taldren promised the damage system was going to be tweaked in the patch.

If I recall the way the SFB DAC (ugh... acronym city) was set up, there was a thing called "excess damage" or something on your ship, and when you lost all of that, your ship was history.  The thing was, you had to destroy a lot of stuff before you could get to those last few boxes.  You could only reach them if you'd destroyed a bunch of other systems already.  It was a good setup.

They never officially released the SFC 1&2 DAC, but since it was based on SFB, it wasn't a big mystery.

Another difference between the new and old game:  in the new game, hull integrity is its own thing, wheras in the old game the "hull" bar was actually a representation of your ship's collective systems.  Therefore, when you repaired a system, you ended up getting back a certain degree of "hull."  Now, you can repair your systems even after your hull strength has been reduced - so if you get lucky, you can fix up almost all your systems to maximum operational levels after they've been damaged, even if your hull is severely damaged.  

Having played with the Beta patch, I can say that if it represents the amount of tweaking that you're going to see, it still isn't anywhere near the way the older (and, in my opinion, better) system was.  What I have done personally is modified the Hit Points of numerous systems.  For example, I've tried edititng the .gf files to take the Hit Points of a Photon Torpedo launcher down to something like 10, rather than 25.  If you do that, you end up getting a lot more system damage before the ship finally blows.  Also, it makes subsystem targeting much more viable.

All in all, this leads me to concluded that one of the easiest improvements they could make in the game is reducing the Hit Points of subsystems, except perhaps for the Warp Core (which is already vulnerable enough).  

RAGE Cyberbeer

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Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2003, 11:22:16 pm »
How much internal damage can a Sov take with the following loadout:
Armor V
5 quantums
3 XIIF phasers
and Warp X

In addition, how much damage does a volley of fully overloaded quatums do?
Finally, are there ways to cheat in the game to the point that playing a game on GSA can not detect it?  If such an issue exist will the patch prevent it?  


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2003, 11:33:47 pm »

How much internal damage can a Sov take with the following loadout:
Armor V
5 quantums
3 XIIF phasers
and Warp X

Depends on how much damage hits the hull, and how much hits other components.  Luck plays a bit of a factor.


In addition, how much damage does a volley of fully overloaded quatums do?

Define "volley."  It has a few different meanings in SFC3.  A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.


Finally, are there ways to cheat in the game to the point that playing a game on GSA can not detect it?  If such an issue exist will the patch prevent it?  

Technically, since SFC3 is peer-to-peer, it is literally impossible to make a cheat-proof game.  You can only do it with a client/server arrangement, and then it's just *almost* impossible.  I'm not aware of any cheater programs for SFC3 geared towards GS, but I don't play on it.  Perhaps someone else can chime in here.


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #45 on: February 07, 2003, 05:11:15 am »

Define "volley." It has a few different meanings in SFC3. A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.  

Damage goes up as well with officer experience and multiple-torpedovolley. That can be quite a lot of damage then. (i don't know how much, but it is certainly more)  


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #46 on: February 07, 2003, 11:18:35 am »
so time to squeeze on some quantum torpedoes to replace those old photons when the tac officer reaches legendary eh.


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Re: Was'nt sure how to start a new thread...
« Reply #47 on: February 07, 2003, 04:10:17 pm »


Define "volley." It has a few different meanings in SFC3. A single fully overloaded Quantum does 50% more damage, so it does 19.5 damage.  

Damage goes up as well with officer experience and multiple-torpedovolley. That can be quite a lot of damage then. (i don't know how much, but it is certainly more)  

IIRC, damage reachs up to about +30% with a lvl 6 officer, I believe.  Multivolleys (if ALL of them hit) do what... +40%.  It's been so long I don't remember here.

I think both of these numbers are listed here:

...but I don't have time right now to dig it up.  Look there if you are interested.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Vertigo »